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The expansion of the war

Sedunia, Vienna | 18.01.2003 19:18

It is twelve years ago that the USA and their allies started the war against Iraq. The US - military started a tremendous offensive in the night of the 17.01.1991.

It is twelve years ago that the USA and their allies started the war against Iraq. The US - military started a tremendous offensive in the night of the 17.01.1991. In the course of this military offensive they had thrown blanket -bombs on Iraq. These bomber squadrons brought death to hundreds of thousand people in Iraq and buried them under the rubble of the destroyed buildings and houses.

With this military strike the USA initiated their new foreign - policy related the arab world. The arab world got into the focus of the the american foreign - policy. The „ New - World-Order“ that the USA herald to create, took aim at the complete conquest of the arab world and its neighbour countries. This war took place 12 years ago and it showed us what conquest means. It means destruction, poisoning, humiliation. With their nuclear uran-bombs the USA destroyed the Iraq and poisoned the soil for a unforeseeable time, with the stationing of their troops they humiliated the people in the whole arab region. The airstrike, that intentionally destroyed the infrastructure the people need to live, was followed by the greatest invasion after the Second World War. During the course of the military offensive the USA stationed 250.000 of their soldiers in the neighbour countries of Iraq. After the military strike the war against the Iraq went with the embargo that the UNO had sentenced against Iraq and that has caused the death of millions of people. Those UN -responsibles, who protested against the embargo and demanded an end to the genozide in Iraq, were released by the UN -leadership or resigned. The embargo seems not to be misdirected but exactly adapted to the plans of the executing western states. The embargo brought the Iraq completely under the control of the USA. This stranglehold has not been restricted to Iraq. With their massive stationing of military troops in the surrounding area of Iraq, especially Saudi -Arabia and Kuwait, the USA have become a permanent threat to the whole region. During the last years american and british bombers departed week by week to attac targets in Iraq. The war holds on year by year and has become a normal situation. This war and the permanent threat takes aim at any kind of self-consciousness of the people that live in this region. How long will it take, till the same bombers will depart with the same casualness to attac targets in Saudi -Arabien or Syria, in Iran or Jemen ? Their „protecting power“, the USA is speaking about, means for the people to live in a state of siege, which shall destroy and weaken every kind of independence and rapprochement. The first military strike has weakened the arab world very hard and has forced the american boots on their land. Another war will enlarge the mobility of the US - troops enormously. To spread out „ democracy“ as they use to say. But this means war against the arab - muslim world. The western jabbering about „democracy“ is nothing more than hypocracy, it is like spitting in the face of the arab people and a bad attempt to give their policy of despising of mankind a name. This attac on the arab world and the surrounding area expresses itsselve also in the growing racism in the western world against the arab - muslim culture. This racism also can be seen by the indifferent manner the western population perceives the preperations of the war. 12 years after the first war, the next military strike is going to be prepared. Again, the US -troops are deploying, unscrupulous, as if they had neither conscience nor memory, as if they wouldn`t be aware that they are coming back to the place of crime to get a deeply branded country again in the sights of their military machinery. Turkey, Saudi -Arabia, Kuwait, Quatar, Jemen, Syria, Iran - no country in this region that is not in a very difficult situation. This is because the war affects the whole region. With economical, political and military weapons the USA put pressure on these countries to force them into their war alliance. Hardly any country, except the USA, wants this war. But hardly any country has set something against the preparation of the war. The attempts of the EU, to do something against the coming war, are very timid. From Iraq they demand unconditional, disarmament and from the leadership to go into exile. So they wish to take the wind out of the american sails. But the people in iraq have hardly any reason to hope that the international public may prevent the war. The ridge between the opponent and the assistant of war is strench, even if the EU would like to go on about, because the will of the USA, to force unconditionly their next war on the world, is not to oversee.

Against the US - war !

Against the anti-arabic and anti-islamic racism !

Vienna, January 2003

Sedunia, Vienna
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