holocaust memorial day, refugees/asylum seekers are the new jews
cleo | 26.01.2003 22:20
holocaust memorial day approaches, history appears to be repeating itself, with the reemergence and rise of nazis, in europe and worldwide. In britain, asylum seekers/refugees appear to be the new jews, to be despised, degraded, persecuted, looked down on, and ultimately endure the rigours of 'processing'. As millions of people flee warzones in afghanistan and yugoslavia, and impending war in iraq, the refugee problem is set to spiral out of control
Blair and bush are cruelly targetting and focussing attention on the poor and unfortunate fleeing victims of our government's destructive and disastrous military interventionist foreign policies, to distract from the real cause of the refugee problem, Blair and bushes global wars. It is only common sense to flee when the likes of blair and bush are bombing the shit out of your village, destroying social amenities and the economic and social infrastructure of your town etc. When your hospitals, factories, homes and schools are reduced to rubble, there is no option but to flee and get the fuck out of the warzone. A mass exodus of refugees, men, women and children, fleeing all the evils that war brings, poverty, starvation, misery, death and degradation. Whole families torn apart, children left to fend for themselves, trekking for miles, hungry and tired, through hazardous terrain and weather just to escape WAR. Yet blair has the cheek to blame and brand refugees/asylum seekers. Blair's government stance with the help of the media, scaremongering, exploiting ordinary people's fear and ignorance, whipping up xenaphobia, and prejudice against refugees, paved the way for the BNP and nazis to gain a foothold in our countries again. As holocaust memorial day approaches it is sickening to see, that the only lessons that those in power seem to have learnt is to copy the discriminatory social policies and practises of nazis and adolf hitler.