Australian Prime Minister guilty of war crimes?
mad | 11.01.2003 05:41
Do the following two articles, if true, prove that the Australian PM, John Howard, is guilty of war crimes?
You decide.
You decide.
“Sub-Commission clearly decided that depleted uranium weaponry qualify as weapons of mass destruction”
“Proof Found: America, Britain Used Atomic Ammunition in Afghanistan”
If these articles are true, as would seem certain, then Howard is clearly guilty of aiding and abetting of war crimes by his decision to deploy Australian troops in Afghanistan and his failure to take a stand against such weapons.
All Howard’s talk of “Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction” is surely the ultimate hypocrisy in the light of this information.
There can be little doubt that Howard is planning to commit further war crimes in the name of all Australians by sending troops to Iraq.
With or without a UN resolution “authorising” an Iraq invasion, the use Depleted Uranium will still be a war crime and a crime against humanity.
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Between 300 and 800 tons of DU particles and dust have been scattered over the ground and the water in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
Over 900 US Dead In Afghanistan To Date
“Proof Found: America, Britain Used Atomic Ammunition in Afghanistan”
If these articles are true, as would seem certain, then Howard is clearly guilty of aiding and abetting of war crimes by his decision to deploy Australian troops in Afghanistan and his failure to take a stand against such weapons.
All Howard’s talk of “Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction” is surely the ultimate hypocrisy in the light of this information.
There can be little doubt that Howard is planning to commit further war crimes in the name of all Australians by sending troops to Iraq.
With or without a UN resolution “authorising” an Iraq invasion, the use Depleted Uranium will still be a war crime and a crime against humanity.
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Between 300 and 800 tons of DU particles and dust have been scattered over the ground and the water in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
Over 900 US Dead In Afghanistan To Date
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