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Workers walk out against the war

Sammy Douglas | 05.02.2003 20:46

Workers walk out against the war

OK, so I've seen a few bits a pieces about a potential walk out of workers on the day after war breaks out, but so far I've seen no SOLID co-ordination or plans.(Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places)
A walk out would obviously be most effective if everyone in the country were to do so at exactly the same time for a specified period of time.
Any ideas as to how this could be best co-ordinated and advertised?
I was thinking that since a fair amount of people in the country are temp/short contract workers and could therefore be sacked at the drop of a hat, that a walkout of between 30mins and an hour would have both the desired effect and be (perhaps) a non-sackable period of time.
The demo on the 15th is obviously gonna be massive and that will send a big signal out to the Blair posse, but it has to be sustained and followed up by very different actions from as wide a range of the population as possible if it is to be effective. The government can brush off a million or so marchers (especially since the government are setting up conditions for a riot afterwards) but they would be harder pressed to brush off even half that amount downing tools ,as it were, and actually damaging the economy for a short time.
My gut reaction is for a midday walk-out of half an hour the day after the first bombing, with perhaps a roadblockade just to ensure the event is reported by the Evening Pest type papers.

Your thoughts please....

Sammy Douglas


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sick of the war

05.02.2003 22:07

In Bristol (and some pockets of the US who have picked up the idea) there is a 'sick of the war' movement building.
The basic idea is that with many people on temp contracts etc we can't expect people to call a strike. What we do have is the right to call in sick.
"sorry boss i turned on the radio, heard about all the death and felt physically sick- it's just got worse all day"
This free's people up for a day of civil disobedience without laying their job's on the line, and the economic system takes an (admittedly small) dent to profits.
If you will help publicise this idea/meme it could be the start of somthing big.


School walkout

06.02.2003 17:16

I'm helping to plan a walkout for our 6th form which seems to be going nicely. Any solidarity protests by other schools or colleges would be great. I'll post some more details when we've finalised the idea.
