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. | 18.01.2003 11:14

I received the following petition by email.
Please copy it and add your name and send it to everyone you know (preferably, otherwise at least send it to some people to keep it moving on).

Also, can some people please put a copy of this on some other indymedia sites. PLEASE :-)

I do not normally forward these kind of e-mails on... but I am making
an exception this time.

The US Congress has just authorized the President of the US to go to war against Iraq. Please consider this an urgent request.
UN Petition for Peace
Stand for Peace.
Islam is not the Enemy.
War is NOT the Answer.
Today we are at a point of imbalance in the world and are moving toward what may be the beginning of a THIRD WORLD WAR.
If you are against this possibility, the UN is gathering signatures in an effort to avoid a tragic world event.
Please COPY (rather than Forward) this e-mail in a new message, sign at the end of the list, and send it to all the people whom you know. If you receive this list with more than 500 names signed, please send a copy of the message to:

Even if you decide not to sign, please consider forwarding the petition on instead of eliminating it.

1) Suzanne Dathe, Grenoble, France
2) Laurence COMPARAT, Grenoble, France
3) Philippe MOTTE, Grenoble, France
4) Jok FERRAND, Mont St. Martin, France
5) Emmanuelle PIGNOL, St Martin d'Heres, FRANCE
6) Marie GAUTHIER, Grenoble, FRANCE
7) Laurent VESCALO, Grenoble, FRANCE
8) Mathieu MOY, St Egreve, FRANCE
9) Bernard BLANCHET, Mont St Martin,FRANCE
10) Tassadite FAVRIE, Grenoble, FRANCE
11) Loic GODARD, St Ismier, FRANCE
12) Benedicte PASCAL, Grenoble, FRANCE
13) Khedaidja BENATIA, Grenoble, FRANCE
14) Marie-Therese LLORET, Grenoble,FRANCE
15) Benoit THEAU, Poitiers, FRANCE
16) Bruno CONSTANTIN, Poitiers, FRANCE
17) Christian COGNARD, Poitiers, FRANCE
18) Robert GARDETTE, Paris, FRANCE
19) Claude CHEVILLARD, Montpellier, FRANCE
20) gilles FREISS, Montpellier, FRANCE
21) Patrick AUGEREAU, Montpellier, FRANCE
22) Jean IMBERT, Marseille, FRANCE
23) Jean-Claude MURAT, Toulouse, France
24) Anna BASSOLS, Barcelona, Catalonia
25) Mireia DUNACH, Barcelona, Catalonia
26) Michel VILLAZ, Grenoble, France
27) Pages Frederique, Dijon, France
28) Rodolphe FISCHMEISTER,Chatenay-Malabry, France
29) Francois BOUTEAU, Paris, France
30) Patrick PETER, Paris, France
31) Lorenza RADICI, Paris, France
32) Monika Siegenthaler, Bern, Switzerland
33) Mark Philp, Glasgow, Scotland
34) Tomas Andersson, Stockholm, Sweden
35) Jonas Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden
36) Karin Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden
37) Ake Ljung, Stockholm, Sweden
38) Carina Sedlmayer, Stockholm, Sweden
39) Rebecca Uddman, Stockholm, Sweden
40) Lena Skog, Stockholm, Sweden
41) Micael Folke, Stockholm, Sweden
42) Britt-Marie Folke, Stockholm, Sweden
43) Birgitta Schuberth, Stockholm, Sweden
44) Lena Dahl, Stockholm, Sweden
45) Ebba Karlsson, Stockholm, Sweden
46) Jessica Carlsson, Vaxjo, Sweden
47) Sara Blomquist, Vaxjo, Sweden
48) Magdalena Fosseus, Vaxjo, Sweden
49) Charlotta Langner, Goteborg, Sweden
50) Andrea Egedal, Goteborg, Sweden
51) Lena Persson, Stockholm, Sweden
52) Magnus Linder, Umea ,Sweden
53) Petra Olofsson, Umea, Sweden
54) Caroline Evenbom, Vaxjo, Sweden
55) Asa Peterson, Grimes, Sweden
56) Jessica Bjork, Grimes, Sweden
57) Linda Ahlbom Goteborg, Sweden
58) Jenny Forsman, Boras, Sweden
59) Nina Gunnarson, Kinna, Sweden
60) Andrew Harrison, New Zealand
61) Bryre Murphy, New Zealand
62) Claire Lugton, New Zealand
63) Sarah Thornton, New Zealand
64) Rachel Eade, New Zealand
65) Magnus Hjert, London, UK
67) Madeleine Stamvik, Hurley, UK
68) Susanne Nowlan, Vermont, USA
69) Lotta Svenby, Malmoe, Sweden
70) Adina Giselsson, Malmoe, Sweden
71) Anders Kullman, Stockholm, Sweden
72) Rebecka Swane, Stockholm, Sweden
73) Jens Venge, Stockholm, Sweden
74) Catharina Ekdahl, Stockholm, Sweden
75) Nina Fylkegard, Stockholm, Sweden
76) Therese Stedman, Malmoe, Sweden
77) Jannica Lund, Stockholm, Sweden
78) Douglas Bratt
79) Mats Lfstrom, Stockholm, Sweden
80) Li Lindstrom, Sweden
81) Ursula Mueller, Sweden
82) Marianne Komstadius, Stockholm, Sweden
83) Peter Thyselius, Stockholm, Sweden
84) Gonzalo Oviedo, Quito, Ecuador
85) Amalia Romeo, Gland, Switzerland
86) Margarita Restrepo, Gland, Switzerland
87) Eliane Ruster, Crans p.C., Switzerland
88) Jennifer Bischoff-Elder, Hong Kong
89) Azita Lashgari, Beirut, Lebanon
90) Khashayar Ostovany, New York, USA
91) Lisa L Miller, Reno NV
92) Danielle Avazian, Los Angeles, CA
93) Sara Risher,Los Angeles,Ca.
94) Melanie London, New York, NY
95) Susan Brownstein , Los Angeles, CA
96) Steven Raspa, San Francisco, CA
97) Margot Duane, Ross, CA
98) Natasha Darnall, Los Angeles, CA
99) Candace Brower, Evanston, IL
100) James Kjelland, Evanston, IL
101) Michael Jampole, Beach Park, IL, USA
102) Diane Willis, Wilmette, IL, USA
103) Sharri Russell, Roanoke, VA, USA
104) Faye Cooley, Roanoke, VA, USA
105) Celeste Thompson, Round Rock, TX, USA
106) Sherry Stang, Pflugerville, TX, USA
107) Amy J. Singer, Pflugerville, TX USA
108) Milissa Bowen, Austin, TX USA
109) Michelle Jozwiak, Brenham, TX USA
110) Mary Orsted, College Station, TX USA
111) Janet Gardner, Dallas, TX USA
112) Marilyn Hollingsworth, Dallas, TX USA
113) Nancy Shamblin, Garland. TX USA
114) K. M. Mullen, Houston, TX - USA
115) Noreen Tolman, Houston, Texas - USA
116) Laurie Sobolewski, Warren, MI
117) Kellie Sisson Snider, Irving Texas
118) Carol Currie, Garland, Garland Texas
119) John Snyder, Garland, TX USA
120) Elaine Hannan, South Africa
121) Jayne Howes, South Africa
122) Diane Barnes, Akron, Ohio
123) Melanie Dass Moodley, Durban, South Africa
124) Imma Merino, Barcelona, Catalonia
125) Toni Vinas, Barcelona, Catalonia
126) Marc Alfaro, Barcelona, Catalonia
127) Manel Saperas, Barcelona, Catalonia
128) Jordi Ribas Izquierdo, Catalonia
129) Naiana Lacorte Rodes, Catalonia
130) Joan Vitoria i Codina, Barcelona,Catalonia
131) Jordi Paris i Romia, Barcelona,Catalonia
131) Marta Truno i Salvado, Barcelona,Catalonia
132) Jordi Lagares Roset, Barcelona,Catalonia
133) Josep Puig Vidal, Barcelona,Catalonia
134) Marta Juanola i Codina, Barcelona,Catalonia
135) Manel de la Fuente i Colino,Barcelona,Catalonia
136) Gemma Belluda i Ventura, Barcelona,Catalonia
137) Victor Belluda i Ventur, Barcelona,Catalonia
138) MaAntonia Balletbo, Barcelona, Spain
139) Mireia Masdevall Llorens, Barcelona,Spain
140) Clara Planas, Barcelona, Spain
141) Fernando Labastida Gual, Barcelona,Spain
142) Cristina Vacarisas, Barcelona, Spain
143) Enric Llarch i Poyo, Barcelona, Catalonia
144) Rosa Escoriza Valencia, Barcelona,Catalonia
145) Silvia Jimenez, Barcelona, Catalonia
146) Maria Clarella, Barcelona, Catalonia
147) Angels Guimera, Barcelona, Catalonia
148) M.Carmen Ruiz Fernandez, Barcelona,Catalonia
149) Rufi Cerdan Heredia, Barcelona,Catalonia
150) M. Teresa Vilajeliu Roig, Barcelona,Catalonia
151) Rafel LLussa, Girona, Catalonia,Spain
152) Mariangels Gallego Ribo, Gelida,Catalonia
153) Jordi Cortadella, Gelida, Catalonia
154) Pere Botella, Barcelona, Catalonia(Spain)
155) Josefina Auladell Baulenas, Catalunya(Spain)
156) Empar Escoin Carceller, Catalunya(Spain)
157) Elisa Pla Soler, Catalunya (Spain)
158) Paz Morillo Bosch, Catalunya (Spain)
159) Cristina Bosch Moreno, Madrid (Spain)
160) Marta Puertolas, Barcelona (Spain)
161) Elisa del Pino (Madrid) Spain
162) Joaquin Rivera (Madrid) Spain
163) Carmen Barral (Madrid) Spain
164) Carmen del Pino (Madrid) Spain
165) Asuncion del Pino (Madrid) Spain
166) francesca Mostardini (Milano) Italy
167) Federico Bonadeo (Milano) Italy
168) Jo Burchell (Dorset) England
169) Matt Hinds (London) England
170) Vladimir Eatwell (London) England
171) Hannah Dawson (Cambridge) England
172) Helen Peeks (London) England
173) Judit Child (St. John) U.S.V.I
174) Kathaleen (Texas) U.S.A.
175) Deana Blanch (Texas) U.S.A
176) Erin Flaherty Vancouver, Canada
177) Holly Flaherty Daegu, South Korea
178) Meredith J. Hayes, Montreal, Canada
179) Jeffrey Murray Gougeon, Seoul, South Korea)
180) Chris Gougeon, Montreal, Canada
190) Rob Shallhorn, Montreal, Canada
191) Marc Edmunds, London, England
192) Marie-Eve Duffy,Montreal, Canada
193) Katie Ewald, Montreal, Canada
194) Christine Kjellberg, Hosle, Norway
195) Siri B. Rom, Stabekk, Norway
196) Halvard A. Møgster, Norway
197) Tor Grønvik, Norway
198) Dag Wollebæk, Norway
199) Else Hostvedt, Norway
200) Geir Allan Stava, Norway
201) Finn W. Fosen, Norway
202) Kjell Olav Leirvåg, Norway
203) Sissel Andsnes, Norway
204) Lars Øystein Folkedal
205) Berit Johanne Folkedal
206) Nina Janne Dalseth, Oslo, Norway
207) Hildur Sandstad Dalen,Norway
208) Magnar Åm, Volda, Norway
209) Unni Løvlid, Oslo, Norway
210) Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje, Oslo, Norway
211) eldritch Priest, Victoria, Canada
212) dan goldman, toronto, canada
213) Peter Murray, Toronto, Canada
214) Sean Richards, Toronto, Canada
215) Chris Chapple, Melbourne, Australia
216) Michael Hager, Melbourne Australia
217) David Laing, Melbourne, Australia
218) Bruce milne, Melbourne, Australia
219) Kristen Francis, Melbourne, Australia
220) Carla Yamine, Melbourne, Australia
221) Mirella Blasco, Sydney, Australia
222) Hebbat Manhy, Sydney Australia
223) Jadranka Vidovic, Sydney Australia
224) Peter Harrow, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
225) Lisa Cheng, Sydney, Australia
226) Eduardo Fernandes, Sydney, Australia
227) Hazel Scott Towers, Sydney, Australia
228) Stuart Harris, Sydney, Australia
229) Jeanette Harris, Sydney, Austrailia
230) Ciara Pearman, Rome , Italy

231) Ben Pearman, Rome, Italy

232) Nick Pearman, Maidstone, Kent, England
233) Hugh Jones, Vientiene, Laos



Hide the following 3 comments

Warning: This is a HOAX !

18.01.2003 12:42

To my best knowledge:


The UN doesn't collect signatures !


mail e-mail:

It's a phoney alright

18.01.2003 19:31

I was e-mailed such a petition a few months ago, I have no reason why they had to say it was from the UN, try and give some crediblity I suppose, well it backfired on them.

Thomas J

I'm sorry

18.01.2003 22:10

I'm sorry, its a beautiful, lovely idea, but doing something to help is not this easy.

Firstly, the UN reference is pure nonsense, and reduces its credibility with any authorities to zero.

Secondly, I could rephrase the text to be a call on the US government to be strong against terrorism, and to annihilate Iraq, Iran and the Palestinians. And post it in. With all the names of those poor deluded people on the bottom. Any rational authorities would point out that this could in fact itself be a petition for the opposite, with the wording changed at the last minute.

Thirdly, even forgetting all this, anyone receiving this petition would find it almost impossible to estimate how many people had in fact signed, because names near the top will occur again and again in huge numbers of petitions.

Good try. But use your BRAIN next time. The only thing this (sadly) does is prove that too many of we people who care have switched off our critical faculties, and are following like sheep. We need thought and action, not action without thought.
