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Cult behind Climbié death wants to spread into Catford

Red And Black Club | 31.01.2003 12:29

The sinister Brazilian-based cult, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKD), want to turn Catford Cinema into a centre for their operations. This is the same cult which advised the killers of Anna Climbié that she was possessed by demons.

Cult behind Climbié death wants to spread into Catford

The sinister Brazilian-based cult, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKD), want to turn Catford Cinema into a centre for their operations. This is the same cult which advised the killers of Anna Climbié that she was possessed by demons.

There will be will a demonstration against the UCKD application at the corner of Sangley Road and Bromley Road on Saturday, February 1st at 12:00 midday.

Martin Angry of the Red & Black Club said: "That murderous cult is not welcome in our community."

A week before her death in February 2000, Anna Climbié's aunt, Marie-Thérèse Kouao, brought her to the cult's "deliverance service" at a converted cinema in Finsbury Park, north London. The child's frail body was completely covered, and her aunt told a pastor there that the girl was possessed. The pastor told Kouao that Anna had a "spiritual problem" and said he would fast for her. They were to return for a Friday service, where they would try to cast out the evil spirits. But the day before the service Kouao drove Anna there, barely conscious. Only then did the cult advise Kouao to take her to hospital. She died the next day.

The UCKD claims that everything wrong in your life is caused by demonic possession. In 1997, the Advertising Standards Authority banned a church poster that said: "Constant headaches, depression, insomnia, fears, bad luck, strange diseases . . . These are just a few symptoms caused by demons."

It also claims that you will succeed if you give them lots of money. One of their leaders told a congregation, "the more you give to the church, the more you will receive". Unsurprisingly, its founder, Edir Macedo, a former lottery assistant from Rio de Janeiro, is now a multi-millionaire, and lives in the United States. Macedo also claims he can cure AIDS.

The UCKD owns about 20% of Brazilian TV stations, as well as newspapers and radio stations and even a football team. Macedo has been investigated in Brazil several times for alleged tax fraud and links with the cocaine industry, though no prosecution resulted. In 1997, a report to the Belgian Parliament described it as an "authentic crime organisation".

The council is considering the cult's application 0n February 7.

For enquiries about the council application, contact Susan Wright, Development Control Team Leader South, Planning Service, 5th Floor, Laurence house, 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4SW, or email:

For enquiries about the Red & Black Club, telephone 07984588807
The demonstration is organised by the Red & Black Club, which is dedicated to promoting working class self-reliance and organisation, based in southeast London.

Red & Black Club, PO Box 17773, London SE8 4WX.

Red And Black Club


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