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September 11 | 14.01.2003 23:31

You have been lied to about 9-11. Read the following articles for proof of this.


Concerning the above pictures of construction of the World Trade Center:

The central core and perimeter wall of the World Trade Center 2 have been marked in red (the inner rectangle bounds the central core and the outer rectangle bounds the perimeter wall). "Trusses" visible at the top level have been marked in white, those visible one floor down have been marked in magenta.

So what do you see with your own eyes? Trusses or solid steel girders?

Thats right, you see solid steel girders (and these are laid out according to the plan for the positioning of the supposed trusses).

You do not see trusses, you see solid steel girders.

For the article that the above pictures came from see:

They Lied About the Trusses.

The mythical trusses, the central core and the perimeter wall of the World Trade Center are all introduced in the article:

The World Trade Center Demolition..

There you will find out their dimensions, their numbers and their supposed usage. The following illustration describes one of the mythical trusses.

A full list of articles from can be found at:

September 11
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Hide the following 10 comments

It certainly has

15.01.2003 00:56


Yes it certainly has


So what's the up-shot of this?

15.01.2003 09:54

I don't know much about engineering - if there were solid steel girders instead of trusses, that would mean the WTC was much stronger than we were led to believe, right?.

So would that mean that the WTC towers never came down at all, and they're actually still there? Now *that* would be a good trick if someone could pull it off...



Conspiracy "Theory"

15.01.2003 16:40

OK, just want to check that I've got this right...

On September 11th Mossad/the CIA/Colombian druglords/Bush/US right-wingers (delete according to prejudices) hijacked several jets by remote control, flew them into the two towers which they subsequently toppled using explosives. While in Washington they used a truck laden with explosives to 'attack' the Pentagon.Subsequently they manufactured hundreds of eyewitness statements, made the passengers of four comercial aircraft dissapear, doctored media photographs, altered all the plans of the WTC and managed to evade the biggest criminal investigation in history. However despite all of this they inexplicably forgot to manufacture any compelling 'eviidence' (beyond the circumstantial) to connect the attacks to Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein.

Did I miss anything?

Disillusioned kid

Important thing you forgot

15.01.2003 16:58

Yeah - as our intrepid author says, "they lied about the trusses". Now, when people are lying about trusses, you know something's afoot...


Completly purile

15.01.2003 18:51

Joss and disallussioned kid, maybe I miss some deeper meaning to your comments, but what is the point of your postings? As amusing as you must surely think the are, I see no humour in either the execution or the consequences of [ONE of] the larger mass killings in recent [western] history [the consequences being of course, the deaths of tens of thousands of afghanis and soon iraqiis].
Perhaps your not familiar with structual engineering. Well neither am I, but when evidence COMPLEATELY refuting the official explanation for the destruction of the wtc emerges, I don't hide my head up my arse because the consequences of taking on board the fact that the culprits maybe our own governments and corporations imply that I might have to change my lifestyle.
Laugh if you must, that is either the product of the game of shoot the messenger [when material for shooting the message is lacking] or of a mind that at the end of the day doesn't really care.

The issue of the trusses, combined with the irrifutable evidence of a large release of energy JUST before the fall of the towers [seismic data], demonstrate that the planes did not and could not supply enough kinetic, thermic or mass of energy to cause this distruction.
Is that simple enough for you?

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keep at 'em jackslucid

15.01.2003 23:11

You're the best
Personally, I'm certain the towers were brought down by a tesla/beam/scalar kind of pulse - just observation tells you everything was turned to dust by an extremely powerful vibrational wave.The immolation of concrete, steel and flesh and bones didn't occur just through the downward force.
Common sense tells you that large chunks of building should have fallen off the main structure further destroying large chunks of Manhatten. The result was all too neat.
You can see the fictional version of this in the film Armaggedon, where the aliens beam a much stronger pulse down


Ok; elucidate.

16.01.2003 18:44

Ok, Jack,

Where did the planes go? Where did the passengers go? Why were governments that could orchestrate such a grand conspiracy so utterly incapable of producing irrefutible evidence linking (among other things) Saddam Hussein to Al-Qaeda?

Actually (as I've said elsewhere) I think it's much more cosy to believe that every unpleasant thing in the world happens because of a grand conspiracy. Somehow it makes people seem much more benevolent (and governments seem more capable) than they often are.

Although I find the idea that alien beams in "Armageddon" provide a convincing precedent to be quite compelling...



Three easy ones joss

16.01.2003 22:24

1. The planes crashed and burnt into the wtc.
2. The passengers crashed and burnt in the wtc
3. Such evidence would be easy to talk about and speculate on [witness every newspaper and tv channel!], harder - but not impossible - to fake and dangerous to try, stupid to attempt as even uninformed observors are dimly aware that philosophically and politically the Barthists and the Al Quida are as far apart as is possible without begining to come back around!
Anymore stupid questions or do have some infomation to share with us?

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That's reassuring

18.01.2003 11:48

So, after all that you do actually accept that it was planes full of passengers that took down the WTC. I just wanted to pin down what you actually believed.

All that rhetoric was just smoke and mirrors, huh?



Joss you clearly have trouble ...

31.01.2003 17:15

... separating the issues.
1. yes planes crashed into the wtc.
2. no this wasn't responsible for bringing the towers down.
Start from this simple set of FACTS and you may begin to understand the signifcance of this info [original article].

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