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Counters for 15th Feb?

Special Branch | 05.02.2003 15:50

We need people counters!!!!!

Why has the STWC looked over this?

It is absolutely imperitive that we have concrete evidence of the numbers present.

The countryside alliance understood this and put it to great effect, so why the fuck can't the STWC?!?

MI5/6 need the public to belive that the anti-war movement is a "dwindling minority" for them to carry on with their war effeorts.

It is very easy to say that only a fraction of the people were there, COME ON PEOPLE FOR PITYS SAKE, LEARN BY YOUR MISTAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BigWigs from the STWC please comment and/or special branch/MI5 tell me it won't work.....................

Special Branch


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Lies, Damn lies and counters

05.02.2003 18:09

It was bullshit when the BFSS (Countryside aLIEance) did it and it would be no better if we did it. The counters on the countryside alliance march were abbused to inflate the figures and the pro-hunt editors of the majority of our national newspapers helped to reinforce the lie.

If the police dicide to play down the numbers on a march and the mainstream media continue the lie then it doesn't mater what we say.

It seems likely that we will have around twice as many people as we had last time and a million people will be hard to play down.


authoritarian usefulness

06.02.2003 10:11

one thing the Stalinist pricks in ANSWER managed to do well for the January 18th demonstrations in San Francisco was rent a helicopter and shoot aerial photographs of the demo. it was a very effective way of showing the numbers present, perhaps our Trot friends in the StWC could manage something similar....

To see what I mean, check out
