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Strong proofs presented

CIA public | 05.02.2003 16:25

satellite exposures: Rolling laboratories

Strong proofs presented
Strong proofs presented

Powell has presented the UN security council the conclusive proofs 20 minutes ago to legitimatize the raid on Iraq and to set an masacre on over 100,000 Iraqi civilian people.

CIA public
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proof positive!

05.02.2003 17:06

Well, that proves it! A blurry grey-and-white photo of.. erm.. some buildings and roads, and what look like football pitches. Footballs of Mass Destruction! Off to war we go!

I mean, fercryinoutloud, couldn't that just as easily be an arial photo of part of Middlesborough?


Buy one and get another print free!!!

05.02.2003 20:47


This is definitely and absolutely the definitive absolute proof!!!

I can clearly see the dishonest Iraqis moving WMDs out of the factories by the back doors as the inspectors come in by the front.

And just look at that two dishonest Iraqis outside that factory smirking!!!

With such high tech that the Americans have there is simply no way the Iraqis can hide their deception.

Just this picture is good enough for me, never mind Phoney Tony or Jack Straw with their further assurances of definite and absolute proof.

Black with White Lies

utter crap repeated over and over from the US

06.02.2003 00:11

and how about the telephone conversation for proof...what a load of bullshit! I speak arabic and i didn't understand a thing they were saying apart from that one fellow was saying that he had a car...the translators added whatever the US wanted it to say. And why was it so distorted the phone call? Surely with all that satellite technology that the US possesses they could listen to a call without it being so crackly..It looks like its another unsuccessful attempt to dupe the world into going to war like they did with afghanistan and the fake binny videos.
