Does Indy media give a platform to the facists???
jem | 24.01.2003 10:40
THe BNP have published their'victory' winning a council seat on this web site. Of course we do not want censorship on these pages and some opinions expressed may border on the offensive but surely we can say no to the outright facists? There should be no platform for fascist organisations and their propaganda.
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24.01.2003 10:55
24.01.2003 12:08
Freedom of Speech
24.01.2003 12:09
24.01.2003 12:17
hey why not give a platform to nazis..after all many 'progressive' postings on IM are peppered with sexist and homophobic terminology and no one says why not tolerate *all* forms of discrimation not just those shared by Nazis and middle class white 'anti-racists' alike?
IMC-UK is NOT a platform for fasciscts!
24.01.2003 12:25
IMC-UK does not give platform to fascists, and in fact, if you bother to look at this site's Editorial Guidelines (link on top of the main page), you'll see clearly that we state that fascist, racist, sexist and homophobic postings will be hidden
Now, the people involved in this project here the UK are all volunteers. We are not sitting in a trendy office, paid nicelly by the hour and waiting for our private pensions to sort us out in the future. We are activists, media enthusiats, artists, designers, politically conscious people that have other jobs, responsabilities and projects alongside to indymedia-uk.
We do spend LOTS of our free time to make sure this project goes ahead. We do help implement Open Publishing becaue we think it's one of the best ways to give voice to those that are normally ignored or misrepresented by mainstream and corporate media.
Whilst we believe that Open Publishing is, at present, a revolutionary tool to create a truly independent, grass-roots media, we are also very aware that it has some downfalls, one of which, is to potentially give space for the racist/fascist venom to be published. That is why the few people involved in this project ARE DOING our best to PREVENT this from being the case.
We DO monitor the newswire as often as we can; the fact is that WE ARE doing it daily, more than once a day, but it is IMPOSSIBLE for us alone to be on the case 24/7. So, i think that instead of accusing imc-uk,you'd be much more helpful helping monitor the newswire as dan says.
With your outrageous title "Does Indy media give a platform to the facists???"(that by the way reminds me very much the style of the Daily Mail or The Sun)you are in fact accusing
the people that ARE working VERY hard to keep this project running. These people ARE anti-fascist (amongs many other things)
But i know jem,it is obviously easier to talk crap in a posting to this site, than actually geting involved and helping run Indymedia.
free speech / no platform
24.01.2003 15:35
But that doesn't mean Indymedia have to publish BNP articles. Forcing the Indymedia collective to publish stuff against their will isn't free speech; in fact it's an attack on their freedom.
By the way, anyone notice that the BNP believe so deeply in free speech that they carry placards saying 'ban the ANL'?
kurious oranj
Free speech
24.01.2003 15:48
The fact is that Nazis are not welcome here, their opinions are not welcome and their offensive comments are not welcome - we want our own non-hierarchical media for our views, not a place for the repetition of racist lies. Indymedia is the voice of the resistance and the oppressed, not a free-for-all for any spotty-arsed Hitler obsessive to publish their rants. So let's help Indymedia purge this Nazi venom from the website, instead of engaging in this fatuous argument about free speech.
IMCistas: You're doing a great job - keep it up!
Your right
24.01.2003 16:46
it or not are part of his reactionary political-social
system. This is OUR media, the media for those
who want to create alternatives and want to participate
in a global movement against capitalism. This
IMO, is why INDYmedia is independent, independent
of racists, fascists, capitalist scum. Something
which has to be defended.
Also you can't talk about freespeech when the BNP
if they get to power will destroy the whole concept
the same way as they will destroy parliamentary
democracy when it threatens them. Look at Mussolini
and Hitler, both of them were elected into power.
Lets not involve ourselves with these concepts,
they only work against us.
Hang About
24.01.2003 17:34
Without opposition then the discussion will hardly be exciting or progressive will it?
And just because the BNP would censor the media should they ever get into power does NOT mean that that gives us the right to do the same to them, beacuse what have we become if we follow that path?
Take a trip down to Indymedia Palestine
24.01.2003 18:16
Reality Check
sticking to the topic
24.01.2003 18:38
It is truely justified to post then a critique here. I see no problem with that.
One thing is that fascists more and more try to hijack lefty views, tactics, tools and opinions for their politics.
Translation and Summary:
That resulted in Noam Chomsky's article printed in fascist/neonazi newspapers (National Zeitung NaZe), or Arundhati Roys (Junge Freiheit), or Immanuel Wallerstein.
Rachel Giora, prof at the university of Tel Aviv was interviewed by NaZe after she has signed the appeal "Urgent Warning: The Israeli Government May be Contemplating Crimes against Humanity" in "The Guardian" end of Septmeber. More or less the same happened to Abraham B.Jehoschua.
Enough debate
24.01.2003 21:18