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Actions against new immigration legislation

michael c | 06.01.2003 10:45

Words being turned into Actions:

Next Wednesday 8th January 2003, sections 55 and 57 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act (NIAA), come into force. This will throw thousands of asylum seekers into complete destitution.

Under these rules asylum seekers who do not claim asylum as soon as they arrive in the country will forfeit all rights to assistance from the National Asylum Support Service.

There has massive condemnation from refugee support groups of the new act and in particular sections 55 and 57, now the words are being turned into actions. There will be three demonstration against the new rules over the next six days.

Bristol: Saturday 4th January 2003
"The Blair Soup Protest"
organized by Bristol Defend the Asylum Seekers Campaign, full details:

Glasgow: Wednesday 8th January 2003
Protest/rally against sections 55 & 57 of NIAA, organized by Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees, full details:

London: Wednesday 8th January 2003,
'Stop the destitution of asylum seekers - Soup Kitchen Protest', Organised by: Asylum Rights Campaign, Barbed Wire Britain, Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers, National Assembly Against Racism , full details:

Background briefing: Sections *55 and *57 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act, come into force on January 8th 2003.

Reminder, our cousins across the pond are organizing a demonstration against deportations on January 25th 2003.
Canada Calling - Solidarity March with Montreal's Algerians, 'Sans Papier'

michael c