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Anti-Semitic? Only If You're a Zionist!

STOP NYC Inc. | 10.01.2003 17:10

More evidence of Israeli/Zionist collaboration with Nazi Germany!

So who are the REAL anti-Semites?(hint: they are NOT Palestinians or their supporters!) See link below for the TRUTH about Israel!

The fascist U.S.and Israel must be stopped! Shut down their ecenomic rape of our planet and its people!



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10.01.2003 17:54

So, I'm no supporter of the politics of the USA, Isreal or any other state (including 'states in waiting' such as the Palestinian Authority) but to denounce them as being "fascist" is rediculous. Many forms of oppression and domination exist in this world, and have done for a long time. It's useful to get to understand what these mechanisms are and how they can function so as to devise strategies for dismantling them. Not every oppressive social system is fascist, and to use this term so freely is fucking offensive to those that suffered and died under fascism, and those that continue to today. Neither the USA nor Israel are fascsist - no matter how much you may dislike their policies.


Straw man?

10.01.2003 23:31

One way of descrediting your enemy's credibility is to set up a "straw man". That is to mimic your enemy's politics taken to an absurd extreme so that it appears ridiculous. This article seems to me to adopt exactly this method. Beware of Zionist propaganda in sheep's clothing.


What I find offencive ...

11.01.2003 11:25

... is the delusion that the usa and israel/zionism are NOT responsible for MILLIONS of deaths around the world, because they are!
Wake up, read and research history and stop living under the illusion that these FASCIST states are anything but [amongst others]
... where do you want to start; south america, middle east, south east asia ETC ETC ETC!

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