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terror in chicago

kas | 20.01.2003 20:45

enough is enough, its time to fight back

Last week Americans felt the sting of the new police state. Last week
the "USA Patriot Act" found a victim. Last week Michael Chertoff struck
again. Chertoff is the Jew in the Bush administration whose job it is to
silence those who oppose the upcoming war on Iraq, and to silence those
who speak out against the ongoing genocide of Whites in America.
Chertoff's title is "Assistant Attorney General in charge of the
Criminal Division," but his function is epitomized by his efforts to put
David Duke in jail and smear his name in the press, efforts which we
exposed on this program two weeks ago. Chertoff also works closely with
the FBI's heavily-Jewish "Special Investigation Division" and its "Joint
Terrorism Task Force." Chertoff was described by Time magazine as
usually "found at Attorney General John Ashcroft's elbow." Chertoff also
is the person personally responsible for protecting the 200 Israeli
spies arrested -- and then released on Chertoff's orders -- in the wake
of the terror attacks on 9/11/01, spies who apparently had advance
knowledge of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon but
did nothing to warn Americans. He is a very curious man indeed to have
in charge of a "terrorism task force" that may be more aptly named than
you think.

A few days ago, that "Joint Terrorism Task Force" invaded a federal
court building in Chicago and arrested a young attorney named Matt Hale
from East Peoria who was on his way to a hearing on a trademark case
involving his church. In addition to being the only attorney in history
denied the right to practice law because of his pro-White views, Hale is
a concert violinist, radio personality, and head of a pro-White church
called the World Church of the Creator. His church was fighting a
decision by a Federal appeals court which declared that another church
legally owned the name "Church of the Creator" and that all of the
church's bibles and other literature must be "delivered up for
destruction." Hale, who was described by his neighbors, who don't agree
with his political views, as an unusually peaceful man even in the face
of provocation, was accused of plotting to murder the judge sitting on
the trademark case. Ignoring for the moment the fact that Hale would
have to be insane to plan or solicit a murder just for the sake of a
trademark case, especially when his Church's Web site and literature has
already changed its name from the disputed "Church of the Creator" to
"The Creativity Movement," the really telling fact about Hale's arrest
for a crime he is very unlikely to have committed is that the arrest was
not made through normal channels. Remember, as I said, the arrest was
made by -- you guessed it -- the Chertoff-linked "Joint Terrorism Task
Force," in this case engaging in a little terrorism of its own.

This is the same "task force" that was praised by the
organized-crime-linked Jewish spy and dirty-tricks agency called the
"Anti-Defamation League" (or ADL). The ADL praised the "Joint Terrorism
Task Force" for their involvement in the recent arrest of Christine
Greenwood. Greenwood, you will remember from my show of January 4th, was
the young White woman who operated a charity for poor White families
from her home in Southern California and who was just charged by
Chertoff's "task force" for possessing "bomb making materials" because
police noticed gasoline and nails in her home three years ago. The ADL
says it applauds the "task force" for its ignoble deeds against
Greenwood. [ADL Web site: ]

The story that climaxed a few days ago in Chicago begins in 1973 when an
inventor and Florida state legislator named Ben Klassen founded a
religion which he called Creativity and which he organized under the
name the World Church of the Creator. The Church of the Creator was
described by Revilo P. Oliver, Professor of the Classics at the
University of Illinois and one of the 20th century's greatest writers on
religion, as perhaps the first attempt in this century to found an
entirely new race-based religion for White people. The "creator" in the
church's name referred to the creative intelligence of the European
race, not to any supernatural deity, in which Mr. Klassen did not
believe. After Ben Klassen's death in 1993, the church declined and
nearly became moribund until Matt Hale's ascent to its leadership in
recent years.

The Church of the Creator had a style that, to some degree, mimicked
both the Catholic church and the German National Socialists. The leader
of the church was called the "Pontifex maximus," Latin for high priest
or pope; it had an elite bodyguard unit called the White Berets who wore
armbands and military-style uniforms, and many church members used the
Roman salute when greeting each other or at official functions. Like
many churches, the Church of the Creator had a comprehensive and
dogmatic world-view that answered almost all of life's questions for its
members. Its beliefs were set out in a book by Mr. Klassen titled The
White Man's Bible. It advocated, though it did not enforce,
fruitarianism as a diet and Latin as a revived universal language for
Whites. Like other churches, it had its factions and splits, but the
group headed by Mr. Hale was clearly the largest and most active. The
members of the church call themselves "Creators."

I do admire the energy and courage of Reverend Hale and many of his
church's members. I appreciate their racial loyalty, a quality often
lacking in White members of mainstream churches. When a court was
trying, a couple of years ago, to falsely claim that the Church of the
Creator was not a bona fide religion because they held pro-White views,
I submitted copies of Dr. Oliver's scholarly analysis of the religion to
them for possible use in the case. When my work as an archivist for the
Oliver estate turned up photographs of Mr. Klassen, I sent copies of
them to the church for their historical archive.

Now, I don't agree with every tenet of the Church of the Creator, and I
have never been a member of it. I don't think that their approach is the
best one for awakening European-descended people to their plight. But in
our society we are supposed to have freedom of religion and freedom of
speech. I completely disagreed, for example, with the doctrines of the
Branch Davidians, but I was one of the first to condemn their murder at
the hands of Janet Reno and the Clinton Administration. Churches, no
matter what their beliefs, should not be invaded by armed goon squads,
church members should not be gassed and burned alive by military death
squads, and church leaders should not be framed on false charges and
thrown into jail for their beliefs.

Another interesting and highly unusual fact in the allegations against
Reverend Hale is that at no time have his accusers stated the name of
the person who Hale supposedly solicited to murder the judge in his
trademark case. That person, if he even exists at all, has not even been
described in a general way. Another fact seldom mentioned in mainstream
news accounts of the charges against Hale is that the judge whom he
allegedly sought to have killed, Joan Lefkow, had actually ruled in
favor of Hale and his Church of the Creator and that the decision
against Hale was made by another judge on appeal, who overruled Lefkow
and reversed her decision. Lefkow was left with the task of enforcing
the higher court's decree, and Hale was suing Lefkow for that
enforcement which actually called for the destruction of the church's
bibles, but was this situation sufficient motive for murder? The Hale
arrest and indictment stink to high heaven, and I don't believe a word
of the accusations.

Christine Greenwood. Matt Hale. David Duke. All railroaded on false
charges. Every case linked to Michael Chertoff and the Jewish
state-within-a-state that controls the Bush administration.

I'm going to show solidarity with Matt Hale because he is a White man
incarcerated for standing up for his beliefs, even though I am not a
member of his church and I've disagreed with him in the past. His
defense fund can be reached at

217 Randolph Street
East Peoria, IL 61611

I'm going to show solidarity with Christine Greenwood and her
co-defendants because she and they are honorable White people and
deserve to beat the phony charges laid against them by Chertoff and his
corrupt accomplices. Their defense fund can be reached at:

Defense Fund
POB 3634
Costa Mesa, CA 92628

I am going to show solidarity with David Duke, who was forced to plead
guilty when Chertoff and his gang pressed false charges on him in a
district where a nearly all-Black jury pool would never give him a fair
trial. David Duke can be reached at

European-American Unity and Rights Organization
PO Box 188
Mandeville LA 70470

Let me tell you something. White Americans are among the most
law-abiding people on Earth. White nationalists and the National
Alliance in particular are upholders of the law and traditions as set
down by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, who were
racial separatists as are we. It is the Michael Chertoffs and his
friends at the ADL who are the law violators. It is George Bush and his
Jewish handlers who make a mockery of the Constitution and the rights of
Americans. They break the laws. We do not. And we put you lawbreakers on
notice: we are not afraid. We are right. Our actions are moral and our
actions are lawful. We act in the best traditions of America and of
Western Civilization. And we will not back down. And it is not White
separatists who are the violent threat to the non-White races. It is the
Jewish establishment which ordered the burning alive of 100,000
non-Whites who were peacefully retreating from Kuwait after their
surrender in 1991. It is the Jewish power structure, not White
separatists, which routinely pumps Palestinian children full of bullets,
tortures them and keeps them behind barbed wire in what ought to be
called concentration camps. It isn't White people who commit the
drive-by shootings and drug murders on our streets, but the Jewish
establishment which has supported the browning of America has a lot to
answer for in that regard. And it isn't White people that have opened
the floodgates of immigration in every country in Europe, either. It's
the Jewish establishment that insists that no White nation on Earth can
keep itself White. That's genocide. Palestinians and Whites are in the
same boat; it's just that many Whites don't know it yet.

We're not afraid of you, Michael Chertoff. But we are concerned that if
we do nothing, you and your kind will exterminate our children -- so
we're going to do something. We're going to do what the previous
generation of White people failed to do. We're going to have racial
solidarity. We're going to build a new sense of community among our
kind, even stronger than what our Founding Fathers had, and we now know
that our kind does not include you. And we're going to do it honorably
and legally and non-violently, so that everyone will be able to see that
any charges you lay against us will be false. The Jewish establishment
tried the false-charges game in 1988 in the Fort Smith Sedition Trial,
and a jury saw through your lies and found every White separatist
innocent. I predict that's going to happen again.

I predict that more and more White people are going to speak out. I
predict that the courage of the pro-White pioneers who speak out now
will embolden others to be equally brave in the near future. Let me give
you an example of one man who isn't afraid.

Chester Doles is a regional coordinator for the National Alliance. He is
42, a father of eleven, a political science student at university and a
professional carpenter. Mr. Doles has built a beautiful mountaintop
meeting hall for the Georgia National Alliance near his home. I've
spoken there myself. Mr. Doles is not afraid -- even though he was the
subject of pseudo-legal intimidation just a few months ago.

A whistle-blower in a local sheriff's department revealed that Mr. Doles
and other members were being targeted for harassment by that department,
and the usual buzz-words of "neo-Nazi," "hater," and references to Mr.
Dole's Alliance meeting hall as a "compound" were evident in the
documents publicized by the patriotic whistle-blower. It was clear that
the stage was being set for turning that department against Mr. Doles
and his legal and honorable local Alliance unit, though no false charges
had yet been filed. It is not known if any payoffs were actually made to
corrupt officials in this case. What was Mr. Doles' response? After
consulting with National Alliance leadership, he issued a bold answer in
the form of a press release, from which I quote:

Offering absolutely no evidence to support its claims, the … Sheriff's
Department recently issued an internal memo falsely accusing a local
citizen of several offenses….

The Sheriff's Department memo called the National Alliance "a racially
motivated hate group" and stated that it "has a compound in the north
Lumpkin County area." The Regional Coordinator for the National
Alliance, Mr. Chester J. Doles, Jr., responded to these accusations by

"We are a group of law-abiding citizens who support the efforts of the
police in controlling gangs and crime and wish them all success in their
efforts. In fact, we wish the laws were enforced more vigorously."

He also said that the "compound" referred to was actually his own home
and that:

"…our meeting hall and my house are not compounds any more than are the
American Legion or the YMCA."

He continued:

"The National Alliance is not a secret group or a gang. Its members are
upright concerned citizens, who use their real names and who have
excellent reputations. Members are out in the open in everything they
do, and remain completely legal at all times. The Lumpkin County Unit of
the National Alliance is comprised of local people who are concerned
with local issues that affect this area of Georgia -- not outsiders
trying to cause trouble in the community. No one in the National
Alliance is assigned to the job of causing -- or wants to cause --
confrontations with the police. The inference that this is true is a
clear attempt to blacken … the Alliance in the eyes of law enforcement
officers, and create an atmosphere of distrust in which
misunderstandings and 'incidents' may occur…."

The result was a retraction of the false charges and a friendly meeting
with the sheriff whose department was being manipulated by outside
forces into a confrontation with the Alliance. And as I speak to you
today Mr. Doles is continuing his activism full force.

What is terrorism? Webster's dictionary defines terrorism as "the act of
terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by
terror or intimidation." Terror is extreme fear or fright. The
prosecutors in the Christine Greenwood case have already admitted to the
press that she and her friends are being prosecuted to send a "chilling
effect" through the White community. [Los Angeles Times, November 20th,
2002] That, by definition is terrorism, aided and abetted by the "Joint
Terrorism Task Force." Pro-White groups operate by discussion, by
persuasion, by printing magazines, by writing books, by producing
videotapes and CDs and radio programs, by holding community events like
speeches and discussion groups and dances. It is not we who engage in "a
mode of government by terror or intimidation." It is not we who attempt
to induce extreme fear or fright in anyone. It is not we who lay false
charges against the innocent.

We stand guarded by our innocence. We stand firm for the truth. We will
liberate our people from Jewish lies and domination. And we will win in
the end.



Hide the following 6 comments

fuck off

20.01.2003 21:33

what is this bollocks?? Why doesnt anyone have any fucking respect for the newswire?


Pathetic fascists

20.01.2003 22:08

rah rah rah rah rah.

go away you poisonous little man.


appropriation ...

20.01.2003 22:49

This is called appropriation, and in terms of infomation theory and how it applies to propaganda, this is a trick often used by either the far right or by intelligence agencies and spooks [where it is called the limited hangout].
The trick is to sandwich certain classes [and] specific infomation between sheets of outragous or defamatory infomation/opinion.
The expected result is either the infomation is ignored or the messenger mocked or worse.
The hysterical reaction of certain police mentalities in amerika is real and dangerous, not only for americans, however the argument for racial division is still just as pathetic as it is erroneous.
It would be a mistake to let the above silly little man speech distract us from the real facts and players.

mail e-mail:

something is wrong with indymedia

21.01.2003 08:05

Why are you attacking this newswire... it contains important news about one group in society being attacked and discriminated against by another.
Just because the author is white instead of black or jewish or a lesbian black vegetarian alien worshipper or whatever, their feelins of persecution are equally as valid as anyone elses.


Nobody is attacking this wire

21.01.2003 10:29

But when anonomous racists [can you find a return address?] start posting their anonomous racist nonsense, then it is the duty of all those who believe in people and can understand that race IS myth, to counter the arguments and expose the agendas and methods of fascists.
The above post suggests that if white people were to act collectively then they would be better off in the coming new world order, which not only is materially wrong, but ethically wrong also.
The continual reference to 'Jewish lies and domination' not only paints an ugly picture but a false one as well.
It well maybe that, as a god FEARING and heirachical [patriarchal] religion, judaism is to be treated with the proverbial ten foot pole - but so has any and all of the other religions [systems] based on this sky ghost philosophy.
Let whoever and whatever post on these sites, but don't think for one moment that there are not people ready to shoot down in flames the ridiculous, the hysterical and the just plain wrong.
..."We're going to do what the previous generation of White people failed to do. We're going to have racial solidarity. We're going to build a new sense of community among our kind, even stronger than what our Founding Fathers had, and we now know that our kind does not include you." ...
I mean, I ask you, what kind of nonsense is this?
Fine, let themselves hide away if thats what they want ... but I suspect that they will not rest at this, they will want all of us to follow whether we want to or not, AND I DO NOT WANT TO!

mail e-mail:

Do us all a favour, Nazi

21.01.2003 12:04

Lynch youself!

I'm every bit as "White" as you are, but I not really give a fuck as I am intellegent enough to realise, there is no such thing as race.

Geniune racist attacks against whites need as much attention as genuine racist attacks against blacks, Asians, Hispanics, or any other 'ethinc group'. Racism is just plain dumb, no matter what 'race' the victim belongs to and no matter what 'race' the perpritor is.

As for the Church of the Creator crap, well that's one of the reasons I don't subscribe to any religion, because of all the hypocritical lies contained in them.


Thomas J