SS Type Corruption in Year 2003 Type Context
Finnachta | 21.01.2003 17:44
SuperGangsterism: The kind of extremely dangerous behaviour indulged in by elitist cliques of arrogant thugs who have CORRUPTLY taken over ownership of the Law - in a manner whereby ordinary citizens are being deprived (in some VERY significant ways) of their legal rights and protections.
To: "IrishGreenParty"
Sent by:
CC: "NatureIreland" , "IndymediaIreland" ,
Subject: The core issue ... ?
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 17:52:41 +0000
Sat, 28 Dec 2002
V*** at wrote:
" Dear Mr. Finnerty,
The core issue of your situation is anything but clear
to most who try to decipher it!
V***. "
Dear V***,
I have tried in recent weeks to address the above problem by adding a number of links to the front pages of the two web sites listed below. (For technical reasons, the

Some may be interested to know that one of the new links leads to a scanned copy of a letter sent recently to me from 10 Downing Street. Whether or not this letter represents anything of value remains to be seen.
In a nutshell, I am trying to protect myself from what I have come to think of as "Systematic State Corruption" - or "SSC" for short: possibly because it puts me in mind of what I imagine SS (type) Corruption to have been like: a seemingly endless array of insidious lies, deceptions and rationalisations, physical and psychological bullying, gangsterism, etc.; plus, what I think of as SuperGangsterism - i.e. the kind of extremely dangerous behaviour indulged in by elitist cliques of arrogant thugs who have CORRUPTLY taken over ownership of the Law: in a manner whereby ordinary citizens (such as myself) are being deprived - in some VERY significant ways - of our legal rights and protections.
Armageddon here we come?
William Finnerty.
Web Site 1:

Web Site 2:

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