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Indymedia Ireland NOT closing down!

Paul Kinsella | 26.12.2002 15:22

Indymedia Ireland is NOT closing down in the New Year!

Contary to the vicious lies and falsehoods being put up out there that you may have seen, Indymedia Ireland is NOT closing down in the New Year. There are procedures to be followed and we would have been notified of any even possible discussion of even thinking about closing IMC Ireland, not that that's going to happen anyway. Now I'm the first to admit not everything is perfect about IMC Ireland, but we're still on a learning curve. Now you right-wing hatemongers sling your hook and take it elsewhere. Maybe if you'se were as quick to attack Blair, Bush and own our 'Irish' 'Government's' acquiescence in the forthcoming mass murder of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and British and US servicemen and servicewomen people might take you seriously. Roll on 2003 Indymedia Ireland!

Paul Kinsella
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