Strike Against War Feb. 14: Let's Try!
Douglas MacDonald | 27.01.2003 13:19
People of the world, band together and strike on Feb 14th. Let our solidarity against Bush and imperialist business interests stand firm. This is only a first step in a world-wide citizens movement for peace and justice. Let us try!
People of the world, band together and strike on Feb 14th. Let our solidarity against Bush and imperialist business interests stand firm. This is only a first step in a world-wide citizens movement for peace and justice. Let us try!
It is time people of the world stand united for peace. Let us withold our labor on February 14. Let that day be spent educating our brothers and sisters on peace, justice and international solidarity. Call your friends, union leaders and contacts and tell them to stay home from work on February 14th: STRIKE FOR PEACE, just as Bush will surely strike for war. Spread this message far and wide. We still have time to organize and show our streangth. Please e-mail me and let me know of your actions.
It is time people of the world stand united for peace. Let us withold our labor on February 14. Let that day be spent educating our brothers and sisters on peace, justice and international solidarity. Call your friends, union leaders and contacts and tell them to stay home from work on February 14th: STRIKE FOR PEACE, just as Bush will surely strike for war. Spread this message far and wide. We still have time to organize and show our streangth. Please e-mail me and let me know of your actions.
Douglas MacDonald