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Northern Island Community Says No to War In Iraq

Kevin | 27.01.2003 14:04

Large public meeting in Shetland Isles agrees to hold demonstration against war. last Demonstration in Shetland was over 10 years ago.

p>Monday 20 January. Freefield Centre. Lerwick. Shetland. About Shetland
Over 60 people from throughout Shetland gathered in Lerwick at a meeting called in opposition to plans for war in Iraq.

Speaker after speaker condemned the military build up and preparations by Britain and the USA for war against Iraq. The meeting ended in an agreement to organise a protest demonstration to coincide with an international day of action against war in Iraq.

The last demonstration to take to the streets in Shetland was over 12 years ago during the campaign against the Poll Tax.

The provisional date for the march against war in Iraq is
Saturday 15 February 2003, in Lerwick
See events for up to date details.

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