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space shuttle bomb

un | 03.02.2003 11:18

what ever the reasons for yesterdays space shuttle explosion (ET or otherwise), the main concern for us is did this shuttle contain large amounts of plutonium!!

In October 1997, NASA launched from Cape Canaveral the so-called Casini space probe to Saturn. And this one carried 72 lbs. of plutonium. Casini went up on a Lockheed Titan 4 rocket. Some of those rockets that exploded earlier during tests. Thankfully it did not blow up on lift off. But they were a little worried, because the local broadcast in the Cape Canaveral area urged people to shut their windows in case of explosion - they didnft even tell you to duck and cover.

The Mars 96 space probe was launched carrying 9.2 kilograms of plutonium, but the craft went out of control before it could reach earth orbit. US Space Command, which tracked the route of the craft, claims that it fell intact into the sea off the coast of Chile. Eye-witnesses, however, reported that they saw the craft falling in the border area between Chile and Bolivia where it disintegrated and burned. So far, no proof for either version has been presented although it would be reasonable to assume that the 9.2 kilos of plutonium vaporised in the atmosphere.

On June 10, 2002 NASA published the subject notice in the Federal Register reopening the public comment period for their Pluto-Kuiper Belt (PKB) mission environmental impact statement.
Written comments are due before July 25, 2002.

NASA is now considering launching the PKB mission on an expendable launch vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, in January 2006. NASA also now plans to use a conventional radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) in place of the advanced radioisotope power system originally planned.

Comments should include the following points:

1) Launching of plutonium RTG's is dangerous and in a worst case release could contaminate significant portions of the environment. Any environmental impact statement must give detailed description of the consequences of such an accident.

2) The processing and fabrication of RTG's at various Dept of Energy facilities is dangerous to workers and local communities.

3) NASA should be developing non-radioactive alternative power sources for deep space missions and until they do plutonium should not be launched into space.

4) Not just U.S. citizens would be impacted by a space plutonium accident. This is a global concern.

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the logic

03.02.2003 13:25

some spacecraft have contained plutonium
the shttle is a spacecraft
so the shuttle contains plutonium ....

why not go to the NASA website and find out what the power supply actually is?

and think why planetary probes might want to use plutonium power generators and why the shuttle doesn't.


Fair comment sceptic ...

03.02.2003 14:40

Perhaps there is no danger from radiation THIS time.
However, we should all be screaming the roof down about the issue of radioactive substances in space craft ... it only takes ONE accident in the upper reaches of the atmosphere to effectivly irradiate the whole world significantly.
Following from the bizzare and deeply disturbing atomic experiments in the upper atmos. during International Geophysical Year [IGY] in 1957/8, where mad scientists exploded a series of atomic devices [including a very powerful H-bomb], SIGNIFICANT changes have taken place in the electromagnetic properties of lower space/upper atmos.
No scientist has the right to experiment with the future of our planet.
No scientist has MY permission to use or experiment with radioactive substances in space.
This is the planet that I live on, where I am raising my family - any mad dog scientist that threatens this once more will have to answer to my rage - I will only consider justice done when every last living breath is extinguished from the body of those arrogant fools that seek to weaponise space or conduct their anal retentive scientific reductionism on the ONLY SOURCE OF LIFE AND NOURISHMENT that we on earth have available to us.
Consider this a warning and a manifesto.

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Die Bastard Americans

03.02.2003 18:52

Good riddance that these US space nazis died. One Shuttle crew less of New World Order carbon units.

Leon Czolgosz

helpless dupes, Leon

03.02.2003 22:50

Columbia Disaster—Major Global Ceremony! February 1, 2003
On 02-01-03, the space shuttle Columbia was destroyed as it completed its mission and returned to Cape Canaveral. There is such a huge amount of symbolic, ritual evidence that I have listed it below for you to assimilate. Keep Illuminati numerical symbolism in mind as you read the following:
• This was the 113th space shuttle flight.
• Columbia has been flying for 22 years (twinning).
• The shuttle took off on 01-16-2003, which equals a number 13.
• Ft. Hood, Texas is sending a recovery team calling it a 24/7 operation, which equals a number 13.
• CNN used a local station “13” in Florida to cover Cape Canaveral.
• The runway to which it was heading is Runway # 33 which is 3 miles long.
•02-01-03 leaves 333 days in this year.
• The event took place on the exact anniversary week of the Challenger accident in 1986.
• The event took place on the date of the Chinese New Year.

• The event took place on the date of a New Moon.
• Challenger exploded while taking off; Columbia exploded while landing—a completion cycle.
• Columbia exploded over Palestine, Texas with an Israeli astronaut on board.
• The Israeli astronaut fought in the Yom Kippur War and was on the mission in 1981 to destroy the Iraqi nuclear facility.
• The name "Columbia" is derived from "Columbus" which comes from the word "Calumba." This is the name of an Illuminati cult of the White Dove—a UN/Reptilian image, i.e., white, winged Reptilian descendents.
• Both the states of Florida and Texas are involved; both are politically connected to the Bush clan.
• Florida is the Sunshine State. Texas is the Lone Star State. The sun is our star. This is symbolic of Texas and Florida being twin stars, a reference to a binary star system.
• The space shuttle was launched on the 16th (7) for a 16-day mission (7) with (7) astronauts aboard. There are (3) 7s. There are 7 Reptilian species; all worship a 3-horned god.
• On board was an African-American, an Asian-American, a Jew, and two descendents of Committee of 300 families—Blair/Clark and Brown.
• The astronaut McCool is a name that shows double twinning symbology—“cc” and “oo.”
• An Indian and Israeli were both on board; both from nations with major issues against Muslims.
• Witnesses reported seeing "spirals in the sky" with a rumbling hum; evidence of a particle beam accelerator weapon?
• A 5.5 magnitude quake occurred approximately one hour after the event in Chiapas, Mexico, directly south of the explosion.

I will give more information as it becomes available. The above listing is simply the obvious. This event is the Global Ceremony for the Iraq war and staged alien invasion, both leading to the NWO and the New World Religion.


What's the New World Religion?

04.02.2003 04:51

What is the New World Religion?
