iraqi civilian deaths promised by usa/uk leaflet drop
sicwarops | 16.01.2003 12:20
Millions of leaflets, many which appear to threaten death to Iraqi civilians, have been dropped over Southern Iraq in an escalating programme of psychological warfare conducted by US and UK military.
One leaflet reads "Coalition air power enforces the No-Fly Zones to protect the Iraqi people. Threatening these Coalition aircraft has a consequence. The attacks may destroy you or any location of Coalition choosing. Will it be you or your brother? You decide." This leaflet is coded 020-20D."
This is just one of 13 different propaganda leaflets dropped in in their millions over Southern Iraq since October 2002.
Other leaflets provide information about "Radio Information" a US/UK radio station that came on air on 12th December 2001 and has since then provided daily broadcasts of crude anti-Saddam propaganda.
One message, broadcast from a United States Air Force EC-130E Commando Solo aircraft flying over Iraq said, “Saddam has built palace after palace for himself and has purchased a fleet of luxury cars all at the expense of the Iraqi people. This money would be much better suited to build libraries and schools. This money would have gone a long way to provide better food and medicine for the people of Iraq. The amount of money Saddam spends on himself in one day would be more than enough to feed a family for a year.”
The frequency and intensity of these propaganda drops has dramatically increased in the last few weeks.
Full copies and descriptions of these leaflets have been provided in a research study carried out by Herbert A Friedman for ( which has compiled a database of all aerial propaganda leaflets dropped since the 2nd World War.
In the vast majority of cases, such propaganda was dropped either during, or immediately prior to, full-scale hostilities.
The implication of these drops is that a full scale attack on Iraq is imminent, and that the US and UK governments are quite open about their willingness to commit war crimes. The deliberate targetting of civilians is a war crime.
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