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Biotechnology Newswire Dec 30

neRAGE | 30.12.2002 15:49

The following stories and events were posted to the on the biotechnology newswire over the last 7 days. You too can post, comment, and search for some of the latest information on biotechnology. Stop by, add your stories, read, add events to our calendar and more!

| neRAGE biotechnology newswire |
The following stories and events were posted to the on the biotechnology newswire over the last 7 days. You too can post, comment, and search for some of the latest information on biotechnology. Stop by, add your stories, read, add events to our calendar and more!

| upcoming events |
Event date: 01/06/2003
Event title: Vermonter's Say No to GMOs

Event date: 01/25/2003
Event title: Non-Violent Direct Action Training, Burlington Vermont

Event date: 03/16/2003
Event title: Conference on Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals

Event date: 03/17/2003
Event title: Conference on Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals

Event date: 03/18/2003
Event title: Conference on Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals

| news stories |

Farmers Use of GM Seed Could Disturb Ecosystem

Organic Farmers Seeking Class Action Suit Against Monsanto, Aventis

Drug-Making Crops' Potential Hindered by Fear of Tainted Food

Agriculture, biotech mix uncomfortably

Controversial GM foods may threaten food security

CHINA: Non-GM Soy Brings Economic Boost

KOREA: Government Seeks Tougher Rules on GMOs

Amid a Heated U.S.-EU Clash On Biotech, Africa Goes Hungry

Spawn of Frankenstein

Center for Genetics and Society

| for more information |

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