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Who Killed Holly and Jessica?

DCI Mason | 24.01.2003 11:09

This case appears to have been buried with the young victims.

It is disquieting that a person can be arrested, found guilty by the media and incarcerated in a Mental Hospital for five months, without a trial or a shred of evidence being produced to implicate him - and his girlfriend seems to have received LIFE, for the heinous crime of, lying to police.

DCI Mason


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Trial date set

24.01.2003 21:40

For October, I believe. An inordinately long way off.


Over a Year?

25.01.2003 16:50

Time to wrest a "confession" from the accused?


666 date

26.01.2003 01:04

Date set for Soham trial on 6th October 2003
'When will you pay me?' said the bells of the Old Bailey.
A 666 date has been agreed for the trial of Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr, the accused.
6th (6) October (6) -add the value of the letters together A=1 B=2 etc, and keep adding until you reach a single number.
2003 - 2 X 3 = 6
The very next day is the beginning of the ancient Sumerian New Year, which of course honoured the Moon Goddess, Ishtar, Astarte (versions of El


Justice for Soham? Not likely!

26.01.2003 01:28

"Who Really Murdered Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman?

British Police torture least likely suspects Ian Huntley
and Maxine Carr from Soham Village, while deliberately
ignoring thousands of more likely suspects from nearby
American Air Force bases....

Norman Witherington-Blythe
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