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Only mass civil disobedience will stop the war!

Harlequin | 22.01.2003 07:25

Peaceful protests, lobbys of Parliament and human shield campaigns will not this coming war. Its time the anti-war movement got real about action to stop this war and moved to more act of real civil disobedience and just student occupations or die ins in Whitehall.

The Stop The War coalition can't be relied on to take up the campaign of mass civil disobedience as their idea of civil disobedience is really nothing of the sort. We need to build our own anti-war movement that really will carry out effective civil disobedience that will make the government back down. The Mayday actions and Reclaim The Streets actions as well as the mass anti-capitalist actions at Seatle, Genoa, Prague and Gothenburg showed the way for mass civil diobedience. We need a Mayday type action aimed at stopping the war machine!

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22.01.2003 11:15

agreed. Even the possibility of violence - a liberal concern/pathology that splits the movement - (from police) can be explained morally: we are preventing death, destruction, forced migration, starvation on a mass scale. A few smashed up things or a few arrests for disorderly conduct are about a million miles from the violence planned by our dictators.


Big action Feb 15

22.01.2003 11:59

Just found out there's abig action planned by ARROW and others after the Feb 15 demo. Check out the website nearer the time for details. The more people there are the better.

Disillusioned kid
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Totally agree

22.01.2003 15:24

Yeah I totally agree with these comments. I may be a socialist but i think the main reason the anti-capitalist demos got coverage is because of people like the Anarchists who went a step further and took direct action. I went to Genoa and Prague and I think we should be aiming to turn these anti-war demos into the same sort of thing as the anti-cap demos by showing that direct action has a part to play. It works, and we should be aiming to shut down the system and broaden out the arguments.

We should be targetting all those Multinationals/government depts etc that have a direct interest in this shitty, sham war. If there's an American bomb with an Iraqi childs name on it, I'll find a brick with a multinationals name on it. For every pound of profit from this war, we should cause 10 quid worth of damage.



Red Jim
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how do we start ?

22.01.2003 15:30

I'm all in favour of direct action ( not necessarely 'nonviolent') and mass civil disobedience, so when do we get stared? Where are the masses and how do we contact them? Do we have to to wait for the 15 of Februry or can we do something kind of now, before a quarter of the bloody British Army heads off towards Iraq? After they are gone, it will be too late to stop them, obviously.


how do we start ?

22.01.2003 15:30

I'm all in favour of direct action ( not necessarely 'nonviolent') and mass civil disobedience, so when do we get stared? Where are the masses and how do we contact them? Do we have to to wait for the 15 of Februry or can we do something kind of now, before a quarter of the bloody British Army heads off towards Iraq? After they are gone, it will be too late to stop them, obviously.


How about blockading ports and Suez canal

22.01.2003 15:50

Hey maybe activists, fishermen and workers aboard cargo vessels could try and blockade the US and British navy.

The entrance to the Suez canal could be a good start. And if there are still Navy vessels to leave the UK, then try and blockade the ports. There must be a good few people who own small boats and would be willing to try something.

I think this would really energize the campaign. If our friends in the Turkey and Egypt could do the same it would be great.

Please pass this idea on to other countries


direct action against war

22.01.2003 16:49

A discussion group for direct action against war has been set up at this address

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I don't want to put any pressure on you, but.

23.01.2003 04:07

I don't want to put any pressure on you, but you have exactly 3 weeks left to stop this war. 3 weeks!
