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Finsbury Park Mosque Raided by Police

bonzo dog | 20.01.2003 03:15

First reports indicate that Finsbury Park Mosque was raided early this morning (2am?) by in excess of 100 police clad in black protective gear. There appear to have been arrests.

As in Summary

bonzo dog


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Whts wrong with targetting Islamic militants?

20.01.2003 08:42

The police should crack down on Islamic militants who support terrorism! These people are scum!


strange evolution

20.01.2003 11:21

Has our unpredictable hero Harlequin joined the BNP?

Well, I guess they hate unions and support the Countryside Alliance, just like him!

kurious oranj

Guerrero Azteca

20.01.2003 11:23

Relax Harlequin!! Bongo just reported what happened. No body said whether it was right or wrong.

A Sanchez


21.01.2003 22:16

Civil liberties in britain have been eroded over the last 2 years to such an extent that even places of worship can be raided and peaceful citizens arrested for no reason...yet not even a peep is heard from the british seems that a mixture of BNP nazis and zionists have hijacked the british media and are dictating uk immigration policies.

After they have finished the witch hunt on arabs, whos next?


should 'suspect' militants have their Mosque invaded by police?

15.11.2003 17:03

The only feasible answer is a strong NO. Places of worship must be recognised as sanctuaries for everyone.Those allegedly involved in militant acts could have been searched or arrested in their homes. The police in their outrageous intrusion into a sacred Islamic Mosque were out of order. Indeed the other members of Islam not involved in the allegations should have OBJECTED VEHEMENTLY.The police in their violent act insulted the whole community of Islam and almost certainly generated more recruits for militant Islam. Islam moreover should not pre-judge those who have been besmirched by unproven allegations. The Queen recently sent a coach and horses through our legal system when she acted above the law and intervened in a court trial.This is not to say that ordinary people should sink so low and should remainabove such impropriety.

william gladys
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