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The Sun war wongering scum!

Harlequin | 06.02.2003 19:04

The Sun newspaper has been beating the war drum the loudest and today printed a blatent lie about links between Iraq and Al Qaeda! The Sun supported the last Gulf and after the poll tax and other political riots published photos urging readers to grass them up. But there demands for war are the worst! In 1986 they also sacked thousands of their own print workers and replaced them with scab labour.

When is there going to be a mass picket of the Sun newspapers HQ or something. These people are far worse than the BNP or any fascist group!



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How about in the evening of feb15

06.02.2003 19:28

Lets add it to the list folks.

mail e-mail:


06.02.2003 22:42

Powell should have uncorked his viall of anthrax at the UN and the Earth would have been rid of all it's vile warmongers, for ever.


Wipe out the scourge of 'The Sun' permanently

07.02.2003 01:33

These pathetic fools of 'The Sun' should be destroyed once and for all. They have no place in a civilised world. Boycott their papers,run smear campaigns against them and use all means to destroy this evil news outlet once for good. Sun go back to jungle where you scum belong if you like bombing countries just for your amusement. Your war mongering sickens me!


Burn baby Burn

07.02.2003 11:21

Often, delivery vans leave piles of newspapers outside Newsagents before they open in the morning. If people particularly hate a headline/story in the racist, lying, BNP supporting Sun or Mail, then they can simply steal them, burn them or hide them. That'd stop their lies from being read by anyone in the first place. All you'd have to do is watch Newsnights, check out the headlines which will hit the streets in the morning, put your alarm on for 4/5am and pick your target. Go in disguise if possible, and check for CCTV on the way.

hegemonic controller


07.02.2003 14:20

but is'nt that a bit exactly like bookburning censorship?
you're not in with a good crowd there, e.g. Nazi germany
but i agree the SUN is a good standin when the bogroll runs out.



07.02.2003 14:45

what about replacing the real copies of the SUN with fake copies full of REAL information. maybe replacing articles on how much you should be afraid of and hate foreigners and support slaughter of 3rd world , with incitements to create autonomous local cooperatives and dismantle Whitehall brick by brick.
white van man release the peace!


go back 2 the jungle?

07.02.2003 14:54

YO Dessan!
whats wrong with the jungle?
i went there and most people were very friendly. they gave me some fish soup and i watched them burn the forest down so they could get a clear shot at the monkeys., and plant bananas. they are chilled as fuck and don't read the SUN, or any jungle equivalent
in fact if it wasn't for the insects i would live there.

i can't beleive that in dissing the SUN, you guys have proposed both bookburning AND deportation to the "jungle". this is the sort of shit you get IN the SUN!

white van man

no platform to racists

07.02.2003 17:09

In burning or stealing/hiding (hiding probably being the best option as you could argue that its not even theft) piles of the Sun, you are effectively preventing the crime of incitement to racial hatred. Its just like Unions usually refuse fascist speakers.

Sure, liberals bleat on about the right to free-speech, but these nazi fuckers are gonna kill that 'right', just you see. You can't fight the far-right by letting them get away with writing articles that encourage racial hatred and war. I'd like to know how you'd deal with the asylum bashers at the Sun?
