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Who We Are:

Reichsfolk europa | 22.01.2003 00:41

an introduction

Who We Are:

We are those, of European (that is, Aryan) racial descent, who seek to
restore our Aryan culture, our Aryan law and our Aryan values, and
create a new society, a new way of living, which will enable our
peoples to live in freedom and develop themselves and their culture in
a natural way consistent with our natural Aryan character and our
natural religious attitude.

The essence of this Aryan character and religious attitude is pagan -
or, as some would say, "heathen" - and the essence of our struggle,
now and in the future, is to liberate our people: to return them to
their own culture, their own Aryan values and way of life, and to
liberate our own lands which we know and understand as being under the
domination, the control, of anti-Aryan forces who are condoning and
actively encouraging not only the suppression and destruction of our
culture and way of life, but also the racial genocide of our own Aryan

Our Current Situation:

Our current situation is that all our once Aryan countries (which
includes once Aryan colonies like Canada, Australia and New Zealand)
are no longer Aryan. That is, the values, the laws, the culture which
govern and guide our peoples are no longer Aryan ones. Instead, our
societies are governed according to abstract, un-Aryan, decadent
and/or tyrannical values and laws, with the predominant so-called
"culture" being a capitalist-consumer-hedonistic one which encourages
everything detrimental to both our natural Aryan character and our
natural Aryan way of life, and which undermines not only folk
awareness and folk solidarity, but also the folk itself through its
encouragement of racial integration and racial interbreeding.

In addition, all of our societies now contain millions of people of
non-Aryan race, and in many of these societies our own Aryan ideals,
values and views are not only suppressed, but also outlawed.

In effect, our societies are run by, controlled by, those whose
allegiance and loyalty is to anti-Aryan causes and ideas, and whose
agenda is to create soul-less, un-Aryan, racially-mixed, tyrannical
societies which are but part of a global tyrannical society, which
global society exists to provide a privileged elite with wealth,
luxuries and national and global power. This global society has been
called "the New World Order", and it power-base is currently in the
United States of America which has used, and which does use, its
economic and military strength to undermine and destroy, if necessary
by military force, any organization, any cause, any nation or any
people which is regarded by the new elite as a threat to their own
aims and goals.

What has occurred over the past fifty or so years is that our once
Aryan societies have been changed quite consciously and deliberately,
via social engineering. Tyrannical, crypto-marxist societies have been
created, with our own people mostly unaware of this because distracted
by the pursuit of material goods and hedonistic pleasures, and kept
reasonably well-fed, and well-entertained, especially by the trashy
"mass popular culture" which has been manufactured to do this. Thus it
is that our Aryan values of personal honour, personal loyalty, and
duty to the folk and Nature, are not only not understood and not
practised by most of our own people, but almost totally unknown to

As a result, we who uphold and triumph our own unique Aryan values and
culture - and who wish to liberate our lands and create free Aryan
societies and homelands for our people - are presently a small
minority, lacking real political and social influence, and certainly
nowhere near to obtaining power or even changing our societies.
Furthermore, our own political and social organizations are actively
suppressed and often outlawed by the un-Aryan governments who rule our
lands, just as the majority of our own people do not understand our
Cause, thanks to the decades of anti-Aryan propaganda they have been
indoctrinated with, through the Media, and in Schools and Colleges.

So it is that at present we do not yet pose any real, practical,
threat to the global "New World Order", as we are unlikely - at least
for many decades - to liberate our own lands. And even were we, by
some act of Fate - such as the arrival of a new leader, a Vindex - to
liberate an Aryan country and begin the process of establishing our
own Aryan order there, this "New World Order" would swiftly react to
undermine and destroy us, as happened many decades ago when one
European nation succeeded in establishing a new society based upon
Aryan values. In fact, the current situation is far, far worse than it
was then since the anti-Aryan forces arranged against us have far more
influence, far more control, and far more power than they did then.

We must be under no illusions about our opponents: we cannot hope to
fool them by trying to distance ourselves from the liberation
struggle. Even should we strive to appear as "non-threatening" to the
global elite - even if we concentrate on building social and religious
organizations and do not engage in political work or activity of any
sort, they will still seek to undermine and destroy us, as they seek
to undermine and destroy any group, cause or organization anywhere in
the world which they feel is or could be a threat to them.

For they have in the past demonized us, and will continue to demonize
us, and use every trick of deceit and propaganda to discredit us and
portray us a threat "to humanity; to civilization; to democracy". For
we are dealing here with people who have no honour, no nobility, and
who will use every means at their disposal, from terror, to "black
ops", to "black propaganda", to assassination, to direct military
force, to maintain the influence, the power, the control, the wealth
they have.

Hence, we need to understand our situation in global terms, and
realize that to succeed in the long term - to secure a long-term
future for our people - we must also deal with this "New World Order".

Current Opposition to the New Word Order:

The only real, practical, opposition to the New World Order is Islam,
or rather the genuine Islam that seeks to create Islamic States
governed by Islamic law (the Shariah) and to liberate Muslim societies
from what they regard as the corrupt influence of the capitalist New
World Order.

The rulers and lackeys of the New World Order themselves understand
the threat posed by authentic Islam, which is why they have, for the
past few decades, waged a both a covert and practical war against the
people and organizations upholding genuine Islam, and why they have
masterminded a global propaganda campaign against these people and
their organizations. This campaign has succeeded to such an extent
that the leading proponents of authentic Islam are regarded as
"terrorists" and their organizations as at best "subversive" and at
worst "terrorist".

From Bosnia, to Chechnya, to Sudan, to Somalia, to Indonesia, to
Palestine, to Uzbekistan, to Afghanistan, the New World Order has used
direct military force - or persuaded its allies to do so - to suppress
and destroy these movements, and kill their leaders and their members,
just as this New World Order (NWO) has used its lackey organization,
The United Nations, to get its own way, setting up pro- NWO regimes
and governments, which regimes and governments the United Nations
blesses and approves of "in the name of democracy" or something

In effect, the forces of the United Nations have become the
world-Policemen, the world troops, for the New World Order, often
taking over after American and NATO troops have used their superior
force to quell unrest or oust an anti-NWO government from power.

The fundamental aim of most of the organizations of authentic Islam is
to restore the Khilafah: that is, to create a new Islamic Empire with
its centre in the Middle East (the Holy Lands of modern Saudi Arabia
and Palestine). Such a Khilafah stands opposed, in principle and in
practice, to the New World Order, regarding it and its allies and
lackeys, as enemies.

Thus, there is a real, practical, war being fought at the moment
between the forces of the New World Order, and the forces of authentic
Islam, and the success of authentic Islam would mean the end of the
New World Order, thus making our own goals more easily obtainable.

Our Choices:

Given the reality that exists, we have several choices:

1) We can, for tactical or strategic reasons, now or in the future,
ally ourselves with those, such as Muslims, who are fighting the same
opponents as we ourselves.

However, we must understand that our own Aryan way is not the same as
the way of Islam, even though we share some of the same civilized
values and ideals, such as that of personal honour, reason and using
our will to restrain ourselves. Our Aryan way is unique, and we must
not compromise it, nor our values, in any way.

Thus, if we do seek, for whatever reason, some alliance with the
forces of Islam then it can and must be only on the basis of mutual
respect for each other's way of life and ideals. That is, we must be
open and honest about our own pagan way and our aims.

Our fundamental aim is to liberate our own nations, and to establish
in them a genuine Aryan society, based upon our own laws, ethics and
ideals, with these new Aryan societies being composed of Aryans and
Aryans only. That is, we desire our own free, secure, independent
ethnic homeland.

Whatever, we must always judge people, individuals and situations by
our own moral values: that is, we must always strive to be Aryan. This
means using the criteria of personal honour. Thus, as it says in our
own Aryan Code of Honour:

A man of honour treats others courteously, regardless of their
culture, religion and race, and women gallantly, and is only
disdainful and contemptuous of those who, by their attitude, actions
and behaviour, treat him with disrespect or try to harm him, or who
treat with disrespect or try to harm those he has personally sworn
loyalty to or whom he champions.

In truth, our aims and the immediate aims of the supporters of
authentic Islam are not antagonistic to each other, just as our own
enemies are not those people of another race and culture who currently
reside in our own nations. Rather, our enemies are: (a) those of our
own people who have betrayed their own folk through their anti-Aryan
policies and their anti-Aryan rule; (b) the lackeys and supporters of
the New World Order; and (c) the New World Order itself which seeks to
dominate, control and enslave our people and to eventually breed us
out of existence.

2) We can eschew such an alliance with Islam, and forge ahead on our
own, in our own nations, through social, political, religious,
educational and revolutionary means, effectively seeking to ignore the
machinations of the New World Order, and instead - if required or it
is advantageous - forging alliances with our Aryan comrades in other
lands. That is, we concentrate on gaining some kind of local and
national influence and power, and only then turn our attentions to the
forces at work in the wider world.


There are advantages to an alliance with Muslims, just as there are
disadvantages to ignoring the reality which currently exists in the
world in terms of power and control.

The main advantage of openly and directly fighting the New World
Order, through an alliance with Muslims, is that it is striking at the
centre of the power that is oppressing us and leading our people
toward destruction. Should such a direct war - using whatever tactics
are required - lead to the downfall of this New World Order then our
own freedom is assured, for there would be then be no external forces
to hold our liberation movements in check.

How can the New World Order be overthrown in the near future? There
are two ways: first, by the establishment of a competing power: that
is, by the establishment of a strong State, or alliance of States,
which can effectively challenge the dominance of the NWO, and which is
prepared to fight and win a war against the NWO and it lackey
governments; second by a covert campaign to undermine and destroy the
infrastructure of the societies of the NWO, especially America. This
means - among other things - targeting its economy, and making it use
its resources to fight those who oppose it.

One important factor to bear in mind in arriving at a conclusion is
that one of the stated aims of the New World Order is to make it
impossible for anyone opposed to the New World Order to find a safe
sanctuary. That is, the NWO and it lackey governments wants to be able
to arrest anyone, anywhere in the world and "extradite" them to stand
trial according to the tyrannical laws of those lackey governments,
just as it seeks to eliminate any government who offers sanctuary, or
who may offer sanctuary, to those opposed to or fighting the NWO.

Thus, should any freedom fighter - Aryan or otherwise - desire to seek
sanctuary or exile in another land, or should it be necessary for such
a liberation organization to be based in another country, this would
be impossible were there no alliances with friendly anti-NWO
governments or liberation organizations, and were the NWO itself to
succeed in making the whole world a NWO law-enforcement zone. In
truth, such a NWO zone is one of the immediate and pressing aims of
the United Nations just as the current American-led war in Afghanistan
is an attempt to extend the control of the New World Order to
Afghanistan and so capture or kill the freedom fighters, from many
countries, who had found sanctuary there.

Regarding the question of sanctuary, I am reminded of several Aryans
who some years ago fell foul of tyrannical laws in once Aryan nations
("holocaust denial" laws) and who could only find safe sanctuary in a
Muslim nation since all the so-called Western nations, and their
allies, would have deported them with their own governments sending
them to prison for many years.

Furthermore, if our liberation struggle now or in the future involves
some kind of armed, revolutionary, struggle - and this seems
increasingly likely given the ever-increasing tyranny in our own lands
- then such allies and havens while not essential would enable that
struggle to be more effective and would most certainly shorten the
odds in our favour.

In conclusion, it would seem that the overthrow and destruction of the
NWO offers us the best possibility of achieving our aims in the
foreseeable future, just as an alliance with Muslims offers us many
advantages now and in the future.


Reichsfolk europa


Display the following 3 comments

  1. Smells of the Nazis — AndyC
  2. Wow — Victor
  3. fuck off nazi — Dan