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Keith | 22.01.2003 03:24

Hundreds of thousands will rock against the war: mega concert!!

No story to tell (yet); just an idea! Know any rock-stars?



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Its a good idea!

22.01.2003 07:34

It is a very good idea but who is going to organise it. I think that the legalise cannabis campaign could as they have put on massive legalise cannabis festivals in recent years and the cannabis campaign is related to this war for oil in that cannabis hemp is an alternative to oil as cannabis can be used to produce fuel, building materials, clothing, medicines and chemicals and so reduce reliance on oil. I am sure that a few other organisation would want to get involved as well.


Where's Bono?

22.01.2003 10:31

Or Sting?


Wot about...

22.01.2003 11:44

Maurice bleedin' Gibb?

Or Gonzo?


Sean Knighton


22.01.2003 13:37

I'm glad to hear such a great concert against war. When + where is it please?
