PHASM U.K. | 24.01.2003 10:54
If our political leaders can be so gullible as to believe in priestcraft, how can we trust their judgement on important matters of state?
At Last, the truth about who we (as huamn beings) really are is getting through to the mass media.
Michael Roll of the Campaign For Philosophical Freedom has been campaigning for over 25 years to get the truth to each and everyone of us.
Backed up by sub-atomic physics and mathematics, it has been discovered that we all survive death. This has nothing to do with superstitious religion, para normal or supernatural things - what we are saying is to do with universal natural law.
"The thinking revolution is gaing momentum like a giant boulder tearing downa steep hill. Thomas Paine's Age of Reason has arrived!" says Michael.
We have been held back by so-called Christian religion for over 14 hundred years, it wiped out scientific learning from AD325 after the infamous Council of Nicea deemd that anyone who did not believe in the superstitious nonsense called Christainity was put to death. - 25,000,000 such non-believers have been murdered by Christian fanatics sinec AD325.
Watch out for an interesting TV programme on 30th January that backs up what we say about the methods used to convert non-beleivers to Christianity.
'Empire' Channel 4 Television: Niall Ferguson
At last the truth is hitting millions on British television. This could have been written by Thomas Paine and Arthur Findlay. This week Niall Ferguson showed what the British Christians did to the Hindus and Muslims in India. Next week, Thursday 30 January 2003, he is going to tell how the Victorian Christians, who actually believed their Bible was the word of the creator of the universe, turned their guns on African natives who refused to believe in the same supernatural absurdities that George Bush and Tony Blair still believe in.
If these political leaders can be so gullible as to believe in priestcraft, how can we trust their judgement on important matters of state?
Michael Roll of the Campaign For Philosophical Freedom has been campaigning for over 25 years to get the truth to each and everyone of us.
Backed up by sub-atomic physics and mathematics, it has been discovered that we all survive death. This has nothing to do with superstitious religion, para normal or supernatural things - what we are saying is to do with universal natural law.
"The thinking revolution is gaing momentum like a giant boulder tearing downa steep hill. Thomas Paine's Age of Reason has arrived!" says Michael.
We have been held back by so-called Christian religion for over 14 hundred years, it wiped out scientific learning from AD325 after the infamous Council of Nicea deemd that anyone who did not believe in the superstitious nonsense called Christainity was put to death. - 25,000,000 such non-believers have been murdered by Christian fanatics sinec AD325.
Watch out for an interesting TV programme on 30th January that backs up what we say about the methods used to convert non-beleivers to Christianity.
'Empire' Channel 4 Television: Niall Ferguson
At last the truth is hitting millions on British television. This could have been written by Thomas Paine and Arthur Findlay. This week Niall Ferguson showed what the British Christians did to the Hindus and Muslims in India. Next week, Thursday 30 January 2003, he is going to tell how the Victorian Christians, who actually believed their Bible was the word of the creator of the universe, turned their guns on African natives who refused to believe in the same supernatural absurdities that George Bush and Tony Blair still believe in.
If these political leaders can be so gullible as to believe in priestcraft, how can we trust their judgement on important matters of state?
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who would Jesus kill?
25.01.2003 08:45
i'll loose my head.