Petition against the greatest threat to Freedom Of Information in over 400 years
Anti-TCPA geeks | 20.01.2003 13:15
It has come to the attention of the petition-makers that you [Micro$oft, IBM, et al - but NOT Apple Computer] are creating a new standard for the PC, Trusted Platform Computing. Far from creating a better PC and online experience for the home or business user, these new standards would enable the TCPA to dominate and control the computing market and to essentially take control of any user's computer any time the company wishes (even when the user does not desire the control). In addition, it would take away the rights of users to use their legally purchased software in the manner that they choose.
It has come to the attention of the petition-makers that you [Micro$oft, IBM, et al - but NOT Apple Computer] are creating a new standard for the PC, Trusted Platform Computing [also called PALLADIUM by M$]. Far from creating a better PC and online experience for the home or business user, these new standards would enable the TCPA to dominate and control the computing market and to essentially take control of any user's computer any time the company wishes (even when the user does not desire the control). In addition, it would take away the rights of users to use their legally purchased software in the manner that they choose.
Possibly the most blatant attack on freedom of information in the English language since William Tyndale was burned at the stake in the 1520s?
Decide for yourself - follow the references - sign the petition - FORWARD THE LINK TO THE WORLD
Possibly the most blatant attack on freedom of information in the English language since William Tyndale was burned at the stake in the 1520s?
Decide for yourself - follow the references - sign the petition - FORWARD THE LINK TO THE WORLD
Anti-TCPA geeks
Hide the following 3 comments
Buy Apple
20.01.2003 15:53
I converted to Apple computers 5 years ago precisely because I had developed a total mistrust of Microsoft on the privacy front.
I discovered to my surprise that I also got a far superior product, both hardware and software. Much, much easier to use, much more reliable, virtually virus free. Open any email you like - they don't harm you.
And they recently introduced a brand new operating system (MacOsX) based on open-source Unix-Linux, but correcting all its defects with the finest, easiest to use interface ever. This should be the final clincher for you all. It effectively is Unix underneath this beautiful face, with all the security, crash-proofing, and versatility of the system which runs more than 70% of the worlds internet servers.
Yes, Apples are more expensive. I suggest you go to Ebay and buy one 11 months old. Then contact Apple and extend its warranty by another two years for a very reasonable sum. Bingo - better than a brand-new PC and none of this surveillance software.
You may think I am connected with Apple in some way. Nope. Find an Apple user near you. We all talk this way.
If you're interested have a look at
Its a bit over-eager, but as you can see, so am I.
Don't buy Apple software either
20.01.2003 19:07
OS-X is no more stable than Windows, they haven't ironed out half the problems that they claim to have, AND IT STILL COSTS MONEY.
Thanks for making the presumption that we (and everyone else that visits UK Indymedia) have never seen a computer before. If you really did USE an Apple, rather than just operate programs on one, you'd know that OS-X is as awkward and heavily flawed as WinDoze. Imagine getting a six-year-old PC or Mac out of a skip, and being easily able to make it work as fast as a brand new PC for common household tasks like web surfing, digital photo manipulation, word processing (with the sublime's Word beating the M$ attempt in EVERY area) - impossible with WinDoze or Mac OS, but with Linux you'd only have to pay for the electricity.
GNU/LINUX (to give it its correct name) is the only way forward for computing globally, due to its OPEN SOURCE nature - it doesn't cost anything (unless you really need your software distribution to come in a shiny cardboard box from a High Street shop) and there are versions that work on Apple and PC - ALL OF WHICH CAN BE DOWNLOADED COMPLETE FOR FREE! Sure you have to register some Linux products, but that's so you can get the updates.
Apple are just as bad at Micro$oft at vapid self-promotion and bug-laden, overengineered yet undertested products, and the main problem is that you still only buy a right to use Apple software, you can never 'own' a piece of it, even if you wrote the update yourself. Even if OS-X can trace some of its code back to Linux (incidentally Apple are particularly poor at sharing their code developments), wouldn't you rather that everyone could use their software products for free?
Come lurk a few sites in the *NIX community - you'll see that both Apple and Micro$oft are relics of the last century, along with consumer-driven capitalism.
Anti-TCPA geeks
Free ( as in Freedom ) Software
21.01.2003 08:25