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BP petrol station 'blockade'

freespirit | 04.02.2003 15:37

Protesters gathered at a BP petrol station in West London as part of the International Day of Action against oil dependence and its links to war: As the banners put it 'OIL FUELS WAR' and 'NO WAR FOR OIL'

Petrol station 'blockade': oil/war action at London BP petrol station: Tuesday 4 February.

A large group of protesters gathered at a BP petrol station in Hammersmith, West London, as part of the International Day of Action involving protests at petrol stations (300 across the USA).

The BP station was selected for the protest as a prime example of BP's attempts at 'greenwash' - the pumps are driven by solar panels on the roof (shame about the pollutants being pumped out of them). BP were also rewarded with the company of protesters because of their involvement in the proposed Baku-Ceyhan pipeline. They are also one of many oil companies with their eyes on Iraq's oil reserves.

The protest drew many beeps of support from passing motorists (and only one or two heckles from crazy nutters bawling for WAR!). Complimentary coffees from the shop helped protesters brave the icy winds and blizzard.

As the banners put it: 'OIL FUELS WAR', 'NO WAR FOR OIL' and 'END OIL DIGGING/END OIL USE'.



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Text of leaflet handed out

04.02.2003 17:17

Here's the text of the leaflet handed to passers-by, motorists and the deluded folk who think that buying sandwiches at petrol stations is kind of OK. (Actually they make more money from the shop than the petrol,
which is a messed up sort of loss-leader...)


("We have let it be known that the thing we would like to make sure, if Iraq changes regime, is that there should be
a level playing field for the selection of oil companies to go in there if they're needed to do the work there."
John Browne, Chief Executive, BP)

Today we are joining people around the world who are protesting against our dependence on oil. In the US alone there are over three hundred demonstrations outside petrol stations. Here in London we (London Rising Tide) are saying 'no' to BP's Burning Planet, (not to mention its Bullshit Propaganda!)

The corruption of the oil economy makes us support the dictatorships which keep supplying us (Saudi Arabia, Burma, Nigeria, Kuwait) and bomb those that become unreliable (Iraq, Iran, Libya). Around the world people who challenge the oil economy are imprisoned, tortured and assassinated. Oil creates pollution at all levels of production - at the wellhead, along the pipeline, at the refinery and from its shipping. When the oil is burnt it poisons our air and feeds the catastrophic climate change that threatens all our futures.

For more information on London Rising Tide, including our actions to prevent BP's planned Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, and our plans to help shut down BP's AGM on April 24th, email:

See also: &

…there's no such thing as a good - or green - oil company!…

Rodney d'Isgrace
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Why not target petrol stations on February 15

04.02.2003 18:06

Why not target petrol stations on February 15 when there will be tens of thousands of protesters in London and Glasgow. Instead of just having another A to B march lets have several interactive protests that will really empower people. Already there is the mass sit down protest at Piccadilly Circus after the main demo but why stop at that lets make February the 15th a whole day of anti-war actions going on late into the evening!
