Youth on the Eve of War | 13.01.2003 00:03
Today's program is for you, the sons and brothers and young fathers of
America. It is a message to the young men being asked to die for their
country in the upcoming war on Iraq being planned by our enemies.
America's sons -- and I have two sons who will be of "military age" in
the next decade, so I have a personal stake in this -- are being
manipulated into becoming cannon fodder for Israel in the most sickening
display of hypocritical moralizing cant that I have ever witnessed in my
life. Today's program is for you, my sons. I don't want you to die. And
I don't want you to be hired killers.
The politicos, like Boy George Bush, who speak of "patriotism" and
"defending America's freedom" are all either knowing cynical liars or
psychopaths who can program themselves on some level to actually believe
their own Jewish speechwriters.
A few days ago president Bush spoke to 4,000 young soldiers at Fort Hood
in Texas. He broadly hinted that the second report from the weapons
inspectors in Iraq, due on the 27th of this month, will signal an
American invasion. His advance knowledge of the contents of a report
that hasn't yet been written is even more amazing than his instant
analysis of the inspectors' earlier 12,000-page report which he declared
contained "proof" of Iraqi violations of UN decrees almost the instant
it was issued. One can be sure that Bush and his overseers have decided
in advance that there will be some pretext for war, whether the
inspectors actually find anything or not. Bush's handlers are now
floating the idea of Bush's declaring this new crusade during his State
of the Union speech, to be delivered the day after the inspectors'
report is due to be released. An unnamed "senior administration
official" was quoted by the Washington Post last week as saying that
Saddam Hussein's "time will have run out" on that very day. U.S.
ambassadors have just been instructed to request help from their host
countries during the planned occupation of Iraq. No presidential travel
at all has been scheduled for February. [Washington Post, January 4th,
And American troops are massing in the Persian Gulf region. 60,000 are
now acknowledged to be there, a number that is expected to double in the
next few weeks. Unless something happens to upset the Jewish war plans,
the number that will return will certainly be a smaller one. Not only
will Americans be killed in the war, but many more will become victims
of terrorism at home as outrage against the American invasion and
occupation -- and American support of Israeli genocide -- and American
support of puppet governments -- boils over in the increasingly Third
World and increasingly Moslem population of our homeland. Not only will
Americans be killed in the war, but as we become more and more of a
garrison state in response to terrorism and perpetual war for
perpetually elusive peace -- as we become more and more like our
masters, the Israelis -- we will also kill the freedom that made America
worth defending and life here worth living and which our race needs for
its healthy development. I don't want America to become another Israel.
I don't want my sons to die needlessly. I don't want the murder and
enslavement of whole populations on my conscience, and I don't want to
pay for them with my taxes. I don't want this war. My sons, you are
being lied to by your leaders. You are being tricked into betraying
America under the guise of "patriotism."
I have absolutely no attachment to Saddam Hussein or Iraq (in fact I
think we of the White West need to be ever vigilant against incursions
from the Arab/Moslem world), but the media hoopla and politicians'
double-talk which designates Hussein as some kind of threat to America
or exemplar of "evil" is ridiculous. His regime has surrendered and
bowed down to U.S. and U.S.-engineered U.N. demands for over a decade.
How many other countries agree to limit their weapons development to
what a hostile foreign state decides is allowable? How many other
countries agree that foreign states may decide where their planes may
and may not fly over their own sovereign territory? How many other
countries have peacefully accepted an embargo that even their enemies
concede has resulted in the deaths of about half a million of their
children? How many other countries have been willing to let enemy agents
talk publicly with their top weapons scientists? Iraq's submission after
its defeat and the mass incineration of its retreating troops in 1991
has been almost total. Yet it is slated for destruction, occupation, and
the installation of a puppet regime. Why?
1. By Middle Eastern standards, Iraq is a large, advanced, and powerful
country. It is located near Israel. This in itself makes it a potential
threat to Israeli domination of that region.
2. Even though Iraq is a secular state and the government there
generally dislikes, distrusts, and disapproves of Islamic
fundamentalism, it is naturally sympathetic to the plight of the
oppressed Palestinians, to whom it is tied by blood and religion. This
also makes it a potential threat in Israeli eyes.
3. The attacks of September 11th, 2001 provide a pretext for war against
all of Israel's enemies. The Jews want to use 9/11 for all it's worth
and make war against those they see as even potential future threats as
soon as possible, while American dislike of Moslems is high and the
memory of the World Trade Center attack is still fresh. There's a lot of
evidence that Israeli intelligence knew of 9/11 in advance and did
nothing, or possibly even influenced events to make it happen, knowing
of the tremendous propaganda victory it would be in getting Americans
pepped up to kill Arabs.
4. The Jewish media and the lapdog politicians tested the ignorance and
gullibility of Americans with the war in Afghanistan. First, they
transferred the blame for the attacks from Osama Bin Laden to the
government of Afghanistan, which had nothing to do with the 9/11
attacks, on the pretext that that's where Osama, a Saudi, was living at
the time. When Afghanistan refused to waive all of its laws when
American Jews commanded them to do so, Afghanistan was attacked,
invaded, and a puppet government friendly to Jewish interests and
well-oiled by American dollars was installed. Now that they have seen
how easily the American public can be buffaloed into thinking that any
"camel jockey" (as long as he lives outside the U.S.) is an enemy of Mom
and Apple Pie and is somehow to blame for the recent terror attacks on
American soil, why not take the even more absurd step of claiming that
destroying one of Israel's biggest worries is somehow part of a "fight
against terrorism." Never mind that there is not a molecule of evidence
that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. Never mind that the current
Iraqi government loathes Islamic fundamentalism, which it regards as its
adversary for political power in the Moslem world. Never mind that Iraq
had and has no use for Bin Laden or the Taliban. All that is irrelevant.
"Camel jockeys" knocked down our buildings. That's all that matters. The
media spinmeisters do the rest. If there is still some steam in the
misled and misdirected American "patriots" after the body bags start
arriving, you may be sure that Iraq will not be the last victim of this
9/11 sting operation. The leaders of Iran and Saudi Arabia better be
making some serious contingency plans.
Ladies and gentlemen, this alleged "war on terror" of which the war on
Iraq is a part promises to be a war without a clearly definable goal, a
war without end. It promises to be a world war. It promises power to the
Jews who, they believe, will crush their enemies and steal their oil
billions, with a few billion crumbs for their gentile collaborators like
the Bush dynasty. But it also promises years if not decades of
unprecedented death and destruction, and huge costs in blood and money
to my people, the White working people of the West, who will gain
absolutely nothing by it. (Even establishment think tanks admit that the
direct costs of war may top $200 billion, and the total economic costs
may be five times that -- one thousand billion dollars. [Washington
Post, December 1st, 2002]) This is, perhaps, the most unjust of all wars
and we must not support it.
The propaganda leaflets are already falling on Iraq. The bombs have been
falling on Iraq for many months now, with the repeated justification
that Iraqis have somehow violated the "no fly" zone or that they had the
temerity to turn on their radar when foreign warplanes were surging
across their skies. In reality, the war on Iraq has already started. It
is the actual invasion that is about to begin.
I recently drove across about half of this continent, and as I did so, I
got to listen to a lot of commercial broadcast radio. All over the dial
are so-called "conservatives" frothing at the mouth for this war, a war
that will kill innocents and harm America. A war that will benefit only
the Jews. A war that will instill a hatred of America in the hearts of
many future generations in the Moslem and Arab world, a hatred that
could be healed if we stop this madness now. And all over the radio
dial, at a far higher density than a few months ago, were announcements
urging teenage boys to register for the Selective Service. That reminded
me of you, my sons. Thinking of you inspired me to speak out.
Recently, a group of actors of various political persuasions called
Artists United to Win Without War issued an interesting statement. They
stated that they are under pressure now to make war movies, and they
resent that pressure.[The Washington Times, December 14th, 2002] Cable
and satellite movie channels have been engaging in a riot of recycled
war movies, many of them dusty propaganda pieces from World War II. I
was astounded one day as I reviewed the schedule of Turner Classic
Movies over the holiday season and found that, instead of the seasonal
classics you'd expect to see at that time of year, the majority of the
films that day were war movies and war propaganda short subjects. And
other channels, owned or controlled by the same ethnic interests, are
marching in lockstep.
Country music artists have issued songs celebrating war, and even
proudly flaunting the ignorance of the singer who, he says, can't tell
the difference "between Iraq and Iran," but clearly implying that he'll
kill anyone Bush -- and by extension Bush's Jewish owners -- tells him
to kill.
My sons, that is an ignorant mentality. I do not want you to be
ignorant. I do want you to see the hypocrisy of those who claim to be
champions of human rights and freedom engaging in a slaughter of people
who have never harmed the United States of America. And I want you to
notice that none except one of the Congressmen who voted to give Bush
his "war powers" has a son in the enlisted ranks of the military. Most
of all, I want you to look at the behavior of those who are the cause of
all this war and conflict -- Israel and the Jewish world power behind
Is it Saddam Hussein's government that brazenly shoots reporters who
dare to report stories the government doesn't like? No, it's Israel:
according to the Foreign Press Association, no fewer than twenty
reporters have been fired on by Israeli soldiers while doing their jobs
and reporting on the Israeli response to the Palestinian uprising. A
group of journalists called Reporters Without Boundaries stated that
Israeli Defense Forces had shot forty reporters over a three-year
period. Amazing -- and telling -- isn't it? And doubly amazing that the
media don't choose to highlight this story when their own employees are
being attacked. [Ha'aretz, May 25th, 2001; Reporters Without Boundaries,
May 15th, 2001]
What country in the Middle East uses Christian schoolchildren as human
shields? Iraq? No -- again, it's Israel. According to the San Diego
Union-Tribune of August 31st, 2001, Israeli troops invaded a Lutheran
school in the Palestinian village of Beit Jallah, using the roof of the
school -- with the children inside -- as a base for weapons fire and
military operations against the people of the town. The Lutheran World
Federation protested, the pastor of the church and his bishop protested.
But did you hear about it? Was it on the nightly news? Was it on page
one? Were the talk hosts telling you about this outrage? Were the
Christian radio preachers telling their flocks about this outrage
against Christian children by the Jews? You can be sure that if this was
Iraqi soldiers doing this, it would have been page one material, and
another warrant for war. But no -- the Jews are always innocent, and
their crimes are not to be emphasized or highlighted in any way. It's
sinful to criticize them.
What Middle Eastern country murders children who violate curfew laws? Is
it Iraq and its wicked dictator Saddam Hussein? No. It's Israel. The
Jerusalem Post admitted on last October 16th that in only four months
fifteen Palestinians were summarily killed for mere curfew violations --
and that twelve of the fifteen, 80 per cent., were children.
Who recently openly endorsed torture as a political weapon, on "60
Minutes" no less? Was it Moslem extremists, or Saddam Hussein and his
minions, exposed for what they really are on national TV? No, it was
Jewish attorney and militant Zionist Alan Dershowitz, who once defended
O. J. Simpson. Dershowitz has the gall to claim to be a defender of
human rights while not only endorsing the admitted Israeli policy of
torturing prisoners who are captured without charge or trial or hope of
a trial, but who also wants to bring such blatantly unconstitutional
practices to the United States of America. Dershowitz wants judges to be
able to issue "torture warrants" and authorize the insertion of metal
needles under the fingernails and similar practices which cause
"excruciating pain" to people who have never even been convicted of a
crime. Creatures like Dershowitz have no right to call themselves
Americans or live under the protection of our laws and our fighting men.
Most emphatically they do not deserve to have a single drop of American
blood shed to protect them. [CBS News, January 17th, 2002; Jewish World
Review, January 30th, 2002]
What religious denomination has within its ranks prominent advocates of
the extermination of other racial and religious groups? Is it the Moslem
clerics in Iraq, or unrepentant chaplains of the former Taliban? Is it
the most wacko of the Christian fundamentalists on an anti-Semitic
spree? No -- it's a Jewish rabbi in (surprise, surprise) Israel.
According to the Palestine Chronicle of November 16th:
"A prominent Israeli rabbi with thousands of followers said during a
Sabbath homily in the settlement in Kiryat Arba'a Saturday that halacha,
or Jewish religious law, 'essentially supported the annihilation of
non-Jews in Israel.' The rabbi, Rav Leor, said most rabbinic authorities
'of the past and the present accepted the opinion that the lives of
non-Jews don't' enjoy the same sanctity as the lives of Jews.'
'Hashmadat goyem' (the extermination of non-Jews), he said was an
established principle in Jewish theology. The rabbi is affiliated with
the messianic Jewish movement known as Gush Emunim which is represented
in the Israeli Knesset by seven Knesset members. The movement is
represented in the Israeli government by Minister without portfolio Ed
Eifam of the National Religious Party."
That should give you the measure of this people, the Jews, who ask you
to lay down your lives to destroy their enemies. It should also give you
the measure of the mass media in America who do not report or grossly
underplay the outrages of Israel and of the Jewish establishment which
largely controls these media.
I could go on for a hundred programs about the hypocrisy and genocidal
agenda of the Jewish establishment. I could detail for you the Israeli
advocacy of summary state murder of the innocent family members of
accused terrorists. I could document Israel's admitted policy of
assassinating political leaders they don't like. I could show you that
Israel has violated far more U.N. resolutions than Iraq. I could show
you that Israel has the greatest cache of illegal weapons of mass
destruction in the Middle East, and that they are openly producing
nuclear weapons in violation of agreements with the United States, and
that, by law, all U.S. aid to Israel should be cut off because of this
nuclear weapons production. I could recount hundreds of grisly massacres
of innocent women and children by Israeli soldiers. I could show you how
Israel killed American sailors and tried to blame it on the Arabs in the
USS Liberty incident. I could tell you about Israel's brutal invasion
and occupation of Lebanon, which lasted for twenty years and contrast
our reaction to that to our reaction to Iraq's annexation of Kuwait.
My sons, I hope I have told you enough to spur you on to find out more
for yourselves. The information is there for those who would seek it. It
is in libraries, it is on the Internet which still remains free in 2003,
and it can be found on the growing number of radio programs like this
one which dare to break away from Jewish media censorship. I hope you
will be careful, but I also hope that you will exercise your rights to
the fullest legal extent to protect yourselves and the next generation
of our people from participating in or helping in any way this obscene
war that they are trying to start against Iraq. I hope you will not only
oppose this war, but use whatever position of trust and responsibility
you may hold to educate our people to oppose and confound the plans of
the warmongers. I urge you to make friendly contact with White
nationalists and urge them to join us in the National Alliance, and make
plans to continue your contacts even if, in the future, the Internet is
shut down or censored. I urge you to reach understandings with
nationalists of other nations and even races so that the Jewish
establishment's agenda of war and race-mixing and genocide may one day
be defeated and a brighter day will dawn on planet Earth.