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Cybermyth Of The American Swastika: The Drama Unfolds

Marc Haley | 28.01.2003 13:36

On message boards the argument is eloquent sometimes, cudgel-humor wielding at other times. Sometimes both. This is a time of war with the threat of nuclear war a looming possibility; rhetoric is grim and deeply intentioned all over the internet.

Cybermyth Of The American Swastika: The Drama Unfolds
By Marc Haley

On message boards the argument is eloquent sometimes, cudgel-humor wielding at other times. Sometimes both. This is a time of war with the threat of nuclear war a looming possibility; rhetoric is grim and deeply intentioned all over the internet.

The internet, new tool of the new mind as the WWWorld becomes wired and gains a 24 hour eye with which to view itself.

Even though the rhetoric can oddly seem to consist of the same old Crossfire tennis match; rubber glue debating. Liberals bashing Conservatives bashing Liberals as if theirs were the only valid opinions.

But in the eighties this was closer to real. In the eighties it was only dems and the Grand Old Party, the other voices were effectively muted. These are decidedly different times. Little has changed but key factors have obviously mutated. The internet gives people of wildly veerying agendas a chance to speak out that is closer to equal.
Of course there is the Information gap; the number of literate Americans who are yet impoverished by current trends to thepointof being unable to access computers. But more people than ever can now look deeper for information. And perhaps there is the caveat. We SHOULD use search engines like Google whenever possible when the major medias are unable or unwilling to provide detail and analysis of current trends.If we don’t we can be easily and repeatedly fooled by the same groups, era after era.

In the time of WW2 computer science was strictly in the realm of conjecture. But much of the history remains.

Why do wars break out and continue to rage when billions of citizens protest? How is this cycle of madness propogated? Why did I have to partially transcribe a conversation on to get my message across?

i'll take that one

all wars are inherently unjust. they are the choices of people devoted overtly or secretly to evil.

they aren't the actions of the intelligent but the rationalizations of the tyrannical and crazed. every war through history has always been that way. when tyrants decide being kind, loving and open hearted isn't getting them the power they crave and the fear based respect they lust for they resort to violence. this is true for Bush, Genghis Khan, Ivan the Terrible or any schoolyard bully.

ANIMALS lack our intellectual power. they have an excuse. humans have other excuses, but all those excuses are lies.

will that do or would you like to insult me personally now?

So both sides are always devoted overtly or secretly to evil? So the whole world was wrong to defend itself against hitler and the japanese during ww2? Nice logic.


So we should of just "talked our way" into getting al queada during 9/11? That there is always a diplomatic solution to every problem?

Everything you say is not based on facts, it's based on a unrealistic philosophy that is more attuned to hiding it's head in the ground till all the bad things go away.

And how is Bush getting power? He is in office tops another 6 years. It's in our constitution.

But no, I am not going to lower myself to your standards and insult you. okay? Nice bait.
unrealistic? time will tell. there is a infamous section of humanity, a group that through all history has lied and insisted that its lies were reality. For the simple purpose of attaining and maintaining that groups’ grip on POWER.
they often follow up with extreme violence. they destroyed libraries in alexandria to keep people from knowing what they were up to. a bait and switch would be for me to change my argument. but the rationalization of military aggreassion is an ancient evil.

what, dare you imply that the genocide of the Japanese solved the Nazi problem?

Nazism wasn't stopped by dropping bombs on Japanese women and children. I read history. But the Nazi problem in the world today is as bad as it ever was, and it is crazy all over this country too.

Crazy. Like: there are a lot of Neonazi organizations in this country.

My head's glued to the news. i pay attention to what's going on in the world. and how is Bush getting power? when he's out in six years tops?

Hhe's got a son, doesn't he?

How well did you know Dubya when George Herbert Walker Bush was in power?

Americans with short memories make it so that people forget what has gone on short amounts of time ago. But i think, in response to your post, that being able to intimidate opposition and obscure records of his wrong doing might ensure power, if people in this country kowtow to reactionary bullying and give up.

The whole world defending itself against Hitler? That's like a wet paper bag of an argument, man. The Nazi menace wasn't defeated by the bomb that was dropped on WWII. An important reason why is Prescott Bush.

Now i know i have gone past your memory and your attention span. Unless you were alive and reading papers during world war II. But Prescott Bush was a somewhat important and somewhat famous man in the years just leading up to that war. and being an independent journalist i'm glad i don't need your permission to use google. Here’s sample, Mister Peabody. Hop into the frigging Wayback machine.

1. George W. Bush's maternal great grandfather owning and using a major shipping line to supply Adolf Hitler in the 1930's. This line was at some point identified as a "front" company for the 3rd Reich and its operations were forced into suspension by the Roosevelt administration.

2. Prescott Bush, working for Brown Bros., Harriman investment bankers; which was as one of the lead financiers for the Thule Society membership [Thyssen, Krupp, et al] who created Adolf Hitler. Little discussed, but this relationship between Prescott Bush and Adolf earned Bush the calumny of being found guilty by the US Congress of violating US "trading with the enemies" act.
you think i am running with this one too far, you “righteous American� ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS who are watching this struggle for power go down must learn of the actions of the Bush family during the war against the Nazis and Fascists that spanned the 1940s.

"It wasn't until 1989 that I learned that Standard Oil, George Bush's father's company, had committed treason during the Second World War. That truth was revealed increasingly after 1983, when English writer Charles Higham released Trading With The Enemy in New York via Delacorte Press. He followed that in 1985 with American Swastika..."

but WAIT there's more.

"ON OCTOBER 20, 1942, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT ORDERED THE SEIZURE OF NAZI GERMAN BANKING OPERATIONS IN NEW YORK CITY WHICH WERE BEING CONDUCTED BY PRESCOTT BUSH. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Ronald 'Bunny' Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Prescott Bush...[B]y October 26,1942, U.S. troops were under way for North Africa. On October 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the bank (in which Bush was a partner): the Holland-America Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation...U.S. forces landed under fire near Algiers on November 8, 1942; heavy combat raged throughout November. Nazi interests in the Silesian-American corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act, on Nov. 17, 1942...President Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order #248 seizing the property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with the Enemy Act (Tarpley and Chaitkin 30-46. Emphasis added)."

If you really want to know the truth it is all here on the internet at your fingertips.

Now those who don't want to really know the truth or want anyone else to know it will keep right on slinging mud. (That's how republicans win elections anymore, cheat to win, right? we all saw November '00?)
As with so much information about the Bush family's shady dealings, this information was underreported. Tarpley and Chaitkin tell us it was virtually hidden in the New York Times at the time. They note that the order, published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, "explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Company was run for the 'Thyssen Family' of 'Germany and/or Hungary--Nationals...of a designated enemy country.'. . . The government had decided that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Banking Company were legally front men for the Nazis." (Tarpley and Chaitkin 26-8. Emphasis added).

instead of wasting time dissing liberals -- you should check your sources. this info might not be secret forever. do you still want to be on their side when they are exposed?

An American

Marc Haley
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28.01.2003 15:31

A long and naive missive which I would advise readers to ignore. I know the writer means well, but;

We are in the midst of a class war.

Bush and his mob are after cheap oil and don't give a toss about democracy or human rights in Iraq., or anywhere else come to that.

Stopping this brutallity will do our side much good.

Join the international demos on Feb15



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