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ISM Raffah | 06.01.2003 09:45

Please come to Raffah to help with our "camp against the occupation" campaign

In Raffah over five hundred houses have been destroyed to make way for a huge metal wall on the boarder with Egypt. The destruction and constant fire along the boarder continues. International Solidarity Movement Raffa were staying in houses along the boarder hoping our dispersed prescence would lessen the violence. However, this did not stop bullets from entering the houses or homes from being demolished. So a more proactive step is being taken, we are setting up tents along the boarder. To fire through canvas would kill us, therefore we effectively block the bullets and can challenge the demolitions directly. For this we need more people, our numbers are drastically short. Come to Raffah, Gaza strip to provide international protection for the people of the town.

ISM Raffah
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