FOIL THE BASE! Action against spybase Menwith Hill 22nd March
Neighbourhoods Opposing War | 29.01.2003 22:50
Direct action can stop the War!
Creative direct action at US spybase Menwith Hill, 22nd March. Come to North Yorkshire and sabotage the war effort.
Creative direct action at US spybase Menwith Hill, 22nd March. Come to North Yorkshire and sabotage the war effort.
Foil the Base
North Yorkshire
March 22nd 2003
*** A day of peaceful creative direct action, music, speakers and a tour at US military base Menwith Hill, Yorkshire ***
Menwith Hill plays a crucial role in war on Iraq. As the largest electronic monitoring station in the world it picks up communications from satellites covering the Middle East – it even won an award for its eavesdropping in the last Gulf War. It is the ‘brains’ of any attack on Iraq.
Menwith is also a key base for the project of long-term military aggression - ‘Star Wars’.
To ‘foil the base’ – disrupt satellite signals at the base - there has To be as much metal foil in the air as possible. Bring foil kites, foil balloons, foil puppets – use your imagination!
All welcome.
Let’s make our demonstrations visible at the real heart of the military machine - if only a fraction of the people marching in London take action at military bases the war will become unworkable.
This time in March is the Spring Equinox – the turning of the seasons when night and day are of equal length. It’s the time to celebrate life’s ability to regenerate – to de-legitimise the military system and transform our frustration into hope and active resistance for a better world.
For direct action training, for speakers on Star Wars and Menwith Hill, or to be a transport organiser for your area contact Neighbourhoods Opposing War (NOW) at
For more info see
*** For those in the south, there will also be a 22nd March action at Fairford base, Gloucestershire - see ***
Foil the Base
North Yorkshire
March 22nd 2003
*** A day of peaceful creative direct action, music, speakers and a tour at US military base Menwith Hill, Yorkshire ***
Menwith Hill plays a crucial role in war on Iraq. As the largest electronic monitoring station in the world it picks up communications from satellites covering the Middle East – it even won an award for its eavesdropping in the last Gulf War. It is the ‘brains’ of any attack on Iraq.
Menwith is also a key base for the project of long-term military aggression - ‘Star Wars’.
To ‘foil the base’ – disrupt satellite signals at the base - there has To be as much metal foil in the air as possible. Bring foil kites, foil balloons, foil puppets – use your imagination!
All welcome.
Let’s make our demonstrations visible at the real heart of the military machine - if only a fraction of the people marching in London take action at military bases the war will become unworkable.
This time in March is the Spring Equinox – the turning of the seasons when night and day are of equal length. It’s the time to celebrate life’s ability to regenerate – to de-legitimise the military system and transform our frustration into hope and active resistance for a better world.
For direct action training, for speakers on Star Wars and Menwith Hill, or to be a transport organiser for your area contact Neighbourhoods Opposing War (NOW) at

For more info see
*** For those in the south, there will also be a 22nd March action at Fairford base, Gloucestershire - see ***
Neighbourhoods Opposing War