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Media Round-up: Ireland's Shannon Airport Protests

redJaDe | 19.01.2003 14:12

Remember, there's a protest going on in Ireland, too. :-)

Culled from

many more mentions, but mostly from syndicated news agencies.

More info about the protests at


Over a thousand people have marched on Shannon airport to protest at its use by American military.

More than a 1,000 people from across the Irish Republic converged on Shannon airport to protest against the possible use of the airport to refuel American military planes.


– Ireland: Protesters converged on Shannon Airport to protest its use as a refueling stop for U.S. military aircraft.,1299,DRMN_2116_1683993,00.html,1282,-2332601,00.html

- literally dozens more of American TV station websites used this article from Associated Press.

Irish protest military use of Shannon airport

Nicola Byrne
Sunday January 19, 2003
The Observer

Almost 2,000 protesters gathered at Shannon airport yesterday afternoon to object to the US military using the facility to transport arms.
As revealed in last week's Observer, American weapons are being brought through the airport in preparation for war with Iraq. The Green Party has renewed its appeal for Gardai to be allowed to inspect military and chartered civilian aircraft ferrying troops to the Gulf.,12239,877914,00.html


1,500 at Shannon anti-war rally

January 18, 2003

(18:54) An estimated 1,500 people attended today's anti war march and rally at Shannon airport to protest at the use of the airport by US military aircraft and troops.


"There's been too much capital invested in this war for it not to happen. But we're making our position clear, we're saying 'no'. There are people speaking out on this all over the world now, and we're part of it," said Adam Conway, an activist living at a peace camp near Shannon Airport in Ireland.


In Goteborg, Sweden, about 5,000 protested U.S. plans to attack Iraq, and about 2,000 gathered at the international airport in Shannon, Ireland, to protest its use as a refueling point for U.S. military aircraft that are part of the Pentagon's buildup to a possible invasion.,0,7063050.story?coll=ny-worldnews-headlines


In traditionally neutral Ireland more than 2,000 people protested against a government decision allowing US aircraft to use southwest Shannon Airport en route to the Gulf.

"There's been too much capital invested in this war for it not to happen. But we're making our position clear, we're saying 'no'," protester Adam Conway said.,2106,2202511a12,00.html


In the Irish Republic, some 1,000 people were expected at the gates of Shannon airport to protest against its use as a refueling stop for U.S. warplanes en route to the Gulf.
