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US Activist to Address Cardiff Rally

International Citizens for Peace | 16.01.2003 13:47

International Anti-War Feeling grows, US activist to address Cardiff Rally. On the day hundred of thousands march in Washington, international students will join welsh demonstration.


Thursday 16th January 2003, For Immediate Release

From: International Citizens for Peace
Contact: Joel Kenrick (01446 799237) or 07901692296
Photo Call: International Students under the banner 'Unite
For Peace' at 12:15 outside City Hall on Saturday 18th


*On the day hundreds of thousands march in Washington,
international students will join welsh demonstration.*

Momentum against an attack on Iraq is growing, as
Saturday's Anti-War Rally in Cardiff looks set to be joined
by peace activists from around the world. Students from
countries including Columbia, Hong Kong, Israel, Palestine,
Pakistan, Peru and the USA, will be attending the Rally. A
group of 'Radical Cheerleaders' is also expected to join
hundreds of protesters assembling at City Hall at 12 pm.

Noah Block-Harvey, an American peace activist from Boston
currently studying at Atlantic College, is expected to tell
the rally:

'Across the United States the anti-war movement is growing.
As we speak hundreds of thousands are gathering, from
Washington to Los Angeles, to show their opposition to a
war with Iraq. With the support of millions of people
across the world like you we can stop Bush.'

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Gerson Andres Florez Perez (17),
has been working for peace in his native Columbia since he
was 10. Nominated last year at the age of 16 for the Nobel
Peace Prize, he won the 'Global Youth Award for Peace and
Tolerance' at the UN in New York in 1999. He is currently
studying in Wales for the International Baccalaureate,
having won a scholarship to Atlantic College late last
year. Today he spoke out against a US attack on Iraq for
the first time:

'Nobody has the right to say who can live and who must die.
All of us have the same right to be free and live in peace.
There is no justification in killing anyone. We can and
must find other ways to keep security and freedom. Whatever
our age, religion or nationality we are all brothers and
sisters. Together we have the power to build a better

Israeli student Shani Cohem, also studying at Atlantic
College, said:

'The Middle East is currently in a very volatile situation.
A war with Iraq would merely inflame the region. We must
try to work for a peaceful solution, the alternative would
be the death of thousands of innocent people on all sides.'

Forward Planning: An International Weapons Inspection of
RAF St Athans will take place on Saturday 25th January at
15:00. In a colourful, theatrical demonstration Inspectors
from 5 continents, many dressed in national costumes, will
ask to inspect the Base for Weapons of Mass Destruction. A
peaceful but noisy march will leave Llantwit Major at
13:30. Further details to follow, or contact Joel Kenrick
01446 799237.

Editors Notes:
- More information, including interviews with international
activists, from Joel Kenrick 01446 799237 or Bilingual interviews are also
- The Demo in Cardiff is organised by the South Wales
Coalition Against the War. Contact Teresa Goss 02920 499579
- Atlantic College is one of ten United World Colleges
around the world. More than 300 students from 73 countries
study for the two year IB exam, most on scholarship.
Contact Laura Henderson 01446 799147.

International Citizens for Peace
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