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News (?) from the Bavarian "poison kitchen"

loeti | 06.02.2003 11:03

Translation of article on de.indymedia about the violence hype in the run-up to the NATO "security" conference in Munich

Similarly to last year - there had been talk of
about 3,000 "ready-for-violence chaotics" that
wanted to "de-glass" Munich -, the "poison kitchen"
of the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior is bubbling
hot again. Minister Guenter Beckstein, "Wadlbeisser"
(calf biter) by the grace of state prime minister
Stoiber, is, according to news magazine Focus,
hallucinating of "downright excesses of violence"
this coming weekend. "On the basis of calls
distributed also by internet, according to our
present insight, some hundreds of ready-for-violence
extremists from Germany and the neighbouring states
want to come here", the ministry's press
communication is sounding off, reminiscent of last
year's soundtrack. False reports by Bavarian
"slouch hats" do not gain in credibility by being
warmed up year after year!

"The massive riots on occasion of the Davos World
Economic Forum that were cause by about 1,000
Swiss 'autonomous ones' (howyousay in Engl:
Anarchists, Black Blockers or something similarly
evil... - transl.) on 25th of January, 2003, in Bern"
are supposed to document the considerable danger
potential for the "security conference" in Munich,
and to justify the use of about 3,500 police officers
(false parkers beware!). "Every militant extremist
should be aware that the officers will act with a
low threshold of engagement. They will not wait and
look on when legal restraints of the demonstration
are massively violated, passers-by are afflicted,
or window panes broken", thusly Beckstein was
spitting "poison and gall". - With respect,
Mr. Beckstein, the only ones you will terrify with
your verbal acrobatics are Munich shopkeepers who,
like last year, will barricade themselves in and
then complain about reduced turnover in their
winter sales.

Even the Munich police board is distancing itself
from Beckstein. "At this point there are no
indications of riots. In all the internet
communications of the 72 groups that are rallying
for the protest this weekend in Munich, there are
no calls for violence. Also, from the side of the
German Verfassungsschutzaemter ("offices for the
protection of the constitution", i.e. the interior
secret service), there are currently no indications
that violent trouble makers are forming up for a
demonstration in Munich", so the Munich police
directorate, according to the Sueddeutsche Zeitung
newspaper of 4th February 2003.

Why this attempt to heat up the public mood? -
Already last week, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung ran
the headline "Police preparing for riots", now
Beckstein is pouring more oil on the fire in order
to prepare already in the run-up the grounds for
a public opinion to be sympathetic to a tough
clampdown by the police force. Parallels to last
year are showing up in the "Bavarian way" of
dealing with protests: Excessive controls and
searche on all the main roads and trains to
Munich, probably to be extended to the entire
country. - Say hi to the police state, leave your
basic rights at the Bavarian state border!

Intimidate, diffamate, arrest, and beat'em up,
the Bavarian metropolis is showing its dark heart.
For the warlords there'll be Champagne, the
demonstrators will be greeted by Bavarian water
cannons, that is their idea of democracy. He is
in the right who has the power to impose injustice,
is what they believe. - We'll teach them differently,
our protest and resistance will be so big (10,000 +)
and loud this year, that even their lordships in
the Bayrischer Hof (where the conf takes place,
-transl.) won't be able to ignore them.

See you in Munich, on the Marienplatz

Friday, 7th February, 5pm - demonstration against
the official reception by the city

Saturday, 8th February, 12 noon - international
demonstration against the NATO "security" conference.
variety pre-programme from 10 am.

Press Group - Alliance Against the NATO Security
