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Daily Mail's War on Refugees and Immigrants

michael c fw from NCADC | 17.01.2003 12:12 | Anti-racism

On Holocaust Memorial Day, say No to the Daily Mail's War on Refugees and Immigrants.
Demonstrate - 5.30pm
Monday 27th January 2003
Daily Mail Offices

On Holocaust Memorial Day

Say No to the Daily Mail's War on Refugees and Immigrants

Demonstrate - 5.30pm
Monday 27th January 2003
Daily Mail Offices
Associated Newspapers Building
2 Derry Street
London W8
(near High Street Kensington Underground Station)

Come and show your opposition to racism in the media. Join with us Monday 27th January from 5.30pm Outside the Daily Mail Offices in Derby Street

Called by: Barbed Wire Britain, Bristol Defend the Asylum Seekers Campaign, Close Down Campsfield Campaign, Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers, Jewish Socialist Group, Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers.

Nearly every day there is an article in the Daily Mail attacking asylum seekers - often on the front page with an inflammatory headline such as "Stop the Asylum Invasion". Often in a big centre spread. Sometimes the leader column. Always portraying migrants and refugees as scroungers trying to take advantage and as a threat to the 'British way of life'. Sometimes as barely or sub-human. As one refugee said seeing a Daily Mail headline - 'A Door We Can't Close' - "it makes me feel like vermin". Well, that's the idea, that is the image that is being presented. No wonder asylum seekers get beaten up around the country, often sustaining permanent injuries such as losing an eye, and in some cases murdered. This is a heavy responsibility that lies upon the Daily Mail and other papers such as the Express.

There is nothing new about this. On Holocaust Memorial Day it is fitting to remember what the Daily Mail said about Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany "The way stateless Jews from Germany are pouring in from every port of this country is becoming an outrageŠthe number of aliens entering the country through back door - a problem to which the Daily Mail has repeatedly pointed" Daily Mail, 20 August 1938.

Or go back further "They fought, they jostled to the foremost places at the gangways.. When the Relief Committee passed by they hid their gold and fawned and whined in broken English asked for money for their train fare." This is the Daily Mail, February 3rd writing about Jewish immigrants in 1900.

On Holocaust Memorial Day it is worth remembering that the Daily Mail was an enthusiastic supporter of Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists "Hurrah for the Black Shirts". The Daily Mail sang the praises of Mussolini's Italy and for Nazi Germany. Lord Rothemere the proprietor of the newspaper had regular meetings with Hitler in the mid-1930s.

Clearly this vicious leopard has not changed its spots in the last century. This is an opening salvo in our campaign to put an end to its racist filth. We will not cease, until the Daily Mail ceases its hateful campaign.

If you can't be there send a message of 'Solidarity', to be read out at the demo,
send c/o Liz Peretz, Close Down Campsfield Campaign:

Inquiries/further information:
Jewish Socialist Group (JSG)

Asylum and Immigration: Removals Inquiry
Home Affairs Committee: Opening session, Tuesday 21st January 2003 @ 2.30pm, members of the public are invited to attend. More info:

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead Road
Birmingham B20 2QS

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michael c fw from NCADC


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Nice one

17.01.2003 12:46

All the best on that demo.
give em hell!

daniel gurney