Has Al Qaeda Infiltrated the White House?
Concerned Australian | 01.02.2003 23:29
Has Al Qaeda Infiltrated the White House?
By Concerned Australian
It's painfully obvious that someone in the White House is lying. Are we really supposed to believe that there is a connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq? Oh come on, I know I'm not that stupid, are you?
Let's review a couple of simple home truths shall we.
Well for starters, Osama Bin Laden would not side with Saddam Hussein because he is an infidel in the eyes Islamic Extremist. Iraq isn't run by Islamic law and before the first Gulf war was allied with America. Even in 1988 when Donald Rumsfeld tried to get the Republican Presidential nomination he listed as one of his achievements as helping reopen US relations with Iraq. I'm sure if we probed deeper we could find even more reasons why Iraq and Osama don't see eye to eye.
Why then does America want to attack Iraq, well other than the repetitious propaganda that we hear on a daily basis? Could it be that Iraq is one if not the only Arab country that has the strength, determination and self identity not to allow Al Qaeda to infiltrate their government? For you to really understand what I'm trying to say, we need to review some other facts, like:
Has anyone else noticed that every time America gets a bee in it's bonnet and tries to attack, change or be rid or their enemies that they fail? For example, which communist country has America applied it's most concerted effort to be rid of? Answer: Cuba. Which communist country is still inexistence to this very day? Answer: Cuba. Then there is America's war on drugs, drug use now in America has never been higher and has resulted in America having one of if not the highest population living behind bars due to drug related crime. There is the first time they tried to get rid of Saddam Hussein, where they just gave up only a few kilometres from Baghdad for some mysterious reason. Then there is the Vietnam War which they didn't win, so in effect you could say they lost that war also and the list continues. When you take that all into account you start to realise it's safer to side with America's enemies because they are more than likely to be the victors.
So let's return to my theory that Al Qaeda has infiltrated the American government. Well when one takes into account that Osama and Saddam are no friends and that Saddam was previously encouraged by the American government to kill as many Mullahs in Iran as he could; of course using American weapons of mass-destruction it becomes clearer. If we also take into account the fact that with all of the Americans intelligence agencies that knew that the September 11th attack was imminent. That they were warning the American government and that they (the Bush Administration) ignored all advice seems so illogical unless it was a planned. Even with all of the intelligence services at Bush's disposal they still under estimated the strength of Al Qaeda and still do to this very day. However Bush would have the world believe that this threat has been eliminated, but has it? Where is Osama? And why are we more interested in killing Saddam and not finding the culprit of the devastation that occur in New York?
Furthermore if America does destroy Iraq they will be killing one of Osama's perceived enemies while enflaming Islamic hatred towards America even further.
I'll leave you to think about all this, maybe you'll come to the same conclusion as me. While they would have you believe that Saddam Hussein is the enemy, he and his country may actually be the cure for Islamic Extremists.
Concerned Australian
Concerned Australian