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"Tony Blair Stole My Homework"

WhatReallyHappened | 06.02.2003 23:57

As an earlier post indicates Downing Street's February Iraq Dossier, which was a basis for Powell's speech to the UN, turns out (a) plagiarized (b) based on data captured in the First Gulf, 12 years ago (see ) LET US USE THIS TO ATTACK AND DESTROY THE DOWNING STREET lie-machine

As an earlier post indicates Downing Street's February Iraq Dossier, which was a basis for Powell's speech to the UN, turns out (a) plagiarized (b) based on data captured in the First Gulf, 12 years ago (see ) LET US USE THIS TO ATTACK AND DESTROY THE DOWNING STREET lie-machine

Future historians may well record today as the beginning of the endgame in the effort by the powerful few to impose a Mideast war of conquest on the rest of the world. The British Dossier relied upon so heavily by Colin Powell in his speech before the United Nations stands exposed as a fraud, plagiarized from a student's thesis. Far from being a report on the current state of Iraq, much of the material in the plagiarized report was from before the first Gulf War.

In a single stroke, Bush's case for war in Iraq has been shattered. The reliance on a dossier plagiarized from a student destroys the credibility of Colin Powell's entire case. Nobody dares assume that any of the other material presented is as Powell claimed it to be. Are the photos and intercepts real? Are the translations exact? Nobody knows, and only fools dare assume so.

More than credibility, the very fact that the warhawks thought they could pull a fast one like this and get away with it shows a disturbing lack of judgment and common sense, along with the total absence of professional ethics. The mentality of those in power, as revealed by this latest embarrassment, is clearly that of delinquent school children cheating on exams. War is a horrible enough affair without being placed in the hands of moral infants.

The mainstream media polls have been trumpeting that Colin Powell's speech convinced a majority of Americans of the need for war. Not that I trust the accuracy of those media polls, but in hindsight, it is clear that Colin Powell has made total fools of all those who trusted and believed his speech. All those who did answer in the affirmative for war based on Colin's speech look like total idiots, taken in by a con-job using stolen term papers. It will likely be a long time before they will listen to anything Powell, or for that matter the US Government says for a long time to come, without a healthy dose of skepticism.

So, where does that leave Bush and the four horse's asses of the Apocalypse? They still want their war. However, they have lost what Sun Tzu calls the "Moral Law", which causes a people to follow their rulers into war regardless of personal danger. Few Americans will spend their money or their blood in a war to conquer oil because they know such a war is not moral. Bush tried to manufacture Moral Law out of 9-11, then weakened the Moral Law moving to quickly to shift that Moral Law onto Iraq.

With the collapse of Powell's case before the UN, Bush has lost the Moral Law. The American people, who are for the most part a just and fair people, will not support a war to conquer oil. All the military technology in the world cannot win a war if the soldiers who must control the field know they are not fighting a moral war. That's why the USSR lost Afghanistan.

If Bush attempts to invade Iraq without Moral Law, he will lose that war. The population will not willingly pay for it, and soldiers will desert in numbers too great to court-martial and shoot, or at the very least will engage in small sabotages, such as the British sailors who recently threw their mandated vaccines overboard.

That leaves only one possibility; to regain the Moral Law. Of course, the only way to regain the Moral Law is to convince the United States that it is under attack and has no choice but to invade the enemy, in defense, of course. Remember when we were "attacked" with the Anthrax letters? Even though the letters inside appeared to come from Arabs, the actual Anthrax was from a US biological warfare laboratory. History records many governments that arranged for attacks on their own people to further a political agenda. Such grand deception is as old as Rome.

The talking heads, many on tape delay, are still lauding Colin Powell's performance at the UN and proclaiming his case a convincing one. It is up to YOU to make copies of the following story and see to it that every radio and TV station and newspaper in your area understands that Powell's case was based in part on a stolen student essay, and that far from being a report on Iraq today, contained information from before the first Gulf War.

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Ask for independent journalistic investigatio

07.02.2003 17:04

Totally agree. Yesterday I sent an e-mail to BBC News demanding a report on the validity of the claims made by the Blair Government. Not only the dossier, but other previous claims should be reviewed restrospectivelly and judged from a independent journalistic point of view. There must be some rebels inside the BBC because today BBC News reported that this issue is turning the attention on the kind of intelligence and claims made by UK officials up to now.

Press the BBC to recheck the validity of all claims made by the government at:

No passarán!!!
