The madness of Labour's asylum policy continues
sickofit | 22.01.2003 17:54
People are learning the hard way about the consequences of Labour's asylum policy; the policy of allowing the continuing flood of economic migrants, to be pampered with benefits and when asylum claims are refused for so many to simply disappear into their own communities.
The madness of Labour's asylum policy continues.
People are learning the hard way about the consequences of Labour's asylum policy; the policy of allowing the continuing flood of economic migrants, to be pampered with benefits and when asylum claims are refused for so many to simply disappear into their own communities.
Despite Labour Minister's claims to the contrary, the fact remains Britain is soft on asylum which is why so many find their way onto our islands. Today the news emerges that thousands of refugees are being assigned to already overburdened GPs by health authorities each month leaving GPs with little option but to remove other patients from their registers.
The problems emerged after an 88-year-old widow in Stoke was turned away from a surgery she had attended all her life because her doctor had been ordered to take residents of a nearby refugee centre. Her name was one of 20 removed at random to make way for residents of a nearby asylum seeker hostel and will be forced to travel 2 miles to a newly assigned doctor in Hanley.
If this wasn't enough, to add insult to injury reports emerged over the weekend that some of Britain's historic houses and some luxury hotels are being sought to accommodate more migrants. So clearly Blair and Blunkett are not considering sealing our national borders for the foreseable future. Defiant locals are however fighting back where they can; a group of villagers from the Lincolnshire village of Caythorpe yesterday protested outside Caythorpe Court, a former agricultural college which the Home Office has pencilled in for acting as housing for migrants.
While other western European countries such as Denmark, France and Italy are dealing with their immigration problems in ways more in keeping with the demands of the electorate who have voted in the past 2 years for nationalist anti-immigration parties, Labour continues to welcome all arrive here with a begging bowl. The message for Labour is clear; Britons will not vote for the party while it continues to squander taxpayers' hard earned cash on unwelcome and unwanted migrants. The elections coming up in May will demonstrate that most clearly.
People are learning the hard way about the consequences of Labour's asylum policy; the policy of allowing the continuing flood of economic migrants, to be pampered with benefits and when asylum claims are refused for so many to simply disappear into their own communities.
Despite Labour Minister's claims to the contrary, the fact remains Britain is soft on asylum which is why so many find their way onto our islands. Today the news emerges that thousands of refugees are being assigned to already overburdened GPs by health authorities each month leaving GPs with little option but to remove other patients from their registers.
The problems emerged after an 88-year-old widow in Stoke was turned away from a surgery she had attended all her life because her doctor had been ordered to take residents of a nearby refugee centre. Her name was one of 20 removed at random to make way for residents of a nearby asylum seeker hostel and will be forced to travel 2 miles to a newly assigned doctor in Hanley.
If this wasn't enough, to add insult to injury reports emerged over the weekend that some of Britain's historic houses and some luxury hotels are being sought to accommodate more migrants. So clearly Blair and Blunkett are not considering sealing our national borders for the foreseable future. Defiant locals are however fighting back where they can; a group of villagers from the Lincolnshire village of Caythorpe yesterday protested outside Caythorpe Court, a former agricultural college which the Home Office has pencilled in for acting as housing for migrants.
While other western European countries such as Denmark, France and Italy are dealing with their immigration problems in ways more in keeping with the demands of the electorate who have voted in the past 2 years for nationalist anti-immigration parties, Labour continues to welcome all arrive here with a begging bowl. The message for Labour is clear; Britons will not vote for the party while it continues to squander taxpayers' hard earned cash on unwelcome and unwanted migrants. The elections coming up in May will demonstrate that most clearly.
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