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A Mini Adventure

Hugh Warwick | 13.01.2003 10:01

Wonderful bit of subvertising that has just emerged in Oxford.

A Mini Adventure
A Mini Adventure

Hugh Warwick
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global warming

13.01.2003 13:01

for another view, try:


Sceptic (yawn)

13.01.2003 14:37

Sceptic (yawn) typically well-informed, refers us to news story from 1997, and from no less august a news source than the Australian.

(for a guy who tell us he went to Oxford and both his parents were teachers he's remarkably intellectually lazy-- this may however explain his politics (or are those just a fact of his employment)



13.01.2003 15:49

the article may date from 1997 - but have you studied the data in there? Data doesn't change.


more fun from...

14.01.2003 13:58

Disregard anything you may read in New Australian as a steaming pile of dog shite. Gerard Jackson accuses the Murdoch press of being too left wing! Here's a few more examples of their quality journalism:-

The cartoon at the bottom of this page is the work of Tanberg (5/5). Like his editors at The Age (maybe we should call it Der Stuermer) he too suffers from the curse of moral equivalence. This allows him to gleefully portray Israeli troops as mass murderers while choosing to overlook the barbarism of the Islamo-fascists whose stated objective is the extermination of the Israeli state - Gerard Jackson

It borders on treason when CNN encourages Americans to travel illegally to Cuba and to break the U.S. laws in order to further CNN’s unflinchingly support of a terrorist state undermining President Bush’s war against terrorism. The fact that Cuba has an horrendous record of human rights violations and that its leader, Fidel Castro, as recently as May 2001, has pledged to destroy us, has no bearing on CNN’s behavior.- Jesus J.Chao
Mr Jackson also subjects to mercilessly analytical scrutiny the anti-free trade arguments of those academics, bigoted journalists, and leftwing intellectuals whose economic beliefs would savage our living standards if any government was foolish enough to act upon them.

Why don't you subscribe Sceptic, should give you more to toss over than old Maggie glossies.

Aussie Joe Bugner