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A black Fortuyn

Paul Treanor | 26.01.2003 15:54

Dutch-Somali MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the surprising new idol of the Dutch right: she is 100% anti-Islamic.

Pim Fortuyn's party suffered a dismal defeat in the Dutch elections last Wednesday, but that does not mean the issues have dissappeared. The Fortuyn electorate, which is comparable with that of the BNP in Britain, seems to have found a new voice in Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali immigrant. Look at the website, link below, for more details on her, but two items are of interest in the UK.

First, the niqaab and chador are suddenly an issue in Dutch politics. The police in Amsterddam removed three Muslim students from a school on Thursday, after an overnight ban on the chador / niqaab. Amsterdam is now considering a ban on chador and niqaab in all schools, although the number affected is tiny, it is an emotional issue.

Not that this was also recently an issue in Australia, see

Outrage over Fred Nile's chador ban call

Second, although she kept quiet during the election campaign, the black conservative Ayaan Hirsi Ali made an all-out attack on Islam in an interview published yesterday. See the link below for a longer quote, but this is the central excerpt...

"Mohammed is, by our western standards, a perverse man. A tyrant. He is against free speech. If you do not do what he says, then you will suffer. It reminds me of all those megalomaniac rulers in the Middle East: Bin Laden, Khomeini, Saddam. You wonder why there is a Saddam? He takes his example from Mohammed. Mohammed is the shining example for all Muslim men. You wonder why so many Muslim men are violent? You are shocked when I say this, but you make the mistake of most Dutch people. You forget where I come from. I was a Muslim, I know what I am talking about. It's terrible that even though I live in a democratic country, where free speech is the greatest good, I still face the posthumous blackmail of the prophet Mohammed. Here in the Netherlands Aboutaleb [Moroccan minority spokesman] can read the Koran and think Mohammed is fantastic. And I can say: Mohammed is a despicable individual."

As you might expect, this has enraged the Muslim community, but it has also delighted the anti-immigrant right. She is not only a critic of Islam, but her party opposes immigration and asylum, and supports legally enforced cultural assimiliation of immigrants already here. What's more she is an articulate intellectual, more so than Fortuyn. Although there are black conservatives in the United States who take similar attitudes, so far as I know she is unique in Europe. It is no wonder that Fortuyn's supporters are prepared to overlook the fact that she is herself a black immigrant.

Paul Treanor
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Also note......

26.01.2003 16:58

For the sake of balanced reporting, in saying "It is no wonder that Fortuyn's supporters are prepared to overlook the fact that she is herself a black immigrant" is the writer overlooking the fact that several other obvious people "of colour" were on the original Fortuyn list?

Perhaps this woman has grown bitter and overstates the case, but many people appear to see a problem arising out of the current immigration policies. Are they not permitted to raise the issue?

What do progressives have to say on the matter of protecting a secular society with hardwon, deep and precious democratic and tolerant values (despite many imperfections) against the prospect of a society fragmented by multiped fundamentalist and zealous splinter groups, with their own shools, ghettos and sometimes language etc. etc.?

Spring Hope

Also note

26.01.2003 17:01

For the sake of balanced reporting, in saying "It is no wonder that Fortuyn's supporters are prepared to overlook the fact that she is herself a black immigrant" is the writer overlooking the fact that several other obvious people "of colour" were on the original Fortuyn list?

Perhaps this woman has grown bitter and overstates the case, but many people appear to see a problem arising out of the current immigration policies. Are they not permitted to raise the issue?

What do progressives have to say on the matter of protecting a secular society with hardwon, deep and precious democratic and tolerant values (despite many imperfections) against the prospect of a society fragmented by multiple fundamentalist and zealous splinter groups, all with their own shools, ghettos and sometimes language etc. etc.?

Spring Hope

So Now Misgoyny Is Ok By The Left

27.01.2003 09:18

Silly me!! I see that we are suppossed to dismiss the experiences of this womens oppression at the hands of islam as 'islamophobic' propoganda because she has drawn rightwing conclusions from it! If she was a Christian talking about Christian oppression of women all you 'radicals' would be cheering from the roof tops!
Obviously we are expected to damn as racist any woman who has the courage to speak out agianst this codified misogyny called 'islam' (and before IM gets flooded with a tidal wave of white guilt trippers let me make it clear that this applies to *all* religions..all of them rejoice in the oppression of women).
I dont agree with her political conclusions but can only feel that if the Left gave a hoot about womens oppression rather than bending the knee to sexist religions perhaps she may have found a home in more progressive circles.


quite right!

27.01.2003 11:53

Well said Steve! Anyone who doesn't hate Muslims clearly hates women. Half a billion Muslim women hate themselves. And they're all anti-semitic too. Bomb the lot say I!

a nonny mouse

Good on her...

27.01.2003 12:06

Good on her. Given the reaction of so many Islamists she's a brave woman for daring to speak out against religious fascism. Fuck all this crap about 'islamophobia' - take a look at the fate of those libertarians in Islamic countries - that's what we can all expect. Why is it OK for us to attack Christianity for its excesses but not Islam or Judaism? This paralysis around race and culture is a gift to the BNP.



27.01.2003 18:01

How does a law that tells women what we can and can't wear enhance our freedom?

kurious oranj

NonnyMouse is a copper

28.01.2003 10:08

Its becoming obvious that by his/her distortiuons of reasonable debate Noonymouse is a coppere trying to stir it/
Where does Steve say muslims are antisemitic? Where does he say bomb the lot? He doesnt..but the moronic insinuation that he does, despite him saying that he does *not* agree with the rightwing political conclusions that the woman has drawn, is precisley the kind of 'antiracist' cover for sexism that Steve was pointing out leaves progressive women with only the right to turn to...
No Refuge in AntiRacism in the struggle against Sexism!



28.01.2003 13:10

I AM Islamophobic, and quite happy to say so.

I FEAR all religions, although I think if you asked most people to give a list of "the worst 3 religions in the world" most visitors to this site would have Islam somewhere in their 3.

The left/anarchist movements failure to even criticise Islam in passing, and Islam's continuous movement to the right, is a major factor in the sorry rise of groups like the BNP here, and Fortuyn's in Holland.

Paul Marsh
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28.01.2003 15:32

All religions are imbuded with sexism. All religions have the capacity to promote hatred..its only the white guilt trippers who cant see that about islam whilst in islamic countries women, the poor, ethnic minorities are treated like scum (go ask the Africans in Algeria how 'compasionate' they are treated by islamic forces)..whilst in Sri Lanka buddhist monks openly call for the ethnic cleansing of the Tamil minority..
Lets make this clear for slow learners: we are against racism in the guise of 'islamophobia' but, god damn you, we are also against the toleration of oppression under the guise of 'anti-islamophobia'
No Gods!
No Masters!
