New Enforcement and Preliminary Investigation Act "HE 52/2002"
Ake Tyvi | 15.01.2003 21:50
Current Police Act is written in a slightly milder way to the being presented at the moment and it has only such key ideology in its expressions as 'if these is any reasons to suspect' or 'if there is any reason to assume'. The new HE 52/2002 will remove the necessity of most suspicions or assuming - the new act gives straight through all privileges needed to the police and police level persons.
16 January 2002
FINLAND - New Enforcement and Preliminary Act also known as "HE 52/2002" is taking Finland closer to East Germany and Soviet Union times, than ever. Only in Nazi Germany officials had as strongly privileges to interfere citizen’s privacy. A Law State has turned into "Richts Fur Alles" -nation in the phrase’s deepest meaning.
Newly presented and 'adjusted' Enforcement and Preliminary Law Bill is made and presented by the deputy manager Jan Törngvist from the Ministry of Justice. I am very surprised to hear one man carrying this huge responsibility.
Current Police Act is written in a slightly milder way to the being presented at the moment and it has only such key ideology in its expressions as 'if these is any reasons to suspect' or 'if there is any reason to assume'. The new HE 52/2002 will remove the necessity of most suspicions or assuming - the new act gives straight through all privileges needed to the police and police level persons.
So, if someone gives a tip to a Finnish police, then they are ready to use Police Act based on a suspicion. - It is a bit different to a normal persons not being as paranoid as Finnish government well selected workers.
For instance, western law waits first the crime to take place, and then police proves, that a crime really took place. This is more normal and saves a lot of effort indeed? Finnish police is trying to trace everything in beforehand. Doesn’t round really smart does it? But it serves political purposes very well, specially those needing such information (e.g. communism).
In the future police is allowed to enter your house, when ever he needs to and make a house search when he feels like it. Which brings me down to II world war and reminds if the time, when Nazis did the same to Jewish people…
Enclose a short translation of some main adjustments in the newly presented HE 52/2002. Interfering into peoples life in this way can only mean, that someone have lost his/her common sense in the Ministry Justice and in Parliament, or what do your think?
Ake Tyvi (Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland)
Translated parts of the preliminary speech of the HE 52/2002 without braking 'the spirit of the Finnish law interpretation':
"Committing a house search (in home) would not suppose, that a person would be doubt having committed a crime, but instead would be enough, that there is a reason to doubt a crime."
"The usage of committing a house search (in home) would be expanded in a way, that it would be possible to commit it to found an item or a property to be put into a confiscation for security or under temporary sequestation."
"Physical examination no longer would assume, that a person can be suspected from a crime with very like reasons, from which the maximum punishment provided by the law is six months jail, but instead would be enough, that there is a reason to suspect this person from a crime."
"Physical examination could also be aimed towards a suspect, that is not with a like reasons to be suspected having committed a crime, if on very competent grounds can assumed, that a confiscated property will be found or crime evidence can be proved."
"Focusing the physical examination to other person than to the one being suspected from a crime would assume, that on very competent grounds can assumed, that the confiscated property will be found or crime evidence can be proved."
Source: Parliament database under www-link (=>asiakirja/asiakirjat, =>asiakirja, to the "asiakirjan tunniste" -field insert "52/2002")
Original text parts of the preliminary speech of the HE 52/2002 without braking 'the spirit of the Finnish law interpretation':
"Kotietsinnän toimittaminen ei edellyttäisi, että henkilöä todennäköisin syihin epäillään rikoksesta, vaan riittäisi, että on syytä epäillä häntä rikoksesta."
"Kotietsinnän käyttöala laajennettaisiin siten, että se saataisiin toimittaa myös väliaikaiseen hukkumiskieltoon tai vakuustakavarikkoon pantavan esineen tai omaisuuden löytämiseksi."
"Henkilöntarkastus ei enää edellyttäisi, että henkilöä voidaan todennäköisin syin epäillä rikoksesta, josta säädetty ankarin rangaistus on vähintään kuusi kuukautta vankeutta, vaan riittäisi, että häntä on syytä epäillä tällaisesta rikoksesta."
"Henkilönkatsastus voitaisiin myös kohdistaa epäillylle, jota ei todennäköisin syin epäillä rikoksesta, jos erittäin pätevin perustein voidaan olettaa, että löydetään takavarikoitava esine tai saadaan näyttöä rikoksesta."
"Henkilöntarkastuksen kohdistaminen muuhun kuin rikoksesta epäiltyyn edellyttäisi, että erittäin pätevin perustein voidaan olettaa, että löydetään takavarikoitava esine tai saadaan näyttöä rikoksesta."
Lähde: Parliament database under www-link (=>asiakirja/asiakirjat, =>asiakirja, to the "asiakirjan tunniste" -field insert "52/2002")
FINLAND - New Enforcement and Preliminary Act also known as "HE 52/2002" is taking Finland closer to East Germany and Soviet Union times, than ever. Only in Nazi Germany officials had as strongly privileges to interfere citizen’s privacy. A Law State has turned into "Richts Fur Alles" -nation in the phrase’s deepest meaning.
Newly presented and 'adjusted' Enforcement and Preliminary Law Bill is made and presented by the deputy manager Jan Törngvist from the Ministry of Justice. I am very surprised to hear one man carrying this huge responsibility.
Current Police Act is written in a slightly milder way to the being presented at the moment and it has only such key ideology in its expressions as 'if these is any reasons to suspect' or 'if there is any reason to assume'. The new HE 52/2002 will remove the necessity of most suspicions or assuming - the new act gives straight through all privileges needed to the police and police level persons.
So, if someone gives a tip to a Finnish police, then they are ready to use Police Act based on a suspicion. - It is a bit different to a normal persons not being as paranoid as Finnish government well selected workers.
For instance, western law waits first the crime to take place, and then police proves, that a crime really took place. This is more normal and saves a lot of effort indeed? Finnish police is trying to trace everything in beforehand. Doesn’t round really smart does it? But it serves political purposes very well, specially those needing such information (e.g. communism).
In the future police is allowed to enter your house, when ever he needs to and make a house search when he feels like it. Which brings me down to II world war and reminds if the time, when Nazis did the same to Jewish people…
Enclose a short translation of some main adjustments in the newly presented HE 52/2002. Interfering into peoples life in this way can only mean, that someone have lost his/her common sense in the Ministry Justice and in Parliament, or what do your think?
Ake Tyvi (Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland)
Translated parts of the preliminary speech of the HE 52/2002 without braking 'the spirit of the Finnish law interpretation':
"Committing a house search (in home) would not suppose, that a person would be doubt having committed a crime, but instead would be enough, that there is a reason to doubt a crime."
"The usage of committing a house search (in home) would be expanded in a way, that it would be possible to commit it to found an item or a property to be put into a confiscation for security or under temporary sequestation."
"Physical examination no longer would assume, that a person can be suspected from a crime with very like reasons, from which the maximum punishment provided by the law is six months jail, but instead would be enough, that there is a reason to suspect this person from a crime."
"Physical examination could also be aimed towards a suspect, that is not with a like reasons to be suspected having committed a crime, if on very competent grounds can assumed, that a confiscated property will be found or crime evidence can be proved."
"Focusing the physical examination to other person than to the one being suspected from a crime would assume, that on very competent grounds can assumed, that the confiscated property will be found or crime evidence can be proved."
Source: Parliament database under www-link (=>asiakirja/asiakirjat, =>asiakirja, to the "asiakirjan tunniste" -field insert "52/2002")
Original text parts of the preliminary speech of the HE 52/2002 without braking 'the spirit of the Finnish law interpretation':
"Kotietsinnän toimittaminen ei edellyttäisi, että henkilöä todennäköisin syihin epäillään rikoksesta, vaan riittäisi, että on syytä epäillä häntä rikoksesta."
"Kotietsinnän käyttöala laajennettaisiin siten, että se saataisiin toimittaa myös väliaikaiseen hukkumiskieltoon tai vakuustakavarikkoon pantavan esineen tai omaisuuden löytämiseksi."
"Henkilöntarkastus ei enää edellyttäisi, että henkilöä voidaan todennäköisin syin epäillä rikoksesta, josta säädetty ankarin rangaistus on vähintään kuusi kuukautta vankeutta, vaan riittäisi, että häntä on syytä epäillä tällaisesta rikoksesta."
"Henkilönkatsastus voitaisiin myös kohdistaa epäillylle, jota ei todennäköisin syin epäillä rikoksesta, jos erittäin pätevin perustein voidaan olettaa, että löydetään takavarikoitava esine tai saadaan näyttöä rikoksesta."
"Henkilöntarkastuksen kohdistaminen muuhun kuin rikoksesta epäiltyyn edellyttäisi, että erittäin pätevin perustein voidaan olettaa, että löydetään takavarikoitava esine tai saadaan näyttöä rikoksesta."
Lähde: Parliament database under www-link (=>asiakirja/asiakirjat, =>asiakirja, to the "asiakirjan tunniste" -field insert "52/2002")
Ake Tyvi