Call for UN and World Leaders. Arab Homicide Bombings against civilians as EVIL
Barry | 29.12.2002 14:04
A Call for UN and World Leaders to Make Homicide/Suicide Bombings and Acts of Terror Against Civilians " War Crimes Against Humanity"

Some of the posts.
sharida csillag Edmonton, Alberta, Canada It is a true crime when parents raise their children as weapons!
1671. Fran Chesler Terror is terror, in the form of Airplanes or a bomb strapped someones chest. These "people" are targeting children, people shopping, those going to school. These are crimes against humanity! Maybe UN officials feel safe in the heart of NYC, go to Israel, get on a bus, stop for coffee, go to school everyday. Then say it's not terror
Viviane Koenig East Northport NY 11731 Suicide bombers are cowards who kill innocent victims of all ages, while their greedy families reap $25,000 from Iraq and $25,000 from Saudi Arabia for their child's death.
1630. Richard Blutstein Harrisburg, PA Father of Ben Blutstein z"l, murdered July 31, 2002 at the Hebrew University
1492. Markus Schechinger Baden Württemberg, Germany This PA Terror against civilian is barbaric!
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