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Palestinians now are forcing animals to be homicide bombers.

Joel | 28.01.2003 12:04

Palestinians now are forcing animals to be homicide bombers.

"NEW Lows by the Palestinians

*The past week has seen Palestinians implement three new lows in their ceaseless terror campaign. (1) The Associated Press reports: "In Jerusalem, a donkey loaded with explosives blew up near a civilian bus, with dozens injured. According to the Jerusalem Post, the donkey's bombs were detonated by two cell phones. The Palestinians who blow themselves up in suicidal attacks in restaurants, discos, marketplaces and buses, hoping to slaughter as many innocent Israeli woman and children.

Now the Palestinians are exploiting poor animals as a carrier of dynamite is a new low in the Arab terror campaign. At the very least, shouldn't we expect animal rights groups to protest?

(2) Now, some Palestinians have turned to transvestism to wage their terror campaign. A male terrorist, disguised as a traditional Bedouin woman, opened fire last week toward an Israeli community in Gaza, before being apprehended by IDF soldiers. See the bizarre photos at:

And finally, Al Hayat Al Jadida," an official daily newspaper of the Palestinian Authority, announced that a Palestinian soccer tournament, as well as one of the teams, is to be named in honor of Abed Al Basset Odeh -- who carried out the Passover Massacre in Netanya, slaughtering 30 civilians including many Holocaust survivors.

Click here to read about all the towns and tournaments named after Palestinian homicide bombers who massacre Israeli civilians.



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Well Done!

28.01.2003 12:09

Ha ha
So now we get animal rights people to protest against donkey-suicide bombers..oh you guys!! Meanwhile me, a indicted war criminal, gets re-elected on the ethnic cleansing ticket!! And to top it all, te he, Iraq gets bombed for not showing inspectors the weapons it doesnt have in the first place whilst i am only ever two fat fingers away from Isreal's nuclear stockpile!

Ariel Sharon

terror & ethnic cleansing

28.01.2003 12:12

before the first suicide bombing of 2003, 67 Palestinains had been killed by the Isrealis, since then 40 more...this on top of the occupation, expanding settlements, checkpoints, curfews ...... why do people still try and post pro-isreali propaganda?


Not for the first time

28.01.2003 12:46

The suicide donkey phenomenon is not new. There have been several cases of donkey carts laden with explosives since the start of the current campaign of terrorism. In all these cases the explosives have either been discovered by the Israeli security forces or have exploded prematurely.


Animal abuse is not Islamic

28.01.2003 13:17

The Qu'ran says that animals are God's property and should be respected as such. That's why a prayer is said every time an animal is slaughtered for consumption - meat cannot be halal unless it is blessed. This just goes to show that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not part of a genuine Islamic liberation movement - they are simply gangsters defending their turf. And the oppression of Palestinians by the Israelis makes their work easier.


State terrorism

28.01.2003 13:24

and the israeli state terroism then?
what of that?
is the difference between being a terroist or a non-terrorist whether or not you wear freakin army uniform?

daniel gurney


28.01.2003 14:14

to say that Hamas are simply 'gangsters protecting their turf' with no 'widespread support' is pretty ignorant. Hamas is pretty unique amongst the Palestinian groups in that they build and run hospitals and schools and try to work to improve their shattered community, for this reason they have widespread support. On the other hand their role in terrorism is disgusting and self-defeating, but that too has widespread support. Lately though, they ahve been focusing on legitimate targets i.e occupying forces, however, that is likely to change as a result of recent Isreali brutality



28.01.2003 15:14

In response to the person who said, Hamas has been targeting military forces lately. You are either dumb or stupid.

Palestinians refuse to sign agreement not to target Israeli woman and children in Israel.
I just saw this story on the Wire. There having all these Palestinian terrorist organizations including the PLO meet in Egypt. The so called objective was to get them to stop terrorist atrocities against Israeli civilians. The Palestinians refused to sign an agreement not to target Israeli woman and children in Israel.

This is what Palestinian officials said.

Several Palestinian officials from different groups have already arrived in Cairo for the conference. PA officials said the conference was expected to end in failure after most of the Palestinian groups announced that they would not halt their attacks against civilians inside Israel.

Can you imagine that, these murderous Palestinians wont sign an agreement not to target Israeli civilians in Israel. The answer is very simple. Islam is a religion of genocide.

At a conference, organized by the Muslim Arab Youth Association, Sheikh Muhammed Siyam, introduced as the head of Hamas' military wing, told the crowd: "Finish off the Israelis. Kill them all. Exterminate them. No peace ever."

In the last 2 years, there have been 14,500 Arab terrorist attacks against Israel. Arab massacres of whole Israeli families in the Sbarro and other restaurants. The bloodbath at a peaceful Passover seder meal attended by Holocaust survivors in Netanya. The deliberate sniper killings of so many Israeli motorists, the mowing down of Israeli mothers, fathers, children and just-born babies on the streets of Israel by cold blooded Arab killers. Buses exploding with hundreds of innocent Israeli men, women, and children - blown to unrecognizable smithereens. Arab terrorists who blow up disco's, cafe's, weddings and supermarkets where Jewish civilians are torn to pieces. Arab terrorists placing bombs in Universities butchering Jewish students.

When do you think the Arabs will realize, that murdering Israeli pizza-eaters, dance-club people, school kids, teenagers and sleeping five-year-olds is barbaric.

Do these Arabs have any humanity.

It is becoming increasingly obvious, that the followers of Muhammed are animals.


Good stories about Mideast

28.01.2003 15:38

Last weekend, after a suicide bomber killed eleven young Israelis at a Jerusalem cafe, and a terrorist with an automatic rifle killed a nine-month-old baby in her stroller in Netanya, thousands celebrated in the West Bank and Gaza. The following night, there was an interview with the father of the Netanya killer. He was proud of his son, saying he had five more sons whom he prayed to Allah would follow in the baby-killer's footsteps. How can you deter a killer who considers murder-suicide the greatest honor in life? Israelis cannot afford to continue enduring the terrible calculus of suicide attacks.

Nina Kardashov was joyfully celebrating her bat-mitzvah, the rite of passage to Jewish womanhood, with her friends and family. The band was playing, couples were dancing. The proud twelve-year-old, resplendent in her party dress, had just appeared on the stage. Then, as the amateur videos so horrifically showed, the Palestinian gunman starting shooting and people started dying, including Nina's grandfather and five other celebrants. An hour later, another celebration took place. In the Palestinian city of Tulkarm, hometown of the gunman, cars honked their horns, men shot in the air, strangers embraced in the streets and handed out candy.

When Palestinians dance in the streets after hearing that Israeli civilians have been torn to pieces and charred beyond recognition, that society is expressing a kind of collective death wish. But the bombers and shooters, along with those who funds and direct them, don't just kill Israelis. They also write the death warrants for other Palestinians. They endanger and damage their own families and friends and neighbors. Actions produce consequences, and crimes invite punishment. The Palestinian Authority armed and financed the killers. Arafat called for a million of them. Parents pocketed a payoff from Saddam.

After the massacre of men, women, and children in a Jerusalem pizzeria by a Palestinian suicide bomber, there were probably some who believed that Israel would respond with a similar act of violent bloodletting. They were to be disappointed. The F-16 missile attack on the golden-domed PA police station in Ramallah at 1:30am, long after it had been evacuated, was just a red herring, a distraction from the maneuver that Israeli forces were executing at that moment.

That I care for the well being of tens of Palestinian cancer patients and their families is irrelevant. As a Jew living in Israel, and, more specifically, Jerusalem, I am a potential target worthy of maiming or assassination. That is the miserable nature of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination. That I am here to recount these thoughts is by sheer virtue of timing. Minutes after I passed through the Pat intersection en route to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, bus 32 was exploded by a young suicide bomber. Almost everyone on the bus was killed, most instantly.



28.01.2003 15:44

As you are all aware, the first suicide bombing happened 10 years ago, while "israels" ethnic cleansing of Palestine has been going on for 55 years. Over 1 million Palestinians have been murdered by these zionist fascists, and they intend to kill every last citizen of this world with their 500 strong nuclear stockpile pointing at every capital in the world, headed by the crazed war criminal Sharon.


Who are the terrorists

28.01.2003 15:49

Since 1948 100s of thousands of Palestinian people have been forced from their lands. Many have been massacred. Palestians do not possess helicopter gunships, fighter aircraft or tanks, let alone nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Israel does. They are fighting to defend their right to a decent life against the racist Zionist programme, supported by the most dangerous state in the world - the USA - run by crazy, ignorant Bush and his oil hungry mates.


Joel: Israelis are the greater terrorists

28.01.2003 15:58

Joel, you are keen to portray all Palestinians and, in fact, all Arabs as inhumane terrorists, and claim that 'Islam is a religion of genocide' but you are being deliberately simplistic in order to peddle your racist propaganda. If you knew anything, you'd know that, firstly, Palestinians include a sizeable Christian minority that co-exists peacefully alongside the Muslim majority. There is little reason to suggest that Muslims cannot live alongside Jews peacefully if they are granted human rights, relief from poverty and an end to oppression. Jews and Muslims once lived side by side at the time of the Christian crusades, which involved massacres and cannibalism.

Secondly, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are, as the Israelis are keen to point out, unelected bodies. No-one really knows how many Palestinians genuinely believe in the jihad. So why does Israel deliberately target Palestinian civilians? Why do IDF troops shoot and kill children? Why are Palestinian water supplies being forcibly expropriated by the Israelis? These attacks are not aimed at combatting terrorism. They are simply about a fascistic occupation of a territory and the ethnic cleansing of a people. Whatever atrocities Hamas has committed, nothing justifies Israel's systematic slaughter of Palestinians, which surpasses the Milosevic's ethnic cleansing of Kosovo.


Israel is terrorist too

28.01.2003 16:04

Joel, you are keen to portray all Palestinians and, in fact, all Arabs as inhumane terrorists, and claim that 'Islam is a religion of genocide' but you are being deliberately simplistic in order to peddle your racist propaganda. If you knew anything, you'd know that, firstly, Palestinians include a sizeable Christian minority that co-exists peacefully alongside the Muslim majority. There is little reason to suggest that Muslims cannot live alongside Jews peacefully if they are granted human rights, relief from poverty and an end to oppression. Jews and Muslims once lived side by side at the time of the Christian crusades, which involved massacres and cannibalism.

Secondly, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are, as the Israelis are keen to point out, unelected bodies. No-one really knows how many Palestinians genuinely believe in the jihad. So why does Israel deliberately target Palestinian civilians? Why do IDF troops shoot and kill children? Why are Palestinian water supplies being forcibly expropriated by the Israelis? These attacks are not aimed at combatting terrorism. They are simply about a fascistic occupation of a territory and the ethnic cleansing of a people. Whatever atrocities Hamas has committed, nothing justifies Israel's systematic slaughter of Palestinians, which surpasses the Milosevic's ethnic cleansing of Kosovo.


response to response

28.01.2003 16:06

So 'Islam is a religion of genocide.' and 'the followers of Muhammed are animals.' As well as being racist, you are somehow failing to notice that, if we stick to fact, not racist generalization, many more Palestinians are killed than Isrealis year after year, so if Islam is a religion of genocide what does that make Judaism?

re Hamas When was the last time a Hamas suicide bomber attacked Isreali civilians? Not one this year, this is compared to over 60 dead Palestinians in less than a month, half women and children.

Doug then follows up with more description of the crimes of Palestinian terrorists while again failing to notice the far greater Isreali crimes. It's kinda scary..

When it comes to the possibility of a peaceful settlement, there are extremists on both sides, but the facts are that the PLO have been pushing for a settlement based on UN resolutions for over 30 yrs, these have been constantly rejected by US & Isreal. Isreali mainstream opinion is all pretty extreme, from the most dovish 'create a permanent neo-colonial depency based on apartheid South Africa' to the right wing Zionism 'Exterminate the pests and claim the land which is rightfully ours'...


Zionists Collaborated with German Nazis

28.01.2003 16:09

There's a BIG difference between being Jewish and being a Zionist!:

- Homepage:

propaganda over an over again

28.01.2003 16:12

most of what these zionist PR crap from the likes Joel is based upon utter shite.. the israelis will resort to any thing to get one over on the Palestininians. merely blowing some of their own people away to achieve is nothing to them.
They are into everything, anytime their is a scandal involving israel the jewish media barons cover it up. But each scandal brings out more interesting details.
Like the EL AL jumbo that crashed into an apartment block in Amsterdam, still lots that needs to be explained .
One thing is 4 sure Israel has it's own private freight terminal at Schipol. It's policed by Israeli military personel. of course none of this has anything to do with the local jewish comunity, the mayor of Amsterdam is a certain Mr Cohen, he would have become primeminister if labour had won the elections. Amsterdam is a jewish City. Ajax ect ect.
The IMC resident team of pro Israel pluggers covers section from middle class moderates like DAN to others more radical types, JOEL , JOSH, BARRY ect .
They could all be the same person or work together. They definately seem to be of the opinion that IMC UK needs "balancing out" and make every effort to keep the propaganda flowing ... meantime Palestine is Ethnically cleansed.
They destroy schools and hospitals and other important infrastructure by means of "Low intensity Warfare" from the CIA manual. Kill teachers, doctors and other key figures in the palestinian society, just as the contras did in Nicarugua. and Joel (surely not the last) comes up with this shit !!!!

tom foolery

Zionazis at it again

28.01.2003 16:21

This is what the Hebrew Bible has to say about Jews (or should we rename the majority to Zionists):
Micah (Chapter 3:1-12) and Hosea (Chapter 8:1-14), in which these prophets condemned the Jews “who abhor justice and pervert all equity” and who “build Zion with blood and Jerusalem with wrong.” These prophets cursed Israel as a “useless vessel among nations,” and called for the curse of God to “send a fire upon [Judah’s] cities” and to make Jerusalem “a heap of ruins.” Similarly, in the Book of Deuteronomy (Verses 16-68), Moses warns the Jews that God “will send upon you curses, confusion, and frustration, in all that you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and perish quickly, on account of the evil of your doings, because you have forsaken me” (28:20).

Henry Kissinger

Save the animals from the Arabs

28.01.2003 18:57

For decades we have known that Palestinians have no respect for human rights, especially those of children. Now we know that they have no respect for animal rights either.



28.01.2003 19:01

Israeli victims of Arab terror Pics of all Israelis murdered.

Check out these 3 sites to see the truth. click on commentaries for each month on the left side. American and Israeli victims of Arab terror.


Joel, are you insane?

28.01.2003 22:03

Tell us once and for all. If I am going to kick you out from your house what are you going to do? And if you are less stronger than me, are you going to accept me passively or are you going to find out anything that it may help you to go back to your home? Morality has no virtue in this case.

To Lin, do not insult us. Suicide bombers are very well reported from the western media. Israeli victims are more important than Palestinians for the west (incidently all Palestinians are civilians, they do not have an army nor weapons of mass destruction, Israel does). Israel is a USA and UK client.

What is surprising is that when you condemn Palestinians as less than animals. You do not look how human rights are performed in Israel. Sharon should be hanged once and for all.

Please stop your racist craps. I think that we should create an International Militians to defend Palestinians and all oppressed people of the world.


Stop religious hatred

29.01.2003 11:04

The only thing this link shows is the vile hatred and misunderstanding between supporters of both sides. It doesn't take long for criticism of Israel's policies to slide into rabid anti-semitism. Likewise anger at the Palestinian use of terror can turn quickly into blatent Islamophobia.


hatred on both sides?

29.01.2003 14:02

seemed to me that all the hatred, racism, was coming from the pro-isreali posts...have a look...
also, why homicide bombers? we don't call fighter planes homicide fighter planes or nuclear bombs homicide bambs?? another term of propaganda innit?



23.11.2003 19:52

Israel kills many more palestinian women and children that Palestinians do, what do you expect to happen if they have no army, they will do the only thing they can to hurt Israel
