Nazi postings: Enough is Enough!
Thomas J | 10.01.2003 14:00
There has been a Nazi posting on the newswire for FOUR days, and still it's not been hidden, dispite my e-mails! WAKE UP GUYS!
There has been a BNP article on this site for nearly FOUR days, why has no one got rid of it??? The URL:
Also two very racist pieces on the newswire at the moment, one of which has been on here for nearly 24 hours:
I have e-mailed the features list but this filth is still there!!! Sorry it has come to this but I see no other way of getting the messing across. Hide the offending articles, and after you have done that, hide this too as so not to advertise their presence.

Also two very racist pieces on the newswire at the moment, one of which has been on here for nearly 24 hours:

I have e-mailed the features list but this filth is still there!!! Sorry it has come to this but I see no other way of getting the messing across. Hide the offending articles, and after you have done that, hide this too as so not to advertise their presence.
Thomas J
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Looney left or wot ?
10.01.2003 15:30
LEFTY response is the usual juvenile dribble.
I took part in many very violent anti NF demo's in the seventies and early eighties. Old bill protecting the NF against the anarchists (us) and a few of tuffer middle class student types.
It seems,these days, that the so called left is nothing more than a bunch of gale force whingers, with very little to say for themselves. Expect abusive insults they hurl at the right which are very similar to the sort of crap insults that the BNP wankers hurl at Lefty wankers
If the article is so incorrect then why don't you write a detailed explanation and shut matey up with some hard facts, stop fucking whining every time some one expresses an opinion different to yours.
of course i keep forgeting it's perfectly ok to kill or maim
BNP or other undesirables from the dreaded right because the LEFT is RIGHT and RIGHT is Wrong ... makes me cringe everytime I read the learned commentators on IMC spouting off about LEFT or RIGHT .. maybe they just like getting shafted..
D Bate
oh aye
10.01.2003 16:40
For those who don't know, the BNP strategy works like this: try to force every media outlet (papers, TV, websites) to carry their material, and accuse anyone who refuses of oppressing free speech.
Further, if the material gets printed and anyone argues back, they also get accused of being against free speech.
Nonsense, if you think about it. Free speech means freedom from state censorship. It doesn't mean every media outlet must print/broadcast everything ever written. It's entirely legitimate for editors to make editorial decisions. Arguably, it's crucial to free speech that they're allowed to.
And arguing against Nazis is just as much an exercise of free speech as arguments from Nazis.
The BNP are trying to con us into one-way 'free' speech, where they can say what they like, where they like, using everyone else's resources; while at the same time anyone who challenges or argues against them is shouted down and accused of being a 'pc' censor.
Yes to REAL free speech. No to Nazis! No to the BNP!