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Take Your Noles Gardiner back and Throw him in Jail

an American Revolution Decendent | 19.01.2003 01:52

Niles was spewing dictatorship on CNN Headlines today. The USA activists were glad he was identified as an enemy of democracy. CNN did a good job of allowing him to hang himself.

Link to DC-IMC article. Excuse, please anarchist grammar and spelling. We hope you will all help us help Niles to fix nitrogen from lightening during his ivy legeau(m) education.

an American Revolution Decendent
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Which one of you changed Niles to Noles?!

19.01.2003 01:57

Tisk. Shame.

an ARD, no vark

sounds like you did!

19.01.2003 18:30

Why should we be interested in this! No back ground no info no nothing - niles who? Noles who!


For matilda

20.01.2003 21:36

Sorry, matilda. Niles Gardiner is a ultra conservative fascist academic from the UK hold up at the ultra conservation, and very mis-named, Heritage in Washington DC. Hertiage Foundation has been subsidized by BushMob and Bush family contributions since its establishment date. They mask fascism as Norman Rockwell (the artist) politics. Niles likely espouses throwing yourself and other activists or those reading IMC 'terrorist' articles into jail and next torture and execution. So buck up, lady, and listen-up. The next Hilter, other than Saddam Hussein, is an American president with a Romel limey puppet at Heritage Foundation.