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Abdul Baluch |
10.01.2003 17:06
Pakistan GAteway to International Terror
New Page 1

Introduction: An quick introduction to this site | 
ISI: Inter Services Intelliengence Pakistan's Spy Agnecy that organizes terror |

September 11th, 2001 Connections between Pakistan and the 9/11 attacks. | 
IC-814 Hijacking Information on terrorists behind the 1999 hijacking of Indian Airline |

Maulana Masood Azhar Mastermind behind many notorious terrorist attacks and founder of several terrorist groups. | 
Omar Sayeed Sheikh Murderer of Daniel Pearl and 6 other Westerners |

Nuclear Nexus Pakistan's Nuclear Ties with North Korea, China and Al Qaeda. | 
The Taliban Connection Pakistan's Role in the founding of the Taliban. |
Abdul Baluch