Scalar Strike On Columbia Ends WW3?
dh | 04.02.2003 00:04
Scalar Strike On Columbia Ends WW3?
High Profile Target Makes For Devastating Blow
February 1st, 2003
Composite image shows shuttle breakup
and default Google logo for Feb 1, 2003
--celebrating Chinese New Year
A scalar-burst strike on the US space shuttle Columbia has struck a debilitating preemptive blow to Anglo-American plans for a Middle-East takeover.
Psychological warfare tactics were to the fore in continuing pre-conflict skirmishing over the planned US-UK invasion of the Middle-East. This time the blow was devastating, as the Columbia ran into an electromagnetic 'wall,' in the sky over Texas.
On Saturday 1st February, 2003 a scalar Tesla Howitzer weapon --aimed at downing the US space shuttle Columbia was phenomenally successful and will leave red faces in the Pentagon.
Despite the media spin of an unfortunate accident, the nature of the crash of Columbia was evident from eyewitness accounts. The telltale sonic boom from the deployment of the weapon was so strong: "It was like a car hitting the house or an explosion. It shook that much," John Ferolito, 60, of Carrolton, north of Dallas, told the Associated Press.
Media reports put the noise down to the effects of the shuttle breakup, but this is clearly spurious. The shuttle was gliding at 203,000 feet. That works out to almost 40 miles. Aircraft-generated sonic booms 40 miles up in super-thin air do not shake homes at ground level. Nor do small debris parts. Just try generating air pressure changes at ground level when 40 miles up -no matter how fast you are going.
Click [HERE] for expanded view
Just after a previous shuttle launch in November, 1985 a sonic boom occurred over the launch site, after the shuttle had departed. The same effects took place on least two previous shuttle launches. Scalar expert T. E. Bearden put these down to testing of the weapons.
The scalar boom effect is caused in way similar to a thunderstorm. In that case the lightning cleaves apart large masses of air which boom. The scalar weapon can generate a massive version of the same effect. This is not a "beam" weapon like the one used to down the two WTC towers. It remotely produces local space-time distortion effects by connecting through the complex plane around which all space-time is wrapped.
Quite how top military brass managed to hang out an irresistibly attractive lure for targeting, remains to be answered. If gross incompetence was the reason, then perhaps their war might better be delayed until the US-UK Axis has some competent military strategic leadership in place.
Let's just recap: First, the shuttle was launched in the middle of a tense period of nuclear weapon sabre-rattling between the US and China -with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) acting as the Chinese proxy and battleground. Second, the propaganda highlight of the mission was the onboard presence of an Israeli researcher. Third, the shuttle was scheduled to land in the middle of Chinese New Year celebrations. Fourth, it was scheduled to glide in over US president Bush's home state of Texas on final approach.
Given that taking the shuttle out with scalar weapons (known to be in the possession of a number of opponents of the Anglo-American cabal) was always going to be a straightforward matter, the question is: who the **** allowed this shuttle mission to go ahead at this time??
Today, February 1st, 2003 the China People's Daily online edition reported the DPRK's ambassador to Russia, Pak Ui-chun, warning in Moscow on Friday that the DPRK would take "adequate measures to counter a possible United States preemptive attack."
Adequate measures indeed. When the People's Daily reports the words of the DPRK ambassador there is a certain significance to such a report --under the headline "DPRK Warns It Will Take Measures in Face of US Threat."
As we recently reported, last week the US was hit with a scalar manipulation of weather, when a large high pressure area diverted cold air down from Canada, but the US Administration did not seem to get the message.
And so they left the space shuttle Columbia hung out on a limb for INEVITABLE targeting. This failure was overseen by military planners possessed with what can only be described as mind-boggling levels of incompetence.
If this is the leadership the US is relying upon to win a war in the Middle-East then expect George Bush to join the antiwar protesters tomorrow. Have these top brass ever heard of PsyOps? Presumably they have, as they run a huge PsyOps effort themselves.
So why offer such an unbelievably enticing PsyOp target such as Columbia in the context of all the above? The impact on the US population could not be greater -entirely negating the 'positive' military psychological and diplomatic advantages of this cabal having staged the 9/11 attacks in the first place. Even judged by the deeply flawed logic of global imperialist ambitions, what's the point of sacrificing 3,500 people to ensure the survival of the 'free world,' if you are going to squander that blood-earned 'advantage' like this?
It's the equivalent of going to war by unzipping your fly, and inviting your opponent to kick you in the **lls?! Pardon the rough terms in this tract. Sometimes words of three or less, and five or more, letters are insufficient to adequately express angered, bewildered outrage.
After the outrage we still have to figure why, and what next. Here's the why: This failure is the clear result of arrogance married to incompetence. Prudent planning would have anticipated the potential disaster, but prudence is a strange bedfellow to the arrogance born of expectations of hegemony as a birthright.
Yes, on the domestic scene the story is already being spun frantically along the lines of: "tiles came loose(insufficient cause)," and "valiant astronauts," to minimize the damage to national psychology. But nevertheless there will be significant effects and nagging doubts in the minds of the domestic population.
What next: The unwashed masses in the USA may well swallow whatever McSpin the networks churn out for domestic consumption, but it is internationally that the real damage will be done. International allies and waverers will know the truth of the matter and are unlikely to to be unaffected. Time for a VERY big rethink in the Cabal.
Excuse me Mr. Bush. War on Terror? Run that slogan by me again please. I thought for a moment you said War in Error.
Update Feb 2 Columbia Strike Linked To Ariane Rocket Explosion
See: Scalar Weapons Threaten Axis of Earth
GuluFuture HomePage PAGE URL
Pick of The Net Previous
Scalar Weapons
Threaten Axis of Earth,
26 Jan 2003
Political Crisis Turns Up The Cold on USA. The State of the Union: is frozen solid.
Scalar weapons are being deployed to divert cold air down across the United states. A deadly dangerous game which threatens the very Axis of Earth itself. Hold your breath everybody --we have never before seen scalar weapons deployed at this level. ... Continued
Scalar Strike On Columbia Ends WW3?
High Profile Target Makes For Devastating Blow
February 1st, 2003
Composite image shows shuttle breakup
and default Google logo for Feb 1, 2003
--celebrating Chinese New Year
A scalar-burst strike on the US space shuttle Columbia has struck a debilitating preemptive blow to Anglo-American plans for a Middle-East takeover.
Psychological warfare tactics were to the fore in continuing pre-conflict skirmishing over the planned US-UK invasion of the Middle-East. This time the blow was devastating, as the Columbia ran into an electromagnetic 'wall,' in the sky over Texas.
On Saturday 1st February, 2003 a scalar Tesla Howitzer weapon --aimed at downing the US space shuttle Columbia was phenomenally successful and will leave red faces in the Pentagon.
Despite the media spin of an unfortunate accident, the nature of the crash of Columbia was evident from eyewitness accounts. The telltale sonic boom from the deployment of the weapon was so strong: "It was like a car hitting the house or an explosion. It shook that much," John Ferolito, 60, of Carrolton, north of Dallas, told the Associated Press.
Media reports put the noise down to the effects of the shuttle breakup, but this is clearly spurious. The shuttle was gliding at 203,000 feet. That works out to almost 40 miles. Aircraft-generated sonic booms 40 miles up in super-thin air do not shake homes at ground level. Nor do small debris parts. Just try generating air pressure changes at ground level when 40 miles up -no matter how fast you are going.
Click [HERE] for expanded view
Just after a previous shuttle launch in November, 1985 a sonic boom occurred over the launch site, after the shuttle had departed. The same effects took place on least two previous shuttle launches. Scalar expert T. E. Bearden put these down to testing of the weapons.
The scalar boom effect is caused in way similar to a thunderstorm. In that case the lightning cleaves apart large masses of air which boom. The scalar weapon can generate a massive version of the same effect. This is not a "beam" weapon like the one used to down the two WTC towers. It remotely produces local space-time distortion effects by connecting through the complex plane around which all space-time is wrapped.
Quite how top military brass managed to hang out an irresistibly attractive lure for targeting, remains to be answered. If gross incompetence was the reason, then perhaps their war might better be delayed until the US-UK Axis has some competent military strategic leadership in place.
Let's just recap: First, the shuttle was launched in the middle of a tense period of nuclear weapon sabre-rattling between the US and China -with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) acting as the Chinese proxy and battleground. Second, the propaganda highlight of the mission was the onboard presence of an Israeli researcher. Third, the shuttle was scheduled to land in the middle of Chinese New Year celebrations. Fourth, it was scheduled to glide in over US president Bush's home state of Texas on final approach.
Given that taking the shuttle out with scalar weapons (known to be in the possession of a number of opponents of the Anglo-American cabal) was always going to be a straightforward matter, the question is: who the **** allowed this shuttle mission to go ahead at this time??
Today, February 1st, 2003 the China People's Daily online edition reported the DPRK's ambassador to Russia, Pak Ui-chun, warning in Moscow on Friday that the DPRK would take "adequate measures to counter a possible United States preemptive attack."
Adequate measures indeed. When the People's Daily reports the words of the DPRK ambassador there is a certain significance to such a report --under the headline "DPRK Warns It Will Take Measures in Face of US Threat."
As we recently reported, last week the US was hit with a scalar manipulation of weather, when a large high pressure area diverted cold air down from Canada, but the US Administration did not seem to get the message.
And so they left the space shuttle Columbia hung out on a limb for INEVITABLE targeting. This failure was overseen by military planners possessed with what can only be described as mind-boggling levels of incompetence.
If this is the leadership the US is relying upon to win a war in the Middle-East then expect George Bush to join the antiwar protesters tomorrow. Have these top brass ever heard of PsyOps? Presumably they have, as they run a huge PsyOps effort themselves.
So why offer such an unbelievably enticing PsyOp target such as Columbia in the context of all the above? The impact on the US population could not be greater -entirely negating the 'positive' military psychological and diplomatic advantages of this cabal having staged the 9/11 attacks in the first place. Even judged by the deeply flawed logic of global imperialist ambitions, what's the point of sacrificing 3,500 people to ensure the survival of the 'free world,' if you are going to squander that blood-earned 'advantage' like this?
It's the equivalent of going to war by unzipping your fly, and inviting your opponent to kick you in the **lls?! Pardon the rough terms in this tract. Sometimes words of three or less, and five or more, letters are insufficient to adequately express angered, bewildered outrage.
After the outrage we still have to figure why, and what next. Here's the why: This failure is the clear result of arrogance married to incompetence. Prudent planning would have anticipated the potential disaster, but prudence is a strange bedfellow to the arrogance born of expectations of hegemony as a birthright.
Yes, on the domestic scene the story is already being spun frantically along the lines of: "tiles came loose(insufficient cause)," and "valiant astronauts," to minimize the damage to national psychology. But nevertheless there will be significant effects and nagging doubts in the minds of the domestic population.
What next: The unwashed masses in the USA may well swallow whatever McSpin the networks churn out for domestic consumption, but it is internationally that the real damage will be done. International allies and waverers will know the truth of the matter and are unlikely to to be unaffected. Time for a VERY big rethink in the Cabal.
Excuse me Mr. Bush. War on Terror? Run that slogan by me again please. I thought for a moment you said War in Error.
Update Feb 2 Columbia Strike Linked To Ariane Rocket Explosion
See: Scalar Weapons Threaten Axis of Earth
GuluFuture HomePage PAGE URL
Pick of The Net Previous
Scalar Weapons
Threaten Axis of Earth,
26 Jan 2003
Political Crisis Turns Up The Cold on USA. The State of the Union: is frozen solid.
Scalar weapons are being deployed to divert cold air down across the United states. A deadly dangerous game which threatens the very Axis of Earth itself. Hold your breath everybody --we have never before seen scalar weapons deployed at this level. ... Continued
Hide the following 16 comments
Oh for fucks sake
04.02.2003 10:50
It's FAR more likely that The Powers-that-be are actively trying to discredit the Indymedia newswires with conspiracy and race hate bullshit than China using scalar weapons on the Space Shuttle...
Right. I'm off to the Grand Lodge with my beam weapon!
Fuck's Sake
04.02.2003 11:29
We've had one conspiracy theory posted here claiming that the "globalists" shot down the shuttle to psychologically prepare people for the war. And now another one claiming that the Chinese did it to psychologically scar people and prevent a war. This report also gives us the astounding piece of evidence that sonic booms have been heard during previous shuttle flights.
Obviously these were attempts to shoot down the shuttle and not just noises that tend to accompany objects moving faster than the speed of sound. :)
Of course, conspiracies do happen. But it's quite tiring that whenever a piece of news is spun in the headlines that a swarm of paranoiacs immediately start making up implausible theories about it. Indymedia is supposed to be news about grassroots struggles and activities (or so I thought).
How about refraining from posting conspiracy theories unless they have extensive sources and references which might give them some credibility.
Oh for fucks sake, 'fucks sake'
04.02.2003 11:45
If you think that the article was factually wrong or somehow the work of shady intelligence operatives present your evidence.
You have ample means to do so.
It appears you have the time also, having made the effort to post an empty salvo of traditional denial of everything you haven't read in the papers or watched on the tv [both highly passive activities].
Tell us why scalar weapons are nonsense.
Explain to us why Tesla was wrong and how his theories and experiments on scalar technology are flawed [perhaps you could correct his theories on electricity also]
Just what was the point of your posting?
You rubbish an article without ever explaining your thinking, or postulating any of your own.
You claim that 'passers by' will be disempowered, or be distracted by 'noise'. Why, if they have actively taken the oppotunity to be here and read?
If you are so concerned about the dilution of indimedia with 'conspiracy and race hate' why don't you outline the way intelligence services use htese mediums to spread disinfomation [hint - the best way to hide an emerging truth is to hide it between two lies, if this fails attact the messenger]
Grow up, stop treating those that you disagree with as idiots, stop rubbishing things you have not yet understood or can not be bothered to find out about AND STOP telling me what I can and can not post and read on this and other OPEN sites.
More info on scarlar technology
04.02.2003 11:49
Nice Try....
04.02.2003 12:48
And for fuck's sake - dh has done more to enrich this newswire and educate people with his lucid, fact-based, "conspiracy theories" than most and without his contribution the newswire would be an incredible and unreliable source of disinformation.
I assumed the Bush Cabal brought down the shuttle with a Tesla Howitzer to rally the patriots behind the 'War on terror' but an offensive by China (or Korea) is entirely plausible.
Yes, yet another pile of crap from dh
04.02.2003 14:21
bullshit buster
And by the way
04.02.2003 14:32
In solidarity, BB
bullshit buster
04.02.2003 16:09
Maybe its true but - so what, it doesn't change much if you have some broad awareness of what is going on in the world.
we've got too much to be getting on with to bother with this specific conspiracy stuff. the Con is everywhere and all it takes is a fearless and curious disposition to see thru it.
my main problem with conspiracy stuff is it takes too long to read, and its usually boring and self referential.
The rich lie, the poor die.
Oh I can just imagine ...
04.02.2003 17:33
Not only do [they] want to 'shout down' that which they don't understand or are not interested in, but apparrently THIS is their space and they have to 'reclaim it'.
Yeah go plant a flag pal.
I can sympathise with the lack of understanding shown about such things, after all it takes an active attitude to find out about such things - we don't all have the time.
I can sympathise with the lack of interest in such things, after all it takes a rare sort to be able to concentrate on everything pertinant to a situation - sometimes its better to stick within areas of familiarity or ease.
What I can't sympathise with, and find intolerable is outright ignorance and ego posturing.
Where did bullshit buster et al outline a case against the original posting?
I only saw a crude display of rudeness and ignorance.
So perhaps you think scalar WEAPONS - REPEAT WEAPONS - are irrelivant, perhaps you think geo-political confrontation to rarified for you?
Big deal.
Nothing suprises me less.
The unsophisticated and shrill attitude displayed here would look absurd and disturbing were it directed at other WMD's such as chemical, nuclear or biological, or if the political process/interaction of, say, israel and syria were treated similarly.
Don't be fooled by rampant macho egos, as displayed by our self appointed guardians of the web, YOU have a right to any and all information.
And the beauty is that it is readily available BECAUSE people like 'bsb' are NOT running the wire.
As for the personal insults - h2o off a mallards spine!
I'm staying silent on this
04.02.2003 22:14
oh and this
04.02.2003 23:00
Photos show odd images near shuttle
David Perlman, Chronicle Science Editor Sunday, February 2, 2003
A San Francisco amateur astronomer who photographs the space shuttles whenever their orbits carry them over the Bay Area has captured five strange and provocative images of the shuttle Columbia just as it was re-entering the Earth's atmosphere before dawn Saturday.
The pictures, taken with a Nikon-880 digital camera on a tripod, reveal what appear to be bright electrical phenomena flashing around the track of the shuttle's passage, but the photographer, who asked not to be identified, will not make them public immediately.
"They clearly record an electrical discharge like a lightning bolt flashing past, and I was snapping the pictures almost exactly . . . when the Columbia may have begun breaking up during re-entry," he said.
The photographer invited The Chronicle to view the photos on his computer screen Saturday night, and they are indeed puzzling.
They show a bright scraggly flash of orange light, tinged with pale purple, and shaped somewhat like a deformed L. The flash appears to cross the Columbia's dim contrail, and at that precise point, the contrail abruptly brightens and appears thicker and somewhat twisted as if it were wobbling.
"I couldn't see the discharge with own eyes, but it showed up clear and bright on the film when I developed it," the photographer said. "But I'm not going to speculate about what it might be."
I may not run the NEWSwire
05.02.2003 11:10
bullshit buster
Yeah right bsb ...
05.02.2003 13:58
I know the routine ... YOUR freedom and YOUR expression.
Seen it all before pal.
I ENCOURAGE you to post more bsb, we need cheering up!
Some food for thought
05.02.2003 14:29
Here's the thread on alt.conspiracy I'm on about:
I lost the orignal URL for the other stuff on the Tesla death ray, but it's relatively easy to find, just type 'Tesla' into Google, or it may be in the directiory entries.
As I say, I'm highly skeptical of this theory, and the same goes for a lot of conspiracies, but I just thought that this infomation could be of intrest to jacklucid, dh, et al. Not that you have to belive me, of course.
Thomas J
Diffusing so called "Scalar Weaponry"
24.02.2004 05:51
First off, everything Scalar Technology attempts to explain appears to be nothing more than a miss-representation of how standard Electro-Magnetic forces work. Physics will tell you the facts, for energy to get from one place to the other it must travel. There is no Vaccuum or void.. or instant teleportation of energy. This refutes the theory which uses multiple "Scalar Wave Rays" to destroy things by producing enormous energy releases where such "Rays" cross.
Electromagnetic Pulse weaponry is in fact much more feasible, reliable, and actually in the realm of physics. It can be shielded against, it does not harm humans though forces accompanying it in particular delivery formats may, and it can be shielded against with ease. Infra-red weaponry can ignite fuel in armored vehicles at range. However.. on an important note.. all of these weapons types can be shielded against, and again.. no instant teleportation of energy from one point to another. Plus, the magnitude of energy that is required to make such weapons functional makes them practically not feasible. Since there is a growing energy crisis, few nations will have the resources or desire to power such weaponry.
EMP is feasible.. it does not require an exceptional amount of magnetic force to generate an EMP field if one knows how. I'm not going to digress onto that topic however.
WW3 we are definitely in, but it is unlike any war in history and that will ever be again. It is in the hands of individuals now because of the fact that nations can no longer war directly due to the fact that war among nations comes at too great a cost. See Iraq as an example. Any nation entering a hot war in these modern times is actually going to find themselves wasting substantial resouces towards an ends that is unattainable. The power is in the hands of the globe's people now and that will inevitably determine the fate of mankind.
No reason for China to burst up space shutter .
09.06.2004 20:21
Why not china just put a dummy ship in the sea , ask CNN to be presence, then use the superman's weapon to rib it apart . Then to shoot space shutter which does scientific experiments like having spiders spin webs in space or repairing hubber space telescope ?
You think that everyone likes to kill astronauts is it ?
Please men , stop playing to much Warcraft.
jun hai