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Stoke-on-Trent action group calls in BNP

Thomas J | 06.02.2003 14:26

The front page of the Stoke Sentinel today reflects the shock that an action group in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, has decided to call in the BNP as they believe that they are the only party that will listen to their concerns on asylum-seekers.

Residents in Tunstall, a deprived area of Stoke-on-Trent, last night made the shock decision to call in the BNP. Members of the newly formed Tunstall Action claim that one of the few ways in which to improve their quality of life is to turn to the far-right party, and that mainstream parties are 'not listening' to their concerns about asylum seekers, who they blame for falling house prices, and a decline of living standards in Tunstall.
This decision has cause communtiy leaders to act with dismay with the residents decision to turn to the BNP. Stoke North MP Joan Walley said: "There is a huge gap between people's perceptions and the true situation. There is no way that the BNP and the protest that they represent will deal with the situation."

The editoral comment in the Sentental claims that "asylum seekers make up far less than one percent of Stoke-on-Trent's population. Yet their impact of their badly managed arrival is threatening to change the city forever", and blames "the failure of the city's political institutions to address the issues which is driving ordinary members of the public to ask Far Right extremists for help."

Authors note: The above is simply a summary of an article of the Stoke Sentinel, and does not reflect the opinion of the authour. I would like to comment that the decline of living standards in Tunstall and other deprived areas in Stoke-on-Trent is due to the demise of the pottery industry, and the lack of anything to replace it. The failure of anti-fascist groups to adress peoples precived concerns on asylum seekers is another problem, as is they are often simply denounce the BNP without understanding why people vote for them (in last year's mayoral elections, the BNP candidate got 3rd place in Stoke-on-Trent). Sadly it's been the case throughout history that the most vunerable in society are often the most scapegoated, and today that scapegoat is asylum seekers, even though their share of the population of Britain is very small.

Thomas J


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BNP/Daily Express

06.02.2003 15:39

yeah, the whole asylum seeker deal is really worrying...can't the mail/sun/express etc get prosecuted for inciting racial hatred? i read an article by a holocaust survivor living in the UK saying that the media coverage & general atmosphere in the UK towards asylum seekers reminded her of pre-war Nazi Germany and the Jews....
what i don't get is that these piece of shit papers fill their pages with anti-asylum seeker propagandha, but denounce the BNP, even though the BNP offers exactly the kinda policies that they seem to asking for...
the UK is 10th out of the 15 EU countries in no. of asylum seekers as a ratio of the population so the whole 'soft touch' 'we get flooded' arguments are bollocks...and the war that all the rightwing papers are gagging for is only gonna increase the numbers coming here....
the daily mail is continuning a proud tradition though. In 1938 their editorial said 'the number of stateless Jews flooding into the country from every port from Germany is becoming an outrage, we must not let any more in'


The voice of the young people of Tunstall concerning the BNP

25.02.2004 16:32

We think that the BNP is a racist party and is only good for inciting racial violence and should cease to exist. TYO is trying to create harmony between different communities in Tunstall, the BNP is just causing tension and trouble. But we need to realise who lets them exist and they should also put their hands up and accept responsibility. Furthermore we challenge the BNP to an intellectual discussion based upon rational thinking on various issues such as Asylum seekers, Racial violence and any other issues. We hope the BNP accepts our challenge sincerely instead of hiding behind the press and comes out and discusses.

Tunstall Youth Organisation